"Yawang, you are a slacker." Picking got along with Duanmu Yawang for a day, and some clarified her essence. After speaking, she added with a grin: "And I'm still a ghost! Seeing my body is about the same as me, but More edible than mulberry leaves!"

"Walking around is so tiring, how can you not eat more?" She really felt that she walked like this, and occasionally used spiritual power to teleport in order to hurry, which was really too exhausting.

"Yes, yes, you can eat as much as you like." While holding her arm affectionately and walking forward with her, Cai Xie answered her previous question: "Generally speaking, I let you rest before midnight. It looks like , We can take a rest after participating in the next street."

"That's pretty much the same."

On the next street, a few people passed, and it became heavy at night.

The middle-aged man finally announced that they could rest.


Duanmu Yawang stretched out and saw many people but did not leave. He took out a piece of waste paper from the package and placed it on the ground. After sitting down, he took out a thin quilt to cover his body, or lay on the ground. Or leaning against the wall and just closing your eyes.

"Are they sleeping?"

Picker also started to unpack his own package, and replied without looking up: "Yes, sleep."


With so many people and so mixed breath, maybe there are still many people who want to snooze, how to sleep?

"What's wrong here?" Cai Xie took out both herself and the mulberry leaf quilt, and smiled at Duanmu Yawang: "You don't need to spend money to rest here. There are many people, and you are not afraid of the cold. It is good. Everyone who participates in the fight It's all like this."

Duanmu Yawang felt a little complicated, "There seems to be an inn outside?"

"Yes, there are many, but we can't afford to live." When Pick said, he was not sad, but rather calm.


At this time, Xiao Wuzheng came over with Xiao Bailu's hand, and as soon as Duanmu Ya looked back, Xiao Bailu's thigh was hugged by Xiao Bailu.

When the picker saw the little white deer, his eyes glowed, "Your brother seems to look better every time."

The little white deer hugged Duanmu Yawang's thigh, and said proudly with his chin slightly raised: "Your vision is better than ever."


I have never seen anyone who speaks like this, but Pick was amused by him and laughed.

Duanmu Ya looked at Xiao Wuzheng, "Shall we find an inn?" She was tired for a day, and she really didn't want to sleep in such an environment. It was not squeamish, she didn't want to wrong herself.

After all, she has such a condition, why should she be hypocritical?


Xiao Wuzheng agrees completely. He doesn't want to lie here with so many people at all, because he definitely can't sleep, it's a waste of time.

"Yawang, are you leaving now?"

It is not surprising to hear that they are going to live in an inn. After all, I heard that outsiders are rich, and few people who come to participate in the fight live here like them.


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "Shall we meet here tomorrow morning?"


Pick waved, "See you tomorrow."

"See you tomorrow."

Duanmu Yawang took Xiao Bailu's hand and walked out together with Xiao Wuzheng.

As he walked, Xiao Bailu asked Duanmu Yawang: "Sister, why don't you invite your friends to stay at the inn? We don't miss that money."

"Friends are equal. If I do this, I will deny others face and hurt their self-esteem. Gentlemen should not put pressure on each other."

The little white deer seemed to understand but not understand.

Duanmu Yawang: "I think it's okay to pick it carelessly, but the mulberry leaves are still a little noble. I think he definitely doesn't want to do this."


Little Bailu didn't say any more.

When they were talking, they walked to a corner, and then unexpectedly saw a sedan chair, and around the sedan chair, four deserted seniors were lying on the ground slumbering, looking exhausted.

The corners of Duanmu Yawang's mouth twitched, Xiao Bailu tweeted, and said in a small voice to Duanmu Yawang: "They don't look like poor people. There is an inn that doesn't sleep and want to sleep here?"

Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, he heard someone next to him say: "I didn't expect Miss Leng to live here with us. Miss Leng looks like she is from such a good background, and she is not picky at all."

"Miss Leng is not squeamish and approachable. How can there be such a beautiful person in this world!"

When everyone said, the words were full of beautiful words. After speaking, she also commented on the few seniors who were Leng Qingyi, "They are also children of the family, and they are not unaccustomed to it. It is so good to sleep so soundly. "

"Yes, yes!"


Listening to this evaluation, Duanmu Yawang was really speechless.

She has money to live in an inn, but she wants to sleep coldly here. She really admires Leng Tianjiao.

However, the reason why Leng Qingyi’s seniors slept so soundly, she felt that it was not because they were not used to it, but because they carried Leng Qingyi from street to street, and they were exhausted a long time ago. It's a bullpen, they can sleep soundly too!


When Xiao Wuzheng passed by, he shook his fan and smiled when he saw this scene.

"I also find it interesting."

"The little master feels boring." Little Bailu snorted: "I always feel that Leng Qingyi did this deliberately, to win people's hearts! I don't want to think about how she is so arrogant that strangers don't enter. Looks like, how could he be an approachable person?"

"Who said no."

Duanmu Yawang said indifferently: "People can afford to go out and wrong themselves, we have nothing to say."

"That's what I said, but she wants to win over people's hearts, so she doesn't drag her brothers? She is in the sedan chair, without wind or exposure, of course no problem, but her brothers have been tired for a day. It’s really miserable to have to rest like this."

After Xiao Bailu finished speaking, he said in reverse order: "Furthermore, once this kind of'approachable' starts, there is no way to end it. As long as they are still participating in the test all day, they must continue to pretend to be like this."

Duanmuya nodded his head, "Smart, it's true."

While talking, they have already come to the street.

This is 64th Street, and the environment here is not much better, it's better than 70th Street. There are also people who buy steamed buns and steamed buns on the street.

As soon as the little white deer smelled the scent of steamed buns, his saliva overflowed, "Sister, I really want to eat."

Xiao Wuzheng glanced at him, "Want to eat steamed buns or big fish and meat?"

"Big fish and meat!"

Little Bailu raised his hand and said without hesitation: "My little master wants to eat a lot of meat!"

"It's pretty much the same."

This time I look for an inn, of course, I must look for a comfortable and comfortable stay.

There are many inns here, but the environment is very average. Many inns are not as clean as the fat aunt. Duanmu Yawang will naturally not wrong herself.

Little Bailu doesn't matter. If the conditions are not good, it is the same for him to go to the cot of the medical system.

Xiao Wuzheng was more picky than Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang felt that it was similar to the Fat Aunt Inn, and felt that he could live there, but Xiao Wuzheng shook his head.

Then, keep looking.

Just looking for it like this, Duanmu Yawang has been walking for a day, and the soles of her feet are soaked, and she can't bear to say: "Just pick one of them and live there. The best inn here is definitely not as good as the Tianfeng Inn. , Don’t be so picky."

Xiao Wuzheng disagreed and continued to walk.

Duanmu Yawang gritted his teeth to keep up.

In this way, after they walked for half an hour, Xiao Wuzheng finally found a room he was satisfied with, and then stepped in.

Duanmu Ya looked at the inn, and it was indeed a lot better. As soon as he stepped forward, someone hurriedly greeted him and said with a smile, "Do you want a house for the three? One?"

When speaking, he was surprised to see Duanmu Yawang's appearance clearly.

"Two rooms."

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyelids in a fight, and didn't bother to pay attention to what other people looked at her. He yawned and asked, "How much is one room per night?"


This is a junior. He looked at Duanmu Ya for a few moments and hesitated: "I need to ask the shopkeeper for instructions to see if he can live."


Duanmu Ya looked at the words, smelled an unusual meaning, opened his tired eyes, and stared at Xiao Er: "Is there no room, or..."

"Some and some."

Xiao Er was a little timid, hesitated and said: "But you still have to ask the shopkeeper first."

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