The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1580: I didn’t fall to death in the battle, right?

Duanmu Yawang made an assertion in his heart, and felt that this battle was extremely boring, so he stopped watching.

Huang Tianjiao also glanced at the battle and then withdrew her gaze. She asked Duanmu Yawang: "Right, you said, this medicine was developed by your family?"

Duanmu Yawang was a little guilty and asked instead, "Ms. Huang asked why this is?"


Huang Tianjiao stared at her eyes and sighed, "I just think that your luck is not bad. Although you were born with a bad talent, but you still survived like this, your family's protection is indispensable?"

Duanmu Ya sighed.

The original owner's parents died young and his elder brother lost, but the grandfather was still very kind to her.

Huang Tianjiao said again: "To be honest, I've heard that people with black hair and dark eyes are all natural waste, but you can still practice now. It is because your family used medicine to transform your body veins, right?"


Duanmu Yawang was really not interested in answering questions like her.

Huang Tianjiao doesn't seem to need Duanmu Yawang's answer, half jealous and half sighing: "It would be great if I had such powerful parents. I don't have to be this age to take the test for the first time."

Duanmu Yawang frowned.

To be honest, she didn't like Huang Tianjiao's remarks.

It is not easy for her parents to give birth to her, and she should be grateful.

Everyone may have time to envy others, but at the level of parents, no matter how envy she is in her heart, she shouldn't say it.

After all, speaking out, it is easy to become disgusting and complaining.

Dislike and complain that my parents are not good enough.

This is unfilial piety!

Duanmu Yawang regretted what she said, or she shouldn't have agreed to give her the remaining five pills so happily, this Huang Tianjiao was not worth it.

Thinking of this, the eyes looking at Huang Tianjiao became a lot colder.

"Hey, what am I thinking about."

Huang Tianjiao didn't notice the look in Duanmu Yawang's eyes, but he also felt that what he said was too much. She slapped her mouth and said to herself with a wry smile: "It's really becoming less and less satisfying, and more and more unsatisfactory. ."

Duanmu Yawang felt better when he heard this.

At least, this Huang Tianjiao is not hopeless.

She still has a conscience.

"You helped me a lot this time." Huang Tianjiao raised her eyes and looked at Duan Muya: "Even if you let me lose for a while, I'm fine. Are you going to win?"

"No need."

Duanmu Yawang shook his head without hesitation, "I don't have a problem if you make a heavy or light shot. What I want is that you can't punish me after I lose."

"So simple?"

"I don't think it's easy." Duanmu Ya looked at her hands and said with a smile on her lips: "After all, if I lose and punish me for not being able to participate in the fight for five years, I can't afford such a result."

"no problem."

Huang Tianjiao nodded and promised, "I will never punish you, and I will not hit you hard and let you get hurt."

Duanmu Ya looked at it and didn't care much.

After all, it is not necessarily that she would be seriously injured if she wanted her to be seriously injured. She is not a fool, she can't hide?

"It's your turn."

At this time, Yan Yangbai glanced at them and said.


Huang Tianjiao responded and walked towards the center of the platform with Duanmu Yawang.

Yan Yangbai hasn't stepped down yet, he looked at Duan Muya and said, "You are so bold, you dare to be such a bright buyer on the stage, are you not afraid that people will drive you out of the test?"

Duanmu Yawang blinked, "The two of us negotiated terms calmly, and it was not the kind of oppressive, bullying business, so harmonious, why should we drive us out?"

Yan Yangbai rolled his eyes, "This is not going to have a bad effect in the end."

"Fighting you to death and life, it is not good to kill people, is peaceful coexistence the best goal?" Besides, before Liang Baihe threatened her like this, middle-aged men didn't know how to care about them so peacefully. Thing?

"You really don't get in oil and salt."

Yan Yangbai snorted softly, looking like she didn't want to waste time with her, and said: "If you want to pretend for a while, pretend to be a bit like." After that, he jumped off the stage.


Huang Tianjiao glanced at her, and said thoughtfully: "He seems to like you very much."


Duanmu Ya looked at the black question mark's face, "How can you see it?" Where did she see it?

"He has a great reputation on our 65th Street. The conditions at home are much better than those of ours. He also seems to have relatives working in aristocratic houses. He is very proud on weekdays. Most people rarely talk to people."

After Huang Tianjiao finished speaking, he added another sentence: "Did you not find out, he never said a word to me from beginning to end."

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyes and thought, as if it was indeed like this...

"It's weird."

Huang Tianjiao said to herself: "I heard that he is most uncomfortable with some small tricks on weekdays. I didn't expect him to know that you and I trade like this, but he is still so good to you."

"..." Is this applauded?

That young man didn't help her, and didn't give her any benefit, it was considered good?

Huang Tianjiao didn't know what Duanmu Yawang was thinking, and said: "You don't know, in fact, people on 65th Street want to have some relationship with their family, but their family members are all high-ranking, and few people have succeeded."


Duanmu Yawang shrugged, not interested in this, and asked, "Can we start?"


Their time on the stage is a bit too long. If we continue to talk endlessly, it is estimated that some people in the audience will be angry.

"You stay a little longer and avoid it carefully, I'm about to start."

Huang Tianjiao said such a warning, and then stretched out her hand and slapped Duanmu Yawang with her palm.

Duanmu Yawang quickly moved her toes back lightly.

Huang Tianjiao was taken aback by her fast dodge speed.

Of course, she didn't have much spiritual power in that palm, but Duanmu Yawang's retreat was beyond her expectation. She felt that Duanmu Yawang was not as bad as she had imagined.

In order to prevent the entire battle from becoming too fake, Huang Tianjiao weighed it up and increased his strength a lot, then tried to attack Duanmu Yawang!

Duanmu Yawang dodged sideways, and at the same time patted Huang Tianjiao's waist with a palm. Huang Tianjiao felt numbness in her waist, and at the same time staggered back a few steps.

After stabilizing, she looked at Duanmu Ya in astonishment.

Because, such a fast speed, and the strength to hit her waist, are not low, far beyond her estimate of Duanmu Yawang's strength!

Didn't she say that she won a man on Seventy Street, and she won by cheating?

Seeing her current strength, it shouldn't be like this, right?

Not only her, but even the people in the audience were surprised by Duanmu Yawang's actions. After all, although they probably guessed what agreement she and Huang Tianjiao had reached, the result of this game would definitely be false.

But they never expected that Duanmu Yawang would have such power!

"Miss Duanmu, you surprised me." Huang Tianjiao squinted, and Duanmu Ya looked back with a smile, "I'm overwhelmed, I'll just avoid it."

Huang Tianjiao didn't answer, and the palm wind violently attacked Duanmu Yawang!

Duanmu Yawang fluttered away, and the two of them touched each other, the two forces intersected and repelled, and suddenly pushed each other away.

Duanmu Yawang panted, floating back almost ten meters, standing on the edge of the platform.

Compared with her, Huang Tianjiao's situation is much more stable than her. After taking a few steps back steadily, he quickly leans forward to attack her again.

She quickly slashed a palm on Duanmu Yawang's neck almost directly.

Duanmu Yawang looked frightened, bent over to dodge, and hit back with her palm.

However, Huang Tianjiao's palm was quickly melted away by her palm, and at the same time pressed her step by step.

Duanmu Yawang hid again and again, like a headless fly. After hiding Huang Tianjiao's ten tricks continuously, Huang Tianjiao slapped Huang Tianjiao on her chest and flew directly out of the stage!


The people in the audience were surprised to see them, and they quickly clapped their hands in applause.

I thought that Huang Tianjiao was bought out, and she would definitely choose to lose to this black-eyed trash. It seems that Huang Tianjiao is still a bit selfish and has not been bought out!

Huang Tianjiao was taken aback, afraid that he would seriously hurt Duanmu Yawang, and wanted to run off the stage, but he was afraid that it would be too obvious, so he had to hold back.

However, when she thought so, Yan Yangbai took the lead to come to Duanmu Yawang, helped her up, and asked, "Should I not fall to death, right?"

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