The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1563: The sky curtain seems to hide a lot of her

Duanmu Yawang felt so excited and looked around harder.

But there are too many people, at least a thousand people. She craned her neck to look around, but she never saw Ye Nong Ying. Instead, I watched and saw the cold beauty I met in the inn before.

Leng Meiren was obviously also participating in this battle, and several of her seniors were also there.

Leng Meiren and her seniors saw her, they were two or three in line from her, stood on one side and looked at her coldly, then turned their heads with disdain.


Duanmu Yawang also retracted his gaze, and continued to look for Ye Nong Ying.

However, there are really too many people. She has a limited range of sight. After searching for a while, she couldn't find it after all.

"Hey, what are you looking at?"

The man in front of her was a man and a woman. The clothes on the tops were ordinary, even a little old, and they looked about her age. They looked at her with curiosity.

"Find someone."

"Who are you looking for?" A man and a woman followed her gaze, full of interest: "Do you have the same eyes and hair as you?"


Before Duanmu Yawang spoke, the girl chuckled excitedly: "By the way, this is the first time I have seen a person with eyes and hair like you in so long!"

Duanmu Ya listened and looked up at the girl.

It was a plain face, but with a pair of purple eyes and silver hair, she had the innocence and beauty of a girl, but she was not contemptuous.

She was a little curious, "How did you react when you saw me?"


The girl blinked, "Should I react?"

The man next to the girl stretched out his hand and flicked the girl's head, and said with an aura: "The black-haired and dark-eyed person is extinct. Didn't you listen to the roadside storyteller?"

"Oh, yes."

The girl suddenly realized, and then stared at Duanmu Ya with even more surprise, "The storyteller should be talking, nonsense, people with black eyes and black hair, isn't he still alive and well? He looks so beautiful!"

So sincere, so casually speaking a beautiful sentence, Duanmu Yawang hasn't heard anyone speak so frankly for a long time.

Her eyes softened. Before she could speak, someone next to her sneered, "It is said that people exiled on the street are closed to poverty. It seems that it is really correct. They are like frogs at the bottom of the well, and they are facing black eyes. I am not afraid to lose the face of the person with purple eyes!"

The other party was not too far away from them. Whether it was Duanmu Yawang, the girl, or the man, they heard it and looked up in that direction.

It was a 20-year-old man with a brocade suit and good-looking appearance, but his face was full of arrogance.

When the young man saw the Taoist man, he fell silent and looked timid.

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyes and looked at the man at each other, but the man snorted and turned back to look at him with an expression that looked like Duanmu Yawang had dirty her eyes.

Duanmu Yawang also retracted her gaze, watching the girl patted her chest in shock, and raised her eyebrows: "Are you afraid of him?"


The girl put her index finger to her lips, and said anxiously: "These people, at first glance, are foreigners, and they are foreigners with a lot of ability. They have a lot of relationships with the nobles and annoy them, but there is no good fruit."

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "The outsiders are all related to the nobles?"

"That's for sure." The girl curled her lips and said: "We are exiled from the street, but there is a canopy guarded by the sky, and the sky is controlled by the Tianzhu, and the control of the Tianzhu is the nobleman. If it is not a nobleman, outsiders cannot enter. ."

"Sky curtain?"

Tianzhu Duanmu Yawang had heard it before, but it was the first time she had heard about the sky.

The girl stared at her wide-eyed, "Don't you even know the sky?"

Duanmu Yawang hadn't spoken yet, but the man next to the girl who rarely spoke, said, "Actually, you are also an outsider?"

"Huh?" The girl was dumbfounded, but quickly patted her head again, and said with a startled look: "Yes, you are so beautiful and so special. If you are really from us, your reputation is on Seventy Street. It must be very loud, I can't have heard it."

Duanmuya laughed and laughed, neither denying nor affirming, persistently asked: "What is the sky?"


The girl pointed her index finger to the sky, "The enchantment above."


Duanmu Yawang twisted her eyebrows: "This kind of barrier exists in the entire Banquet Street?"

"That's natural."

The girl tilted her head and looked at her curiously, "Even though you are an outsider, you shouldn't know anything. When you came in, didn't you notice it?"

Really not.

How did she get here?

Duanmu Ya looked back and thought about it, Xiao Wuzheng used her spacecraft to carry her over, and when he came down, he brought her over, and immediately went to 64th Street.

From the sky to the street, she didn't feel the so-called enchantment.

Could it be that the barrier is too weak, so she can't feel it?

But... Enchantment originally needs a certain amount of power to form. If there is an enchantment, she can't feel it...

But when Xiao Wuzheng brought her down, she really didn't feel the enchantment.

So, what is going on here?

"What are you thinking about?"

The girl seemed to really like Duanmu Yawang. Seeing her in a daze, she stretched out her hand and shook her in front of her, "You seem to be thinking about a lot of things."


Although Duanmu Yawang said so, her eyes were deep. She felt that the things Xiao Wuzheng brought her this time were not as simple as she had imagined.

There are so many things that I feel can't stand scrutiny.

Perhaps, after the test, she should ask Xiao Wuzheng.

"What do you mean? Are you thinking about things?" The girl stared at Duanmu Yawang very seriously. When she looked at her, she was still full of envy. Beautiful, this is the first time I have seen such a beautiful person."

"You're talking nonsense again."

The man looked around vigilantly, and stretched out his hand to cover the girl's mouth, "I told you to go out, don't talk nonsense, why can't you remember?"

Duanmu Yawang felt that the girl was too cute.

After listening to the man's words, she glanced around, but found that the people around her looked at the girl's eyes with a lot of unkindness.

Most of these unfriendly gazes come from outsiders who are well-dressed and have female partners.

People with purple eyes are always proud, and they also have purple eyes and silver hair as their beauty. I guess they can't stand someone who thinks a black-haired and black-eyed person looks better than them.

Duan Muya narrowed her eyes and said to the man lightly: "Let her go, covering your mouth is uncomfortable."

Her face was faint, but there was an aura on her body. The man looked at her in a daze, and involuntarily obediently let go of the hand covering the girl's mouth.

The girl was free, snorted, and stared at the man fiercely.

The man was helpless.

"Are you brothers and sisters?" It was boring anyway, and some people were willing to talk to her, so Duan Mu Yawang started chatting with them.


The girl smiled and stared at her face with almost obsessive eyes, "My name is Caiji, my cousin Sangye, what's your name?"

"Duanmu Yawang."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he let them take a look at the cloth strip in his hand.

"Four words." When Picking said, he pushed back the cloth strip in her hand, and said with a smile: "I can't recognize words, I can only count."

As soon as Duanmuya looked at her eyes, she took the banner back and changed the subject: "Do you have any confidence in participating in the fight this time?"

"There must be confidence, but we have to see which street it can be."

"What about this street?"

"That's okay."

When picking said, she also asked her: "What about you, do you have confidence?"

Duanmu Yawang nodded, and Sang Ye looked at her in surprise, but she didn't say anything. The girl exclaimed and couldn't help but stretched out her hand and pulled her sleeves, begging: "Then, then you can be with me. Huh? My cousin is a man, which is sometimes inconvenient."

This was not an impolite request, Duanmu Yawang pondered for a moment and nodded.


Picking cheered, "Then it's settled, don't lie to me!"


Although it took a bit more to pick, it is really unpleasant. Duanmu Yawang still likes her. "Which street do you think you can go to?"

"Not sure."

Picking innocent hands, "but my cousin said, I should be able to surprise around 65th Street."

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