Duanmu Ya looked for a moment, took out the piece of cloth that Xiao Wuzheng had given her from the embroidered bag and handed it to the person in black.

The person in black looked at the cloth strip, then looked around her twice, and said to the people behind him: "Report the situation and let someone check it."


The person behind the black-clothed person responded. Before he left, Xiao Wuzheng said with a deep eye: "You have already had the voucher, why do you still need to check it? I haven't heard of it for so long. I have the voucher to enter. This door needs to be checked."

Xiao Wuzheng dressed in a low-key dress, but his momentum was good, and with this face, the people in black were a little jealous of him.

However, they looked at Duanmu Yawang again, and said coldly: "It's not that we deliberately found faults. It's just that we have encountered such a situation for the first time in so many years. In order to avoid mistakes, report it. I also hope that Mr. will not be embarrassed."

"It makes sense?"

Xiao Wuzheng sneered, "Now this time, we are the last to come. If you check and check, after the time has passed, wouldn't we come here for nothing?"

The black-clothed person narrowed his eyes, "This can't blame us, sir, you know your special situation a long time ago, and you should have come earlier. You just came now, but it makes people suspect that he has been working hard."

In other words, they came by pinch of time, maybe they deliberately avoided this ‘special inspection’?

This is not the first time Duanmu Yawang has been treated unfairly, but every time Duanmu Yawang feels angry and funny, of course, he has an impulse to beat others.

She took a deep breath and said: "I..."

Xiao Wuzheng didn't give her a chance to continue. He stretched out his hand and took out something from his waist and shot at several people in black.

The complexions of several people in black immediately changed, "It turns out to be..."

Xiao Wuzheng was cold and indifferent: "Then can we go in now?"


Several people in black immediately gave way to a spacious road, and bowed their heads and reminded respectfully: "It's less than a quarter of an hour from the beginning, please go in quickly, please."


Xiao Wuzheng nodded, and was still stunned when he saw Duanmu Yawang, and said with an aura: "Didn't you hear what others said, why don't you go in soon?"


Duanmu Ya looked back to her senses, and hurriedly followed.

After entering, Xiao Wuzheng took her abruptly, and Duanmu Yawang was very curious, "Mr. Xiao, what did you show them just now?"

When he took out the things, she happened to stand side by side with him, his hands were stretched forward, and she and Xiao Bailu couldn't even see what was in his hands.

Just because I can't see it, I'm so curious!

"Do you care?"

Xiao Wuzheng returned two words without looking back.

Duanmu Yawang washed her feet and hesitated, "Curious!"

"Oh." Xiao Wuzheng said indifferently: "But I don't intend to satisfy your curiosity."


It's stingy.

Duanmu Yawang walked quickly, rubbing the tip of his nose sullenly, still unwilling to guess: "Could it be the token given to you by your Fang family friend?"

Xiao Wuzheng glanced back at her at this moment, then smiled suddenly: "You still have some brains."

"That is, I guessed it right?"

Xiao Wuzheng turned his head and did not answer.

Xiao Wuzheng took her to turn left and right for a while, and soon they went to a place full of people.

That field is a place similar to a stadium.

The place is faithfully round, with a wide platform in the middle, and stools made of stone on the periphery of the circle, which can seat many people.

When they entered, there was already a loud voice, and the auditorium was almost full of people.

"So many people?"

Xiao Bailu was taken aback, and tightly grasped Duanmu Yawang's hand: "Then what's the next process?"

Duanmu Ya looked at Xiao Wuzheng with a look full of curiosity.

"Did you see the side of the table?"

As he walked, Xiao Wuzheng pointed to the direction of the stage, and looked at Duan Muya: "Didn't there be a lot of teams there? They are arranged in queues. Look at the order on your horizontal bar. You can just line up there. ."

Duanmu Ya took a look, and really found that there were many lines there.

She slapped, "Are those all those who participated in the fight?"

"Not really."

Xiao Wuzheng was expressionless, "I can only say that they are all people who participated in the test."

"Testing?" Duanmu Yawang blinked, "How do you say?"

"Didn't I say that before participating in the battle, do I have to test the strength value?" Xiao Wuzheng was out of anger. "If the strength value is not up to the standard, he has no right to participate in the battle."

"I see."

Little Bailu was a little excited, "Lord... Sister, you probably haven't tested your strength for a long time, right, this time you can see your level!"

Duanmu Ya looked at it and nodded.

Indeed, she has never been sure what level she is now, and now it is good to test it.

However, Xiao Wuzheng poured cold water on them in a chilly manner, "You have been thinking too much, there are so many people here, but there is no time to test your full strength again. This test bench has only one test value."


Duanmu Yawang was a little disappointed, "That would be a shame."

Xiao Wuzheng ignored her and urged: "Don't be too slow, go find your queue, and quickly go to the queue."


Duanmu Ya looked obediently going, remembering the little white deer she was holding, and said to Xiao Wuzheng: "Help me take care of my little boy." As he said, she shoved Xiao Bailu's hand into Xiao Wuzheng indiscriminately. Hands.

Xiao Wuzheng and Xiao Bailu stared at each other.

Duanmu Yawang took two steps, remembering something, and then asked Xiao Wuzheng: "If the strength value matches, you can participate in the fight?"



Xiao Wuzheng was not angry: "Seventh Street, if every street is fighting, when will there be so many people in the polar area?"

Duanmuya was stunned, "In other words, can you enter another street with just the strength value?"

"Generally speaking, this is the case, but there are also special circumstances."

Xiao Wuzheng shrugged, "In order to get a lot of people, I use a method to increase my strength. Therefore, a few people will be selected to fight for strength. The selected people, as long as they have the strength, can apply. challenge."


Duanmu Yawang always felt a little bad, "What about after the challenge?"

"After that, if you can meet the challenge, you can enter the lower street. If you can't meet the challenge of anyone, you won't be able to enter the next street."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, and there was something to ask. Xiao Wuzheng's forehead suddenly jumped up, "Shut up, go quickly, do you seem to miss this fight? Or do you actually want me to take care of the children more?"


Duanmu Yawang hurriedly took the cloth strip to find the queue he was in.


The number on the cloth strip of Duanmu Yawang is this. As she walks, she pays attention to the number in the circle.

After walking for a while, I found the queue I was in, and stood in panting.

As soon as she arrived, everyone next to her turned their heads and stared at her.

In fact, when Duanmu Yawang appeared in the circular circle, she attracted a lot of people's attention, and she knew it. She was almost immune to such gazes.

Therefore, I didn't care at all and breathed my breath.

After breathing, he straightened up and looked around in every possible way.

Accidentally, she met a pair of familiar eyes, "Ye Nong Ying?"

She subconsciously called out the name, but soon she realized something was wrong, because this face was completely different from Ye Nongying's face.

Ye Nongying is very beautiful, and this person has only one pair of beautiful eyes and a very ordinary face.

Moreover, Ye Nongying's eyes are beautiful eyes that coexist evil and heroic spirits, but these eyes look very gentle and clean, and Ye Nongying's eyes are also two people.

Ye Nongying always likes to look at the eyes. Whether it is deep or not, it also starts with the eyes.

This person's eyes are still very similar to Ye Nong Ying.


The eyes are similar, but the look in the eyes really can't deceive people. This person is obviously not Ye Nong Ying, and he doesn't know how Ye Nong Ying is now.

In other words, if Ye Nong Ying comes, it is most likely to be in the team!

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