Duanmu Yawang nodded, before speaking, Picking said again: "But my cousin said that for the first time I participated, I was able to enter Sixty-Fifth Street. It is already very good, and I am also very satisfied."

It sounds like you have entered Sixty-Fifth Street.

Duanmu Yawang could not laugh or cry.

Sang Ye obviously thought of this too, silently holding his forehead, but didn't interfere too much.

"What about you? You don't have a general guess about yourself?" Picking up does not give up, "I heard that everyone who participates in this will have a rough estimate."

Duanmuya really wanted to know when she saw her, she touched her chin, pondered for a moment, and said a relatively plain number, "Go ahead and talk about it at thirty streets."


Picking exclaimed, staring at her incredibly, "Three, thirty? You, are you sure?"

Mulberry also glanced at her in surprise, her eyes didn't fluctuate much.

There have been other people around you closely watching Duanmu Yawang, and their conversation was obviously heard, and there were bursts of snickering around.

"A dark-eyed person actually said that he could enter Thirty Street at once. This is probably the funniest joke I have ever heard when I grow up."

"Yes, someone who can enter dozens of streets at once must be a master of masters, she really doesn't know anything about herself!"

"that is."

Duanmu Yawang naturally heard the ridicule on Thursday.

She swept around blankly.

The people around realized that her gaze was not afraid, and gave her a malicious and contemptuous gaze.

Pick pulled her sleeves, "You, don't be angry, don't care about what people say."

"I do not mind."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "They can't control my emotions."

"You are so generous." The person who picks the praise is really not stingy. "The average person must be very angry."

Duanmu Yawang smiled, "That proves that I am not an ordinary person."


Picking no objection, she looked at her face, hair and eyes time and time again.

This is the first time that Duanmu Yawang has met someone with such a good vision, but he has always been looked at with such envy and a little pressure. He laughed and said, "You have been watching for so long, haven't you seen enough?"


Picking her face hot, she stuck out her tongue embarrassedly, "I, I will try to restrain myself."

After speaking, she remembered something, and suddenly said seriously: "Speaking of which, you still have to be a little low-key. You can't talk nonsense. Enter 30th Street. How can you say that?"

Duanmu Yawang was surprised, "I have such strength, why can't I say it?"

"Puff!" Duanmu Yawang's words didn't deliberately lowered and said, other people listened carefully, and naturally they heard them, and they made waves of disdainful snickers.


Picking was also startled, and even more anxious, "Didn't you say that you don't even know which street you can enter? If so, how come you feel that you can enter Thirtieth Street at once?"

Duanmu Yawang was overwhelmed by her question. After thinking about it, she was about to speak when there was a sound of gongs and drums in front of the table.

As soon as the gongs and drums sounded, the surrounding area suddenly became quiet.

Duanmu Ya looked towards the stage, only to realize that at some point on the stage, a purple stone was actually placed in the middle of the stage.

The purple stone is as big as the mouth of the basin. Moyue goes to the waist of the person and appears as a cylinder. On the whole, it is very beautiful, and it is very valuable at first glance.

The stone was closely guarded by a circle of people in black.

Seeing the stone, the surroundings suddenly became noisy again. Everyone's eyes were full of surprises when looking at the stone. Duanmu looked around and asked the picker: "Is this a test stone?"


Picking up while staring at the test stone while chatting with her: "I've seen it for the first time. I heard that it is a big purple stone. I still don't believe it. Now it seems to be real, really good. Pretty."


As soon as the picking words fell, there was another sound of gongs and drums on the stage.

On the stage, a middle-aged man with a sheep moustache on his chin walked to the test stone and said in a loud voice: "The time is up. It's the old rule. Everyone is in a queue. They come up one by one. Go down and line up immediately after the test."

The man was not wordy at all. After speaking, he stepped back two steps and said: "The first one in the first column, come out, and the ones below will quickly follow up."

His words fell, and Duanmu Ya looked at the right side and there was a commotion.

Soon, Duanmu Yawang saw someone stepping onto the platform and reaching out to the stone.

The stone suddenly changed from deep purple to light purple.


Take a look, put his hands in his heart, and said with envy.

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Is this over?"

"Yeah!" Picking up: "If the stone flashes red suddenly, it's nothing."

When she said, Duanmu Yawang listened and watched closely on the stage. As soon as the picking words fell, she saw the second person's hand stretched out on the stone, the stone flashed with a red light.

The second man suddenly let go of his hand in frustration.

The third hurried to keep up.

In this way, testing one after another, the speed is very fast.

Duanmu Yawang guessed. There were about ten people in a queue, and the practical time for each queue was only half a minute. Duanmu Yawang calculated that it would only take her turn for about forty or fifty minutes.

Among them, there are many more people flashing purple on the screen than those flashing red.

Out of a hundred people, at most only a dozen are red.

Picking sighed: "It turns out that there are still so many people who are not up to the standard, eh, it's a pity, this time the money is too wasteful."

Sang Ye said: "It's not your money, what do you feel bad about?"

"It's hard to make money."

Pick is still sighing, "It's so expensive to participate once. I don't know how long it will take to earn. I think everyone is very sure that they will only participate if they can go up a few blocks in a row!"

"You are you, people are people, you don't have to worry about it." Sang Ye was still relatively calm. When he said, he glanced at Duanmu Ya and said lightly: "Besides, not everyone has money like us. It's hard to earn."


Only then did Pick think of something, touched the tip of his nose, and awkwardly asked Duanmu Yawang: "Miss Duanmu, did you get stolen money when you came in here?"

Duanmu Yawang smiled and shook his head.

I picked it up, patted my chest, and breathed a sigh of relief, "That's okay, that's okay."

Duanmu Yawang thought of the people here stealing sexually, and she was taken aback for a moment, looking at the pick.

Picking scratched his head, his face was shy and bitter, "Don't worry, Miss Duanmu, I haven't stolen money, otherwise we won't have to earn so long to come."


Although Sang Ye was from 70th Street, he unexpectedly had the arrogance of a clear man. He pursed his lips and said, "We don't steal or steal."


Duanmu Yawang nodded, "I believe you."

If they steal it, they don't have such a clean and comfortable temperament.

Picking laughed, and continued to chat with Duanmu Yawang.

When Sang Ye heard it, her eyes were much gentler. After all, these outsiders are actually very noble. When talking about the people on Seventieth Street, they all think they are thieves, and their eyes are full of contempt.

Only the woman in front of her, her eyes are gentle, and she doesn't have any emotions of despising people.

What Sang Ye thought Duan Mu Ya couldn't know, she watched and chatted with Pick.

The two chatted and talked, and soon it was the team of Ninety-Seven next to them. Suddenly, Pick took a deep breath, patted his mouth, and said nervously: "Hey, we are almost here, so nervous and nervous. ..."

"What's so nervous?" Sang Ye didn't take it seriously. "A person's strength is already placed here. Whether it can be achieved is a matter of strength."

"That's what I said, but I'm still nervous." Picking said, turning around to ask Duanmu Yawang: "Miss Duanmu, are you nervous?"

Duanmu Yawang shook his head.

Just test it, there's really nothing to worry about.

"Well, why am I the only one nervous?" Picking wrinkled his nose, accusing him, "You are not gregarious at all."

"Here we are."

Duan Muya saw that she was still patting her chest and talking, her chin raised, and she reminded: "Go ahead."

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