The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1553: Twenty gold ingots, you can eat and live!

The same is in the Seventy District, the Seventy District on North Street and the Seventy District on West Street, there is really not much difference, there are filthy and rotten areas everywhere, and barrenness can be seen everywhere.

In such a place, even the central area is not much better.

They spent half an hour strolling in Moyue in the central area, but they didn't find a suitable place to rest their feet.

Because these places are too shabby.

When Xiao Wuzheng took Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu all the way, many people inadvertently came over and bumped them, or touched them, but with previous experience, Duanmu Yawang was already well prepared and put on his body. There is nothing missing.

However, Duanmu Yawang also discovered that when walking, she occasionally saw some well-dressed people. When those people saw her, their eyes flashed with surprise, and even more contempt.

Duanmu Yawang rarely came into contact with this kind of gaze in Exile Street. In this low-level area, these civilians are poor, as if they only have money in their heart, so they don't care about your eyes.

Therefore, she had never met a contemptuous look when she came out of Zhufu to the Seventieth District of West Street.

These people suddenly had such a look, which made her a little puzzled.

Could it be that these people are the nobles of North Street?

Xiao Wuzheng seemed to have seen what kind of doubts, and said lightly: "Don't worry about them, they should all appear on the battle stage tomorrow, and they might fight with you."

"They also fight?"

Duanmu Yawang was stunned for a moment, and soon reacted, "You mean, they are just like me, they are all foreigners, people fighting in North Street?"

Xiao Wuzheng nodded, "Otherwise, in this Seventy Street, you can't see such a dressed person, and such a proud person."

Duanmu Yawang understood. Just about to speak, Xiao Wuzheng suddenly smiled evilly and suggested: "These people look down on people. Sometimes they are even more annoying than some thieves on 70th Street. When they look at you, You should also take a good look at them. Minger is on the platform and beat them up to see if they still have long eyes on their heads."


Duanmuya glanced at him, "Don't be too boring." She didn't bother to remember people like that, wasting her time and energy!

"All right."

Xiao Wuzheng naturally didn't force it. He was just bored and just said casually.

Duanmu Yawang didn't know how big the Banquet Street was, but every district, even the 70th district, was very vast. The so-called central district, they also walked for more than half an hour, and they didn't find a suitable place to stop.

Little Bailu is so small that the soles of her feet are blistering, and her little face is wrinkled like a bun: "I'm almost exhausted. Can we just stop picking, find a place and sit down? Is it okay!"

Duanmu Ya looked at Xiao Wuzheng, raising her hand, tired and thirsty: "I agree."


Xiao Wuzheng shook his head helplessly, suddenly raised his eyes to see a house, and said: "It seems to be good, let's go and take a look?"


The three of them walked over.

Upon closer inspection, it was surprisingly a small inn. The inn was not big, but it looked clean and there were not many people. As soon as they approached, they smelled the fragrance of food.

And around the small inn, probably because of the smell, there are many shabby, dirty-faced children around the door looking up into the inn.

Little Bailu watched, biting her tender index finger, and pouting silently.

Duanmu Yawang knew that he didn't need to say that he felt that these children were pitiful and felt sorry for them.

However, there are too many poor people in this world.

"Guests, are you staying at the hotel?" As soon as they stepped into the inn with their front feet, there was a chubby, thirty-year-old, very happy woman who greeted her with a smile and squinted her eyes.


Xiao Wuzheng nodded, and smiled at the corners of his lips, "I wonder if there is still room?"

"There are two more." The fat woman said with a smile, and asked: "You are a family of three, do you want one?"


When these words came out, Duanmu Yawang, Xiao Wuzheng and Xiao Bailu all had black lines on their faces.


The fat girl also felt that she might have said something wrong, and hurriedly said haha, "Sorry, sorry, but the three distinguished guests all look like immortals and look so beautiful, so I misunderstood."

After that, I asked again: "I wonder if the three want one room or two rooms?"

"Two rooms."

It was Duanmu Yawang who spoke. When the fat woman heard it, they immediately invited them to the counter. While taking out the account book from the counter, she asked neatly: "Please tell me about the three names."

Duanmu Yawang talked to Xiao Bailu.

When it was Xiao Wuzheng's turn, he said, "Xiao Lingfan."


Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu looked at him one after another. This Xiao Wuzheng was too shameful. They used the name of Xiao Lingfan when they were away from home!

I don't know if this is the first time or if I have tried it before.

Xiao Wuzheng met Duanmu Yawang's contemptuous gaze, and said without any psychological pressure: "Don't worry, I always call this name when that little kid is not by my side."

In other words, he used the name Xiao Lingfan to bluff and swindle almost every time he went out?

Duanmuya gave a double-tish, staring at Xiao Wuzheng with wide-eyed eyes. She had seen someone shameless, and had never seen such a shameless one!

The fat woman awkwardly grabbed the brush and wrote the names of the three people, and then asked, "How long do the three live?"

"one night."

"One night?" The fat woman raised her head, her big eyes were almost narrowed by the flesh of her eyelids, she said: "Are you sure? My inn is very popular, and every year the fight is like a master. Well, don’t think that you can win the fight. If you can’t win, you can’t enter the 69th district and you can’t leave the 70th district within seven days. Where will you live by then?”

Duanmuya couldn't laugh or cry, and blinked at the fat woman, "We are poor, so we can only live for one night at the moment, and we will live in the suburbs tomorrow."

"Is it?"

The fat woman looked suspiciously at her, Xiao Wuzheng and Xiao Bailu.

Duanmu Yawang let her look at it.

The fat woman looked for a moment, and finally fixed her gaze on Duanmu Yawang's black hair and dark eyes, and sighed, "I thought you were lucky, it seems I was wrong."

Duanmu Yawang: "..." So, is she not a blessed person now?

The fat woman made some tricks, and finally said: "One room has ten gold ingots per night, and two rooms have twenty gold ingots. Food is not included, and food is not included."

"So expensive?"

This is beyond the imagination of Duanmu Yawang. In such a poor place, the openings are actually calculated with gold ingots. Besides, this small inn is really ordinary, just cleaner.

It's far from the inn she lived in Fuyun Street back then!

Most importantly, food is not included!

The fat woman was a little contradictory. She stared at Duanmu Ya for a few times, as if she couldn't bear it, closed her eyes and waved her hand: "Okay, for the sake of you are not blessed, twenty gold ingots, you can eat it. Living!"


Duanmu Yawang really didn't know whether to cry or laugh.

The fat woman didn’t wait for her to speak, and whispered: “You don’t want to think it’s expensive. When is it, we will make money from these few days. This is the cheapest price we offer. If you pay Sorry, I can't help it."

Duanmu Yawang said helplessly: "No, we want it."

When she said, she reached into the small purse and drew it out, just to take out twenty gold ingots.


The fat woman took the gold ingots, wrote their names on the notebook obliquely, turned out from the counter, and waved to them, "Come on, I'll take you to see the room. If you have anything you need, you can Tell us, what we can do, we will do it for you."

The fat woman said as she took them up the stairs.

Duanmu Yawang took Xiao Bailu while listening, feeling interesting, "I don't know what you can do, what are there?"

The fat woman looked back at her, "You little girl really can't speak, this matter is so wide-ranging, what do you want me to say?"

This small inn has a total of three floors, and it seems that the second and third floors are all guest rooms.

The woman took them to the third floor.

The structure of the third floor is a long corridor in the middle, and the two sides of the corridor are wing rooms. The structure is similar to those hotels in Duanmu Yawang's previous life.

Duanmu Yawang took a look, and Duanmu Yawang found that the inn was small, and there were five or six doors on each side of the corridor.

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