"I see."

Duanmuya looked thoughtful.

Xiao Wuzheng raised his hand and looked at the high wall: "Unfortunately, it is said that thousands of years ago, for some unknown reason, the heavens were furious, the gods were extinct, the immortals were wiped out, and the ladder of heaven had already collapsed. Now the ascension has long been a legend. It's all beings."

Duanmu Ya looked at this, just as Xiao Wuzheng's emotions, thinking of the situation on Seventy Street, "Seeing the surrounding environment, I can hardly confuse this Banishment Street with the Fuyao Street you mentioned."

"Naturally can't talk about it."

Xiao Wuzheng said indifferently: "Why Banquet Street is called Banquet Street, because it is said that tens of thousands of years ago, Tiandao thundered and struck Fuyao Street when he was furious. It never stopped for three days and three nights, and the crowds of beasts surged. It seems to be destroying Fuyao Street!"

"Because of this, there is no Fuyao Street in this world. Fuyao Street used to be pityed by the heavens, but now everyone feels that the Way of Heaven is about to give up and eliminate Fuyao Street. Therefore, it is gradually called a street of exile by everyone."

Duanmu Yawang was fascinated, "Then what?"

"Where is there and then?" Xiao Wuzheng was frustrated. "The exile on the street gradually became what we see now, a man full of sin, poverty, greed, injustice, power, and hierarchy. A place has nothing to do with'Xian'."

Duanmu Yawang frowned, and asked Xiao Bailu in a voice transmission: "Are you born ten thousand years ago?"

Little Bailu blinked and pointed his finger: "Come out, come out."


Duanmuya twitched at the corner of her mouth: "You don't even know whether you were born or not?"

"My little master has no memory of entering the source of Linghu. I think I have spent a long time before, but...no memory means no memory, how can anyone know it!"

If it weren't for Xiao Wuzheng, Xiao Bailu would really want to kick his legs.

"Okay." Duanmu Yawang barely got past this stalk, and asked again: "Then since you have a memory, have you ever heard anything about the anger of the heavens?"

Little Bailu shook his head innocently.

Before Duanmu Yawang could speak, he said again: "The little master slept a lot, and when he woke up, it seemed that the purple light of the nine heavens had disappeared. The little master didn't think about the extinction of the gods, and then went on to sleep... "

The more he speaks, the more guilty he is.

Duanmu Yawang understood that Xiao Bailu had missed all the news about the heavens because of his snooze!

He really can!

Duanmu Yawang was about to be grinned by him.

"Miss Duanmu, what are you thinking?" Suddenly, Xiao Wuzheng asked her weirdly.

"Oh, no." Duanmu Yawang coughed lightly, looked at the wall, and smiled: "I'm just thinking, aren't we going to the gate between the two streets, why wait here?"

Xiao Wuzheng laughed: "Because the door is here."


Duanmu Ya stared blankly, looked left and then looked again, "Where? Why didn't I see it?" Could it be like that kind of space-time gate that can appear out of thin air, right?

She thought so, and suddenly, there was a rumbling sound, and at the same time, the ground she was sitting on also vibrated.

"Depend on!"

Duanmu Yawang abruptly stood up holding the little white deer, with a little tiptoe, soaring into the air, and said in amazement, "Did there an earthquake?"


Xiao Wuzheng stood up calmly without saying a word, and while tidying up the cloth strips laid underground, he said lightly: "Look at the wall for yourself."

Duanmu Yawang twisted her head to look at the wall in confusion. With this look, she found that the originally strict wall with no cracks had two cracks.

The two cracks are separated by a distance of about two meters.

Duanmu Yawang didn't understand what was wrong with this wall, so he saw that the wall between the two cracks actually rose slowly...


Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu both opened their mouths wide.

"The door you want, isn't this coming?" Xiao Wuzheng said.

Duanmu Ya looked at it, and then realized that the two-meter-long wall that rose was indeed no different from a two-meter-long door...

"Why are you still stunned, why don't you come down soon?" Xiao Wuzheng raised his head and glanced at her, and said with no good air: "As a cultivator, you are still afraid of earthquakes. Are you embarrassed?"

"The power of nature is infinite. What's wrong with the earthquake?" Duanmu Yawang snorted disapprovingly, but still hugged the little white deer and landed on the ground.

She fell underground, and Xiao Wuzheng said: "Let's go, I'm going in."

Duanmu Yawang hugged the little white deer and followed.

Because the wall is very thick and tall, the speed of the rise is not fast. When they walked over, they rose more than one meter high. Duanmu Yawang squatted down, staring at the entrance curiously, and wanted to see if it was that entrance. The environment is the same as here.

However, as soon as I looked in that direction, I met a pair of eyes.

She was taken aback, staggered, sitting on the ground with her hips, and the little white deer she was holding almost threw it out.

"Wow, sister, what are you doing?" Little Bailu hugged her neck in fright.

Duanmu Yawang was still in shock, and because of Xiao Bailu's movements, her vision was blocked, and she couldn't see those eyes. She wanted to look at the entrance again, and Xiao Wuzheng grabbed her by an arm and pulled her. I got up and said with a bad air: "You are a girl from a family, do you have to be polite, just now so rude and rude, you have done it!"

Duanmu Yawang was about to answer, and a respectful voice came from the front, "Is it Mr. Xiao, please?"

Upon hearing the sound, Duanmu Yawang, Xiao Bailu, and Xiao Wuzheng followed the sound.

At this glance, he saw several people wearing black robes and sabers standing two or three meters away from them.

The strength of these people is good, especially the one standing in the front, looks very young, as if it was what he said.

Xiao Wuzheng nodded: "It's me."

"The subordinate is the person responsible for opening the door for you. How many people do you have in total this time?" It was the young man standing in the front who spoke.

Duanmu Yawang looked at him, and then at the other people behind him. The others looked much more ordinary than the young man, and they were as calm as the young man.

Duanmu Yawang looked at them, frowning.

Although she was against the light just now, she squatted and didn't see the right pair of eyes clearly, but those eyes were full of jokes, and the arcs were very beautiful, definitely not one of these people.

Where is the owner of those eyes?

Or... she was wrong at all?

Xiao Wuzheng pointed to Duanmu Yawang Xiaobailu and himself, and answered the young man's words: "Three."

"The number matches."

The young man nodded, his voice calm and calm, without any ups and downs, "The door is open for half an hour. Please enter as soon as possible. It is out of date."

After that, he turned sideways slightly and made a gesture of asking.

Xiao Wuzheng didn't thank him or said anything, and looked at Duanmuya: "Let's go in quickly."


Duanmu Yawang hugged the little white deer and walked towards the entrance with Xiao Wuzheng.

When he approached, Duanmu Yawang discovered that the wall was only pulled up to a height of about two meters, which was just right for people to pass through.

The three of them passed first, followed by the men in Xuanyi.

As soon as they entered, a static wall above, began to slowly descend.

Duanmu Yawang heard the sound, looked over, and saw that after the wall fell, no trace of the wall could be found anymore, as if there had been no crack at all.

Duanmu Yawang was slightly stunned.

Of course, no one paid any attention to her surprise. The Xuanyi man nodded slightly at Xiao Wuzheng, and said blankly: "The task is complete, Mr. Xiao, please feel free, let's go first."

Xiao Wuzheng said nothing, only nodded.

And those men in mysterious clothes disappeared in front of them in an instant.

Duanmu Ya looked at the completely unmarked wall behind him, then blinked: "Mr. Xiao, who are these people?"

"Someone who can open the door for you."

Xiao Wuzheng's answer can be said to be insincere, but Duanmu Yawang understood that Xiao Wuzheng meant that she should not ask more.

Duanmu Yawang had to swallow his curiosity back.

Xiao Wuzheng patted her on the shoulder, "Don't be stunned, let's go to the center of the district, find a place to rest, and find a place where we can stay for one night by the way."

After that, he took the lead in not leaving too much.

Duanmu Yawang took Xiao Bailu to keep up.

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