The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1554: We don’t have time to worry about how other people’s mood is

There should be about twelve rooms on the first floor.

There are more rooms than Duanmu Yawang they thought.

The fat woman led them to the end of the corridor, pointing to the two rooms and saying: "These two rooms belong to you. How do you want to live? Assign them yourself."

After that, hand the two keys to Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmu Yawang took it, and the fat woman motioned to her to open the door of the room, go in and take a look, and she did so.

As soon as the door of the room was opened, it was quite clean inside, but the space was really small, so there was only a bed and a table. After the few of them entered, the room became cramped.

"……so small."

Little Bailu couldn't hold back it, and spit out.

He has been with Duanmu Yawang for so long, and this is the first time he has seen such a small room.

In such a room, if an emergency occurs, Duanmu Yawang wants to move a medical machine out to treat the patient.

"Little baby, children must be frugal." When the fat woman heard Xiao Bailu say this, she didn't get angry, but smiled cheerfully: "You have seen it too, we are pretty good, if we want something better Yes, you probably will continue to look for it for a mile or two, because the land is huge over there."

Duanmu Yawang rubbed Xiao Bailu's head, "Just stay for one night."


Little Bailu didn't dislike anything, but was used to seeing all kinds of big houses, and Duanmu Yawang would sometimes move medical machinery. A big house was definitely good.

But if you stay for one night, it should be fine.

The fat woman squinted, her eyes were squeezed into two lines, remembering something, and then she said: "By the way, you should tidy up by yourself. After two quarters of an hour, come down for dinner."

"Go downstairs?"

"Yes." The fat woman said seriously: "You have to go down on time, we are outdated."


Since she said so, Duanmu Yawang had no objection.

The fat woman gave almost the order, waved her hand and left.

Xiao Wuzheng said, "Let me take a look at my wing room."

The fat woman gave Duanmu Yawang the keys, and Duanmu Yawang handed him the other key, "Let’s go to dinner later."


Xiao Wuzheng waved away.

Little Bailu closed the door, walked to the table and sat down, raising his cheeks and said with a frown, "This inn is really unaccustomed. The meal has a limited time, and it's still overdue. Can't it be served to the guests?"

After finishing speaking, before Duanmu Yawang spoke, he said: "Is it because we didn't pay for the meal, so we treat it specially?"

Duanmu Yawang walked over and touched the bedding. The bedding was not new, but it was dry. She was also satisfied, "Look at it first, don't rush to make a conclusion."

"All right."

Duan Mu Yawang tidied the room, drank two glasses of water, and left the room when the time was about the same.

Just after leaving the room, a room door on the other side of the corridor opened, and a young woman walked out of it.

The young woman looks like a seventeen-eighth woman with a tall and bumpy figure, a pair of purple eyes, elegant silver hair, and a purple dress. The clothes are soft and elegant, and she looks absolutely top-quality.

And this young woman didn't look like a person from the seventies.

Is she also an outsider?

Duanmu Yawang thought so. The young woman also saw her, but she raised her eyebrows, her voice was very nice, but her voice was not very pleasant: "Where is the rubbish? Can I live in this shop?"

Dare to feel that this shop is still very tall?

Duanmu Yawang chuckled lightly, "Where does the dog come from? The eyes actually grow on the top of the head."

The woman's face changed, but she was not furious.

She was always cold and cold, at first glance she was the kind of cold beauty who was icy and frosty.

Leng Meiren glanced at Duanmu Ya coldly, and was about to leave, there was a sound from the door of Xiao Wuzheng's room, and Xiao Wuzheng walked out.

Seeing Xiao Wuzheng, Leng Meiren was startled.

Xiao Wuzheng seemed to be ignorant of the conflict between Duanmu Yawang and Leng Meiren from beginning to end. After he came out, he locked the door unhurriedly and looked at Duanmu Ya: "Go downstairs?"


Duanmu Ya looked at the sound, Xiao Wuzheng stepped forward, and saw Leng Meiren's gaze. He curled his peachy eyes and curled his lips with a smile: "I really didn't expect that this place could meet beautiful women."

Leng Meiren glanced at him, then at Duanmu Yawang, her red lips pursed slightly, and she turned away coldly.

Xiao Wuzheng raised his eyebrows.

Duanmu Yawang watched as Leng Meiren walked to the end of the corridor, turned and went downstairs, and then shook her elbow with Xiao Wuzheng, "Why, I am surprised?"

"Am I such a person?"

Xiao Wuzheng shook his head, and said lightly: "The color that makes me startle is at least as good as you."

After that, he happily shook his fan and carried the trail: "Let's go, we are poor. After time, we may have nothing to eat."

So the three poor people went downstairs together.

Duanmu Yawang thought there were not many people, but when he went downstairs, he was surprised.

Because almost all of the seven or eight tables placed in the lobby of the inn were full of people.


Little Bailu saw his mouth grow up, "How come there are so many people?"

Duanmu Yawang also found it strange.

She looked at the tables carefully and found that there were food on the tables, and the food on each table was the same.

Duan Muya didn't have time to think about it. The fat woman just came out and saw the three of them standing still at the top of the stairs. They put the food down, and walked over while wiping their hands. Come down for dinner."

Xiao Wuzheng was also surprised, "Shall we eat with everyone?"


The fat woman nodded naturally: "Find a place quickly. It is estimated that there are still a few people who have not arrived, otherwise you may not find a place to sit by then."

After that, there was a sound from the kitchen, and the fat woman responded, ignoring them at all, and hurried away.

Little Bailu was next to Duanmu Yawang: "Sister, what shall we do?"

"Nothing, are you hungry?"

Little Bailu nodded vigorously.

I set off in the morning, and after walking for so long, it is now afternoon. How could he not be hungry?

"Since I'm hungry, find a place to sit down and eat." As Duanmu Yawang said, he stood on the stairs and scanned the tables. Finally, at the table on the right, he saw three empty seats, and the others only had two empty seats at most. .

Duanmu Yawang was about to walk over, but found that a person who had just met was sitting at the table.

That cold beauty.

She helped her forehead, it was really a narrow road for her enemies!

Xiao Wuzheng knocked her head with a fan, "Isn't there a free seat there? Let's go."

Duanmu Yawang glanced at him, "Did you not see the woman just now?"

"I'm not blind."

When Xiao Wuzheng said, he stared at her: "Or do you mind?"

"Do not."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged, "Eating is a big deal."

"That's right." Xiao Wuzheng was satisfied with her words, and took the lead downstairs, "Go, let's go over."


Duanmu Yawang followed, and the three of them went to the table.

Each table looks like eight people. Except for the young woman, the other four are men. They don't seem to be very old, and the oldest is in their thirties.

Looking at the appearance, the five people are very familiar and the atmosphere is very harmonious.

After the three of them passed, they all raised their heads.

When they saw Duanmu Yawang's face, except for the young woman, they were all stunned, and their eyes were all stunning.

However, they quickly noticed her black hair and dark eyes, and her brows immediately frowned. Although there was no direct insult like Leng Meiren's, the disgust flashing through her eyes was indistinguishable.

Xiao Wuzheng pulled the chair for Duanmu Yawang and said, "Sit down."


Duanmu Yawang was about to sit down with Xiao Bailu no matter what other people thought.

"and many more."

It was one of the five people who spoke. He stared at the three of them and said coldly: "The three of you, let's go elsewhere. We still have companions."

"Is everything going to come first?" Xiao Wuzheng stood on one side and shook his fan leisurely, making him look more romantic, suave and handsome, attracting a lot of people's attention.

He said: "Since we are here, this position is ours. Except for the store, you are afraid that you have no right to drive us away."

The man stared at Duanmu Yawang mockingly, "Others are not welcome, but they want to post, don't you feel shameful?"

"I don't think so." Xiao Wuzheng looked indifferent, the smile on his face never faded, "We don't have time to worry about how other people are feeling."

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