"Fortunately, you are not too hard."

Duanmu Yawang looked at the scratches on his legs, and said in a bad mood: "Otherwise, it will be wasted for you."


Wei Yanzheng nodded obediently like a taught student, "Master Gongyu, I will definitely hold it back in the future."

"It's probably hard to have you tolerate."

Duanmu Yawang sighed, remembering something, reached into the Qiankun bag, took out a dry but soft-looking branch, and handed it to him.

Wei Yanzheng was dumbfounded: "My son, this is..."

"This soft branch has an anti-itching effect. If you have a severe itching, use it to swipe your skin. Sweep it gently twice to stop itching."

Wei Yanzheng's eyes lit up: "What is this, it has such an effect?"

"This is Jin Yingzhi."

Wei Yan was shocked: "I haven't heard of it."

Duanmu Yawang did not answer. She remembered something, and took another Jin Yingzhi out of her arms and handed it to Son Spear on one side, saying, "Master Spear, you have more wounds on your body. The wounds have healed to a certain extent. It will itch, you should keep one too."


Young Master Spear stretched out his hand to take it, and after thanking him, he said: "You don't need to call me a son, you can call me Yijing, my name is Mao Yijing."

Before Duanmu Yawang answered, Lin Kai hurriedly said, "Yes, yes, you can call me Lin Kai! Call my brother Lin Ming!"

Wei Yanzheng also said sternly: "Just call me to speak up."


Duanmu Yawang agreed and asked Young Master Spear: "Do you still have medicinal powder there?"

Mao Yijing hurriedly replied: "There are some more."

Duanmu Yawang took out five bottles of medicine from Qiankun's bag, four small bottles and one large bottle. She handed the large bottle to Mao Yijing, "You have many wounds on your body and you need a large amount of medicine. You can use this bottle."

Master Spear said dryly: "Master, in fact, we are not here to ask you for medicine today..."

"I know."

Duan Mu Yawang said indifferently: "The medicine in my hand is not something that anyone can ask for. I am not happy. Others give a thousand dollars to him, and I may not buy it to him."

I'm glad to give one or two bottles, but it's just a matter of effort.

A touch of gratitude flashed across Mao Yijing's face, but he couldn't say a word.

People are like this sometimes, and you can say a word of gratitude casually on weekdays, but when it's critical, you don't know how to express it.

Because sometimes, a word of thanks is too shallow.

Duanmu Yawang didn't care about him either, and pushed the other four vials, one to Lin Kai, one to Lin Ming, and the other two to Wei Yanzheng directly.


Wei Yanzheng was at a loss, "My son, you, your medicine is so expensive, how can I ask for so much?" The day before yesterday, she distributed five vials to the other uninjured people. One of them was injured, and she had taken enough medicine. Actually gave him...

And this time, one bottle was given every time.

His eyes are red.

Duan Muya said: "Your wound is completely healed. About how much medicine you need, I know in my heart that your wound is completely healed. You should use a small bottle of medicine. You can save the remaining small bottle for later use."


Lin Minglin Kai and the two were also very moved.

Although Duanmu Yawang gave them the least medicine, they were not sick or painful, and they were satisfied with a small bottle in reserve.

At this time, the person who delivered the breakfast came, and Duanmu Yawang asked them, "Are you going to eat together?"


The four actually knew that they should leave, but somehow they were reluctant to leave.

Their so touched appearance made Duanmuya laugh and laugh. Their presence here does not affect her eating. They want to stay here. She doesn't care about them and eats her own food.

However, there were other things on them, and when Duanmu Yawang finished eating, they still left one after another.

Before leaving, Lin Kaiyi reluctantly said, "My son, when will you return to Ziyun City?"

Duanmu Yawang raised her eyebrows: "Don't you go back together?" Everyone should go back together.

"You don't have to go back together." Lin Kai shook his head and said, "Everyone will leave the palace one after another today.

She was a little surprised, "What's the news today?"

"After midnight."

"The news so late?"


Wei Yanzheng sighed and said to Duan Muya: "The son went to bed early. I don't know. Since we came back last night, no one has come down from Donggong Mountain."

Duanmu Yawang was taken aback: "I remember, when we went there, there seemed to be dozens of people?"

"Yes, thirty or forty people."

Duanmu Yawang frowned fiercely. Did she lose more than 20 lives in one trip up the mountain?

Little Bailu’s heart was also poked, and his face wrinkled and said: "These people are really going to be irritated and desperate. They can do as much as they can. If they are not sure whether they can come back, why are they still? Going?"

It's just to die!

Mao Yijing also has a solemn expression: "It is said that the fewest people have come back this year. Now everyone is in a heavy mood, and the entire palace is lifeless."

"But to be honest, the place after ten miles is really terrible." Lin Kai patted his chest, with a lingering look, "Could it be that my life is too big, plus the help of the father and son, I can't answer. coming."

"Me too."

The other three people responded one after another, and then looked at Duanmu Yawang with gratitude.

Duanmu Ya looked forward to hearing what they said, but still failed to say the point, frowned and said, "Does this have to do with whether we go back together?"


When Lin Kai saw the appearance of Duanmu Yawang, she knew that she probably didn't know anything, "This year the deaths and injuries are too serious, and everyone is grieving. It seems that someone is going to the emperor to make trouble."

So bold?

Duanmuya raised her eyebrows, very surprised that some people in this era dare to have such courage, "What then?"

"Then, I don't know what method they used, the emperor promised not to close the mountain today and give everyone one day. Whoever wants to go up the mountain to save people will save them. If you want to go back today, you can also go back."

Duanmu Yawang always felt that the development of this matter was a bit weird: "It's not that if the time is not closed, the entire Ziyun City will have bad luck and will be cursed?"

"do not know."

Lin Kai shrugged, "It is said that Lord Tianjian discussed with the emperor. I don't know what method was used. It is said that this can be done."

"So, many people chose to go up the mountain again?"


Duan Muya was puzzled: "If people can't come back, don't you worry about them going up to find someone and losing their lives?"

Wei Yanzheng smiled and said: "I'm not afraid of this. I heard that Young Master Jing Ms. Jing went up the mountain with everyone. The two have extremely high cultivation bases and strong strength. There should be no problem."

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