The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1410: Master Gongyu, we want to worship you as a teacher!

There were four people who came, and Duanmu Yawang knew these four people, and they were also some unexpected people.

These four are Lin Kai, Lin Ming, Master Mao, and Wei Yanzheng.

Lin Kai's sensitive and Wei Yanzheng had all walked over, while Mr. Spear had been carried over.

When they heard the footsteps and looked back, they saw Duanmu Yawang, with a happy expression: "Master Gongyu, you have gone out!"

"Well, just went out for a walk."

Seeing that it was the four of them, Duanmu Yawang's expression looked better, and he raised his eyebrows as he walked back and asked, "Then why do you come together to find me?"

She knew that Master Spear Wei Yanzheng would definitely come to the door, but they should also come to the door with someone close to them. She didn't expect to be with Brother Lin Kai, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Wei Yanzheng laughed and said: "The son has a special skill, so many people will definitely want to talk to you. If we come to you with more people, we will only waste your time to deal with us."


Young Master Spear nodded and said: "At the beginning, we had a good chat with the two Lin brothers. Knowing that they would also come to find you, we troubled them to come and find you together."

"I see."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, returned to the door, opened the door and invited, "Everyone, come in and sit down."


The four of them responded and entered Duanmu Yawang's wing together.

At this moment, someone passed by, and Duanmu Yawang beckoned to come in, and then ordered several breakfasts so that the servants could bring them quickly.

Wei Yanzheng and the others sat down at the table, and they were surprised when they heard the words: "My son hasn't eaten breakfast yet?"


Duanmu Yawang pouring tea with a calm face, "I was sleepy last night and woke up a little later."

The four nodded clearly.

Duanmu Yawang brought the tea to them, took a cup by herself, took a sip, raised her eyes and asked, "I don't know why the four of you are looking for me now?"

The four of them looked at each other, and suddenly, the Lin brothers and Wei Yanzheng all knelt down facing her.

"What are you doing?" Duanmu Ya looked at her eyebrows, and said with a headache: "Get up, you are such a gift, I really sin."

Lin Kai clenched his fists and looked up at Duanmu Yawang sincerely, "Master Gongyu, please accept us as disciples!"

Duanmu Yawang was holding a cup to sip the tea. Hearing a ‘poof’, the tea in his mouth spurted out, feeling that he had misheard, "What did you just say?"

"Master Gongyu, please accept us as disciples!" Lin Kai repeated sternly, with a serious face, "The master is not only superb medical skills, but also unfathomable spiritual power, and he is a bodhisattva. We respect you very much. "

Bodhisattva's heart...

What the **** is this!

Duanmu Yawang gently put the quilt back on the table, with a calm voice: "Didn't you already worship others as teachers?"

"Never before." Lin Ming shook his head and said, "We all learned to practice from our father, and we never learned art from a teacher outside."

Wei Yanzheng also said, "So is Yanzheng."

"Nevertheless, apprenticeship is a major event. How can you tell your family about such an important matter?"

"It shouldn't be necessary." Lin Kai said, "Master Gongyu, a master like you has never met in a thousand years. After returning home, as long as you tell your father clearly, it's okay."

Duanmu Yawang looked clear: "In other words, do you plan to play it later?"

Lin Kai: "It's not as if it's a short time, and my father should understand it."


Lin Ming nodded in agreement.

Wei Yanzheng also nodded.

"Actually, this is just what you think." Duanmu Yawang's voice is not irritated, "You have not even understood what kind of person I am, so you have to worship me as a teacher?"

Lin Kaidao: "Some people don't need to know much about it. On Donggong Mountain, we get along for only a short time, but it is enough to see a person's personality. The son's temperament and morality, our hearts are like a mirror!"

"What about these?"

A few people twisted their eyebrows and asked in confusion: "What else is needed?"

Duanmu Yawang's voice was a little cold, and he unceremoniously attacked: "You are all from a big family. For you, apprenticeship is not only about your future teaching and understanding, but also about the face of your family.

For a big family like you, even if you want to apprehend your teacher, you should be a powerful person with respect and reputation all over the world. If you worship a person who is younger than you, who does not know which small country came from, as a teacher, I am afraid that you will be laughed at. "

Duanmu Yawang interrupted them and said indifferently: "Don't say it doesn't matter, or don't care about the eyes of others. If you can do it, people in your family may not be able to do it."

The four of them were startled when they heard this, and they opened their mouths to retort, "My son, where is an unknown person? You became famous overnight in the Supreme Pavilion. How many people in this world can achieve such an achievement at such an age?"

When Lin Kai heard this, his mood suddenly fell, "Master Gongyu, we really want to worship you as a teacher."

"I can see it."

Duanmu Yawang calmly said: "However, thinking and doing are two different things. To be more practical, you will not be allowed to be my apprentices at all."

After she said, she added, "Also, I am young and have little qualifications. Although I am a little clever, I am still far from being your master. So, if you come over and talk to me today, I will be Didn't you hear it."

Several people could hear that Duanmu Yawang actually didn't want to accept them as disciples, and suddenly became anxious: "My son, please believe us, we will surely persuade the family..."

Duanmu Yawang stretched out her hand to interrupt them, "It's not that I don't want to accept everyone as disciples. It's just that I also have my own business to do. I won't spend more than three days in Ziyun City, and you have your own business to be busy."

A few people were taken aback, but they didn't expect this, "The son... is going to leave soon?"


She likes these young people a lot, and tells the truth: "I was originally a passing outsider, so naturally I won't stay for too long."

The four of them obviously couldn't digest this fact, and couldn't say what they were lost.

Duanmu Yawang didn't want to continue this topic either, and said to Wei Yanzheng, "Prince Wei, let me see your wound. Is it better now?"

"Much better, I can walk now."

Speaking of this, Wei Yanzheng reluctantly regained his energy and lifted his trouser legs, revealing two pairs of scabs: "Because of the scabs, the skin is a little itchy, so it doesn't hurt much."

"Itchy skin?"

"Yes, the skin on a scab will be itchy."

"There are scratches." Duanmu Ya looked at his leg and raised her eyebrows: "You scratched it?"

Wei Yanzheng looked embarrassed and a little guilty, "Yes, there are many wounds, it's too itchy, I really can't help it, so..."

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