Duanmu Yawang was about to pour the tea, and after hearing the words, he acted, "The two of them will go up the mountain with everyone?"


Wei Yanzheng nodded and said: "Young Master Jing, Miss Jing is someone who dared to walk alone in Donggong Mountain, and like you, they have never been injured in hunting or adventure activities. It is enough to see their strength. They are there. , Everyone dared to go up the mountain."

Duanmuya looked at her eyes and said, "Do they have to go down the mountain today, or..."

"Within today." Wei Yanzheng said: "The time is too long. If it is spread out, it will probably cause panic. It will be very kind in one day."

"How many people are there this time?"

"A lot. There are more than 20 people who have not returned. Even if each of them has a relative to find someone, there are more than 20 people. This trip up the mountain, the number of people seems to be the same as we went up the mountain that day."

"So many people? They are not afraid of danger?"

"What can you do if you are afraid?" Wei Yanzheng sighed, "After all, there is a clean blade that has not returned. They will inevitably feel uneasy when they go back like this, and they want to go to Donggong Mountain to see the situation, so they can't help but go together. NS."

Duanmu Yawang nodded, expressing his understanding.

After talking about the topic, Lin Kai wanted to know what he wanted to know the most, but he still didn't know. He asked Duanmu Yawang again: "Master Gongyu, you haven't said when you will leave!"

Duanmu Ya looked down and pondered, "I'm not sure when it will be."

A few people were lost for a while, and looked at her expectantly with a few pairs of eyes: "When the son is leaving, can you say something?"

Duanmu Ya looked at it, and smiled leisurely and asked, "You want to go with me?"


Several people nodded their heads brightly, "Farewell this time, I don't know when we can meet each other, we want to chat more with the son."

Duanmu Yawang pinched her eyebrows, and reluctantly agreed, "Okay, I will notify you when the time comes."


The four of them were so happy that they had a few more conversations with Duanmu Yawang before they left with satisfaction.

With the door closed, the little white deer frowned and said, "Master, that Jing Zaixing and the others don't seem to be such kind people, why would they spend a day helping others lead the way?"

Duanmu Yawang pours the tea, takes a sip, and asks lazily, "Your eyes can tell that Mr. Jing is not a good-hearted person? People's style is good!"

"I don't know where this comment came from!" Xiao Bailu pouted, "If they were really such good people, they wouldn't have left you alone."

"You can't say that." Duanmu Ya looked up and said with a serious face: "In fact, I think they did the right thing at the beginning. Everyone has a purpose when they venture to Donggong Mountain. People have tasks, so it must be because of something. Irrelevant people, interrupt the pace of their tasks?"


"But shit!"

Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes unhappily, "If Donggongshan has a way to make your Uncle Yin return physically, I haven't found it. Do you think I should continue to look for it, or take this time to **** them back?"

The little white deer was taken aback.

"Can't answer, right?" Duanmu Yawang said lightly: "Do not do to others what you don't want. Since we can't do it, why bother to force others?"

Little Bailu felt awkward and didn't know what to say.

Duanmu Yawang reached in and grabbed his cheek, and said thoughtfully: "I don't know what Jing Zaixing and the others are like, and I don't want to comment on it. However, I think they are willing to go in for another winter. Gongshan, it must be because they want to go in too."

"Yes." Xiao Bailu thought of something, and said: "You should remember that Jing Jiexing said that they haven't found what they are looking for. It is estimated that they can come out in one more day, and they can't even pray for it!"

Duanmu Yawang was about to respond when she suddenly heard Yin Huiyin, who had been asleep, snorting.

She hurriedly looked at the medical system and saw Yin Huiyin coughing twice and sitting up very slowly.

"Little Yin'er, what's wrong with you?"

Yin Huiyin's finger bones rubbed the bones of the eyebrows, and his voice was a little dumb: "The pain in my body is gone, and I don't feel any serious problems now."

"That's good, next time something like this, you don't want to come out, it's too dangerous."

Yin Huiyin is different from the others. He has no pulse or heartbeat, and only has a skeleton. No matter how good her medical skills are, she can't do anything about his situation.

This time, if she hadn't discovered it quickly and asked him to return to the medical system sooner, his bones would have been corroded more seriously!

This is really hurting my nerves and bones!

Yin Huiyin sat up and was about to talk. Little Bailu jumped out of the bed and handed Yin Huiyin a glass of water, "Uncle Yin, you drink this, this is definitely good for you."

"What is that?" Duanmu Yawang didn't pay attention, there was a glass of water on the table.

Yin Huiyin stretched out his hand to take it, was about to drink, but was taken aback for a moment, "This water... has a high degree of clarity."


Little Bailu whispered and secretly said: "This water is from a small spring next to my master's house. The spring is very small and there is very little water. He never allows people to touch it. I secretly brought it."

Yin Huiyin smiled, rubbing his slender hand bones on his head, "Thank you for nothing."

"You're welcome!"

Xiao Bailu responded with a smile, Duanmu Ya looked at what he said, but thought of his master, "By the way, where did your master go? Why hasn't you seen the shadow all the time?"

"do not know."

Little Bailu shrugged and said, "But I think he must not be within the source of Linghu. If he were there, it would be impossible for Xiaoye to get two buckets of water so easily and steal this precious glass from him. water."

"He came out?"

Duanmuya frowned, "Why don't we know?"


Little Bailu was speechless, took a deep breath, and stared straight at Duanmu Yawang: "Master, I don't want to hit you. However, with your previous cultivation base, it is impossible to know the trace of that master."

Duanmu Yawang was too lazy to care about him, "The question is, why does he want to go out?"

Hasn't he been well in the medical system?

"Little master, don't you know?" Little Bailu complained with a full face: "He is the master. It's too late for him to dislike me. How could he tell me where he is going?"

After listening, Duanmu Ya sighed, "Speaking of which, I am still kind."

Duanmu Yawang's words jumped too much, Xiao Bailu didn't react for a while, staring at her: "Master, what do you say?"

Duanmu Yawang watched him in his spare time, and said with a smile: "Look, you are so stupid, eat so much, and still don't grow up. I don't dislike you. Don't you think I am simply too great?"

Little White Deer: "..."

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