"Master, I really didn't expect that you didn't provoke any peach blossoms when you were wearing women's clothes. How can you dress up for men's clothes? Even if you cover your face, you can still get peach pollen on your face?"

After that, he tutted twice, and said inconceivably: "If Gong Yulan knew that you provoke such a peach blossom, would you say you would drink a big pot of dry vinegar?"

After speaking, he didn't wait for Duanmu Yawang to finish, patted the bed and laughed.

Duanmuya glanced at him in a chilly look, "So funny?"


The little white deer coughed slightly, buried his head on the bedding of the small bed, smiled sullenly, and didn't dare to talk about it anymore.

Early in the morning, when he came out like this, Duanmu Yawang felt very depressed, took a deep breath, and was about to go out again, when a soft voice came from one side: "Master Gongyu..."


Little Bailu's head just buried, hearing this sound, couldn't help it anymore, raised his head and continued to watch the show.

Duanmu Yawang's face turned black when she heard the voice. She stood still on the spot without saying a word, looking at the voice master, and approaching flutteringly.

She took a deep breath, lowered the suffocating pressure that came up, and called: "Princess An."

An Xiaowen wore a pink dress with a little pink and white. An already pretty face was instantly dazzling. She held a handkerchief and looked at Duanmu Yawang with big eyes and affectionately, "Master Gongyu here. Where are you going?"


Duanmu Yawang didn't directly say where to go, nodded at her and said: "I have something to do, so I won't talk to the princess..."

When she said that, she was about to leave, An Xiaowen hurried forward a few steps with her skirt, "Master Gongyu, please stay!"

"……"I will endure!

She gritted her teeth and smiled back: "The princess has something to tell me?"

Princess An hesitated, and pulled the handkerchief with his hand. After a while, Qianshou drooped and said softly: "My son, how do you feel about Xiaowen?"

"no feelings."

Let's not say that she is a female, and there is no hobby for both men and women. Even if it is good, her father Yulan only wants what she wants. Peerless, no one in this world can feel good with him?

Unlike the seventh princess, An Xiaowen lifted her face when she heard it, her eyes filled with tears, and she looked like she was deeply shocked, "Is the son so direct?"


If she didn't immediately slap her **** and leave, she was already very shameless.

An Xiaowen let out a sob, and whimpered with tears: "Xiaowen thought that the son had rejected the seventh princess, and he was a little different to Xiaowen."

Who gave her this illusion?

Duanmu Yawang felt that it was incredible. She felt that she was really dying today. So early in the morning, two women confessed to her...

She patiently said: "Princess An joked. I told King Anding before that I have someone I like. I am not joking or shitting."

"But I don't mind!"

An Xiaowen stepped forward, seeming to want to grasp Duanmu Yawang's hand, and Duanmu Yawang quickly took two steps back.

An injury flashed across An Xiaowen's face, but she was still expressing her thoughts: "Young Master Gongyu, I really don't mind, we can serve you together..."


When Xiao Bailu heard this, she couldn't help it anymore, patted the bed and laughed, "Hahaha, she wants to serve you with Gong Yulan? Hahaha, she should be stopped by Gong Yulan with just one finger It's grayed out! Hahaha..."

After laughing, thinking of something, the conversation turned, and the smile became even stronger: "No, no, it should be that after she saw Gong Yulan stop, she should not remember who you are, and in the end she should become her and you. We stopped fighting for Gong Yulan together. Tsk tsk, that picture, if you just think about it, it’s funny, hahaha..."


Duanmuya's face turned green, and she sneered: "Is that funny? Do you want me to ask Gong Yulan to stop now and let him know that you really want to give him Princess An so that he can be served by the second daughter? "

Damn, he still thinks Gong Yulanzhi has not enough admirers?

In the past, as long as it was a woman who met Gong Yulanzhi, she would have one more rival in love. Did she think she was not annoying enough?


Little Bailu instantly felt as if he was too smug, and immediately broke down in a cold sweat, waved his hand and said: "No, no, no, I didn't say anything, Master, you continue, I won't interrupt anymore."

Duanmu Yawang snorted coldly, stopped talking nonsense with him, and said directly to An Xiaowen: "Princess An, I said this last time. I don't have any feelings for you, and there will be no future without it. You mean to me. Princess Ann."

Princess An was startled, tears in her eyes even worse, she took a few steps forward and said eagerly: "Princess Gongyu, I am to you..."

Duanmu Yawang had already retreated to the wall at this time. After she stepped forward, she could not retreat and interrupted her anxiously, "Princess An, please also respect yourself!"


These two words are simply ashamed, ashamed and sad for this worldly woman.

Princess Ann was even more shocked and looked at her blankly, not even daring to move.

Duanmu Yawang leaned slightly, distanced herself from her, and said directly: "Princess An, thank you for your love, I have something to do, so I'll go one step ahead."

After that, she walked back to the door, and the door was still open, Brother Shang, then walked down the steps, and left without looking back.

The little white deer lay on the small bed, chewing the fruit enthusiastically.

Watched two good shows early in the morning, don't be in a good mood.

However, watching Duanmu Ya looking out, he suddenly remembered: "Master, where are you going?"

Duanmu Yawang's face was not worried: "I don't know either."

"Huh?" Then she kept saying, something is wrong with her?

"I went out just to take the paper off the door and ask someone to eat it by the way." Who would have thought that two people would come up in such a moment?

She hasn't eaten breakfast yet!

Little Bailu looked at her sympathetically, "Master, or don't dress like this, next time you just change back to women's clothing, you wear silver hair and blue eyes or purple eyes."

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and said noncommittal, "I'll talk about this next time." To change clothes, at least you have to leave Ziyun City.

Duanmu Yawang was actually not familiar with this palace, so she went out for two night banquets. She hadn't been to other places. When she got out of the courtyard, she didn't know what she was going to do, so she could only walk aimlessly.

Little Bailu saw that she was bored, and blinked: "The Lord An should be leaving soon. Why don't you go back in two steps."


Duanmu Yawang didn't eat anything early in the morning and was really hungry. After walking around boredly, he couldn't help returning to the room.

However, this day is obviously not a peaceful day.

Before she went back, she walked in front of the courtyard and saw the steps in front of her room. Several people stood...

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