The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1408: Accident, the seventh princess confessed

After Duanmu Yawang freshened up, remembering something, he opened the door and walked out.

She went out to the door, looked at the paper on the door, smiled, and with satisfaction, she tore off the paper pasted on the door.

Little Bailu knew that Duanmu Yawang had written something last night, but he hadn't paid attention to what she had written. He was very curious about this piece of paper with a ‘scattering back’ effect, and couldn’t help but glance at it.

From this point of view, the above is just a sentence: "I am sleepy and irritable. While I am recuperating, don't disturb everything.-To my friends."

The little white deer tweeted and couldn't believe what he saw, "You actually told everyone directly, you want to sleep, and you are grumpy if you don't sleep?"

This is all okay. The most unbelievable thing is that the people here are all with status and status. They are so obedient and dare not to disturb her?


Duanmu Yawang glanced at him lightly, and said with no good air: "The first sentence is a narrative, and the latter three words are also very important?"

Little Bailu blinked, "Where are these three words important?"

Isn't this the same as the leadership of her classmates in her previous life?

"The second half sentence serves as a threat and vigilance."

Duanmu Yawang folded the paper, put it back on her chest, and said lightly: "If there is no three words behind me, even if I fall asleep, they will come to me."

Little Bailu was completely stunned and couldn't understand it at all.

"No matter, I overestimated your IQ." Duanmu Yawang reluctantly analyzed with him, "They came to me in the middle of the night. There must be a very important thing for me to help, right?"

The little white deer nodded: "Yes."

"They ask for their business, but if they don't help, it's just a word for me." After that, Duan Muya smiled.

"That's how it is said, but what does it have to do with the next three words?"

Duanmuya rolled her eyes, "The overall meaning of my two sentences is simply that I am very tired and need to rest, no matter how big things are, don't bother me if you are friends, as for..."

"My little master understands!"

Xiao Bailu interrupted Duanmu Yawang's words with a suddenly realized expression: "In fact, what you mean by these two sentences together is-you are very tired now, if you are a friend, don't disturb you, and then everything is okay to discuss, if you ignore you If you’re tired and bother you, you’re not a friend, so you don’t have anything to discuss?"

It's really still a proper threat!

"Finally you still have some brains."

Duanmu Yawang nodded his head.

Little Bailu gazed at her twice, "Master, how come I never knew that you know how to make a roundabout?"

"It's not too late for you to know."

Little Bailu couldn't help laughing, "Speaking of which, those people are smart enough, and you can understand what you mean by looking at it." Then came and went in a hurry.

"Do you think everyone is as stupid as you?"

Little Bailu was not convinced, and was about to speak, a charming figure came one by one, and said softly, "Master Gongyu!"

Duanmuya glanced at her eyelids, raised her eyes and faintly called: "Seven princesses."

Princess Seven frowned, "Are you upset?"

"..." My face is still covered, which one of your eyes is unhappy to see me?

Besides, "I have nothing to be upset about."

"Isn't you so indifferent to this princess?" The seventh princess snorted, she didn't know what she thought, biting her lip and awkwardly said: "You came back last night, this princess actually wanted to pick you up in person, but..."

After one but, she could no longer utter the second word, her ears were red.

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids twitched twice, and there was a bad premonition in her heart.

At this moment, the seventh princess suddenly raised her head and stared straight at her. After staring for a while, she suddenly asked with a serious face: "Are you really going to wear this veil all the time? Can't you take it off?"

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and said, "Your Royal Highness, sorry, no."

The seventh princess stomped, "This princess didn't let you pick it in public, just in private..."

"Sorry, no." Duanmu Yawang was still the same four words. Of course, she also vaguely guessed what was behind the Seventh Princess' request.


The seventh princess's face suddenly became extremely ugly, and she stared at her coldly: "Do you know what you are talking about?"

Duanmu Yawang bowed his hand, "Back to your Royal Highness, Deyin just said what he wanted to say."

The seventh princess was suddenly even more angry, and she said without hesitation: "You just look down on this princess? Do you really think how amazing you are?"

"The princess has misunderstood." Duanmu Yawang's voice was not rushed, "Deyin is a fate, humble as dust, and never dare to look high."

"Oh, isn't it?"

The seventh princess sneered, "They all say that women are duplicity. It turns out that men are nothing but this. It's this time, and I dare not say a word of truth!"

"..." She was speechless.

Some people are really trembling, and they speak slightly, but when she is counseled, they dare not tell the truth.

If she really said that she was not interested in her, she wouldn't be able to get into her eyes, she might have to rush over to tear her apart!

The seventh princess obviously did not intend to give up, and said with a sullen face: "This princess will give you another chance. You can take back what you just said, and this princess didn't even hear..."

"Thank you for the princess for your love." Duan Muya interrupted the seventh princess lukewarmly, still saying: "It's just an outsider from a small country in Deyin district, I really don't dare to climb high."

"You..." The seventh princess raised her foot in anger and kicked her towards her, "Don't regret it!"

Duanmu Yawang fluttered back, avoiding her legs.

Seven princesses acted too much for a time, plus they didn't kick everyone, a staggered, puffed, and knelt to the ground suddenly, suddenly becoming embarrassed!


Kneeling on the ground, probably hurting the knee, the seventh princess grinned in pain.

In addition, because she knelt down in front of Duanmu Yawang, her behavior was extremely indecent. She herself probably knew that she had never been so embarrassed before, not to mention that it was the person who made her embarrassed last moment.

Suddenly, she felt ashamed of her face, coupled with the difference in her mood, stood up reluctantly, and pointed at Duanmu Ya and cursed: "You reject this princess today and make this princess embarrassed, and I will ask you to kneel down and beg this princess. !"

"Is it?"

Duanmu Yawang has never climbed before such a threat. She responded indifferently and said: "At this time, I should say something...wait and see?"

"you you……"

The seventh princess was so angry that her brain was about to explode. She stomped and screamed a few times, and said angrily: "Since you want to wait and see, the princess will let you wait and see and see who can do it in the end! "

After that, he carried his skirt and left in a huff.


Little Bailu couldn't help it finally, and laughed loudly.

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