The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1407: Kirin powder, Jing family heirloom treasure

Jing Zaixing and Jing Lingxing sighed helplessly, knowing that Old Lin said it was not strange, but in fact they still blamed them in their hearts.

Of course, they also knew that he didn't welcome them, so Jing Jiexing reached out and handed out a bottle of medicine, sternly saying: "This is our Jing family's trauma medicine. The effect of trauma is not bad. I hope that Lin Lao can accept it."

Old Lin had a meal, and then said: "Your trauma medicine is what someone mentioned before. It can quickly heal wounds and also has a detoxifying effect. Kylin powder?"


Old Lin's expression eased, and he paused, before reaching out to take the medicine: "Thank you."

"Lin Laoyan is serious, I hope this medicine will have an effect on Wu Gongzi's wounds."

Jing Zhixing and Jing Lingxing knew that Lao Lin still didn't welcome them, and didn't stay too much, and said goodbye: "Lao Lin, Master Wu, if you need our help, please don't hesitate to speak."

"Yeah." Old Lin replied lightly.

Brother and sister Jing Zhixing stopped talking, nodded to Duanmu Yawang, turned and left.

Duan Muya saw that Lin Lao took a bottle of Jing Zaixing medicine, her face improved a lot, and she couldn't help but curiously asked, "Lao Lin, is this unicorn powder rare?"


When Old Lin looked at Duanmu Yawang, his face was very gentle. He sighed and said: "The Jing brothers and sisters have helped many people and treated many people with medicine. His unicorn powder has a miraculous effect on wounds. A large cut was drawn, and some powder was applied to it. The scabs formed within three of them, and the toxicity on the wound did not develop."

Lin said, "At that time, many people asked them to buy them at a high price. A bottle of medicine was bid for hundreds of thousands of gold ingots. The Jing brothers and sisters were unwilling to buy them. They said it was a family heirloom medicine. The medicine must not fall into the hands of people outside the family."

He couldn't fall into the hands of someone outside the family, but now he gave a bottle of Old Lin.

It's no wonder that Lin Lao's expression has just eased a lot, this sincerity is indeed enough.

However, Jing Dixing's medicine is really so magical?

Duan Muya looked at her eyes and said, "Old Lin, can you show me this medicine?"

Old Lin was taken aback, somewhat surprised, but solemnly said: "Master Gongyu, I'm sorry, this medicine is a family heirloom from Master Jing's family. It has never been allowed to be taken by outsiders. Now that they trust me, I will do everything. I won’t let this medicine deal with others."


Mr. Lin's promise-keeping temperament, Duanmu Yawan listened and appreciated, "Since it's not convenient, it's fine."


Duanmu Yawang’s voice didn’t have any dissatisfaction. Old Lin knew that she was not attached to it. He breathed a sigh of relief, and said to Duanmu Ya: “The Jing brothers and sisters are not bad guys. In fact, I understand this point. It is also true that he is not strong enough. After all, as long as he is strong, no one can do anything to him."

Old Lin sighed: "The way I treat Young Master Jing and Miss Jing is still because of Miner's accident. I am too angry and sad. It is inevitable that I am a little angry. In fact, they are also innocent."

Duanmu Yawang listened quietly and did not answer.

In this matter, she was an outsider from beginning to end, knowing nothing and unable to comment.

Two of Lao Lin's disciples came quickly. Seeing them, Lao Lin hurriedly said, "Quickly, lift Min'er back to the wing."


The two apprentices nodded quickly to follow suit, lifted the bamboo raft and left.

Lao Lin followed, looked back at Duan Muya and said, "Master Gongyu, thank you very much."


Duanmu Yawang faintly responded and watched Lao Lin leave.

After Lin Lao left, Duanmu Yawang glanced around, and found that the people who were close to the wounded, such as Master Spear and Wei Yanzheng, had also hurriedly arrived. Knowing that Duanmu Yawang had rescued them, he also hurried over to thank him.

For a while, the entire gate of the palace was full of excitement.

More than a quarter of an hour later, some talents went back to rest.

Others, because the people close to them were still in Donggong Mountain, were very uneasy. They were looking forward to Donggong Mountain and were unwilling to leave. They planned to wait until midnight.

Because they all understand that if it's past midnight, it's really impossible to return.

Many people came to talk to Duanmu Yawang. Duanmu Yawang's ears were full of noise, and she felt that her brain was hurting. She was also tired after going up the mountain for three days. She yawned, found an excuse to wave away from everyone, and went back to the room.

Before freshening up, she didn't know what she thought of, went to the desk in the room, took a piece of paper, wrote two lines on it, and pasted it in front of the door of her wing before returning to the room to freshen up.

After freshening up, dry your hair, then turn off the lights and rest.

As soon as she lay down, there was a sound of footsteps from the door of the wing.

The footsteps stopped in front of the door of the wing, and after a while, he hurriedly left.

Little Bailu was curious, "Huh? How did this person get to the door and leave again?"

Duanmu Yawang lay on the bed, stretched out, too lazy to answer.

Little Bailu was not angry: "Don't you go out and see who it is? Maybe someone is looking for you in a hurry?"

Duanmu Yawang nestled in the soft bedding, yawning again and again, and said in a daze: "They are in a hurry, but I don't have it?"

Little Bailu raised her eyebrows: "Are you in a hurry? Why don't you know?"

"I'm all lying down, can't you see?"

Little Bailu's face turned green suddenly, "Dare to love your so-called emergency, which means sleeping?" Hehe, I'm really anxious!

"Why, no?"

Duanmuya glanced at him in a chilly look. After Xiao Bailu shut his mouth, her eyes glided in the dark with a light light: "In the big night, if you deal with one or two people, it's okay, but if it's a team of people, I But I really don't have this energy."

Little Bailu wants to say that there is a team of people coming to you to talk about it.

But soon, Xiao Bailu found out that he was wrong.

Duanmu Yawang is not exaggerating at all. At night, from Duanmu Yawang to sleep, after midnight, and then after the third watch, there are footsteps again and again.

These footsteps stopped in front of Duanmu Yawangmen, and after a pause, they left helplessly.

This time, it didn't stop until the fifth watch.

Xiao Bailu originally planned to count how many times there were footsteps, but at the third watch, he couldn't support his eyelid fights, and he didn't bother to count anymore, and fell asleep deeply.

A sleep till dawn.

By the time Duanmu Yawang and Xiao Bailu woke up, it was already three poles of sunrise.

It was quiet outside.

Duanmu Yawang rubbed twice on the bed before getting up and freshening up full of energy.

Little Bailu remembered the stupid thing that she had counted and waited till midnight yesterday, and thought it was a stunner, and said quietly, "Master, how do you know that many people will come to you last night?"

Duanmu Yawang wiped her face with a cloth strip, curled her lips and smiled: "Just treat me like a god!"

"..." Can we still have a good chat!

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