"Just you know, don't we also know?"

At this time, King Anding followed from behind, took a look at Duanmu Yawang, scolded his son happily, and looked at Duanmu Ya: "Master Gongyu, just come back safely."

King Anding's ability to come out in person is enough to prove that he cares for her.

Of course, this concern may be mixed with other factors.

But in any case, they have a heart, and Duanmu Yawang responded with a smile: "Thank you Anding Wang for your concern."

"Master Gongyu, you can count as coming back."

King Ling Qing, An Xiaowen and Ling Xiaopeng also came out. King Ling Qing sighed: "If you don't come back, maybe all of us will not sleep tonight."

If you don't come back after midnight, you really can't come back.

And the whole army was wiped out!

Donggong Mountain has always attracted people, but if the whole army is wiped out, no one will dare to participate again.

Duanmu Yawang didn't answer yet, An Xiaowen stepped forward, approached her and took a look at her whole body, and asked with a worried expression: "The son is going out this trip, is there any injury?"

Duanmu Yawang's eyelids twitched, the goose bumps were all up, "No."

An Xiaowen smiled, her eyes gleaming, "The son is really amazing."

Ling Xiaopeng sneered at her.

This laughter was a bit ironic, and it was a bit harsh to hear.

Especially stopped in An Xiaowen's ears, making her smiling face stiff, and suddenly becoming extremely embarrassed.

Ling Xiaopeng looked at Duanmu Yawang and wanted to say something, but in the end he said nothing.

In addition to King Anding and others, more people came for questioning one after another, including Lao Lin.

When Lao Lin came, he was in a hurry. He was wearing a robe and wrinkled shoes under his feet. His hair was a bit messy, and his eyes were deep. He looked like he should be lying down, but he couldn't sleep. He couldn't care about it after hearing the news. Deportment hurried over.

He has an injury on his foot. He walked around, turning and turning, he was a gentleman and gentleman in the cool breeze, supporting him with concern, "Master, you walk slowly, your foot is still hurting, I listen. When the news arrives, Junior Brother Wu has indeed come back together."

Old Lin seemed to be unable to hear anything. He hurriedly got into the crowd. He turned pale when he saw the **** disciple, and rushed over and said, "Min'er!"

Liang Feng was shocked when he saw Wu Min's appearance, and asked with a pale face, "This...Why did Junior Brother Wu get so badly hurt?"

"Min'er, you are like this, how should I explain to your mother?"

Old Lin was extremely sad, staring at Wu Min and then looking at him, only to see that he was covered in blood, he couldn't even reach out to touch it, and said anxiously, "How could Min'er be brought back like this? Why don’t you know how to bandage the wound?"

Hearing the cool breeze, remembering something, looked at Duanmu Yawang.

Obviously, Mr. Lin had also thought about what he did. He scanned the crowd and found Duanmu Yawang's figure, stood up eagerly, and came to Duanmu Yawang, "Master Gongyu, did you find Du Miner for Lin? ?"

"We discovered it by accident."


Old Lin's skin was wrinkled and drooping, and his whole person seemed to be quite old. He raised his gaze to look at Duanmu Yawang and his eyes became muddy and sad: "Princess Gongyu, Lin is very grateful to you..."

After talking, what else did I want to say, finally turned into a sigh.

Duanmu Yawang saw that he was hesitant to say something but stopped, "Lin Lao has anything to say, just say it."

"No matter, how can I blame you for this?" Old Lin tiredly raised his forehead, "This time, you can retrieve Min'er for me. My sister's only grandson..."

At the end of the speech, Mr. Lin barely made a sound, and the old man burst into tears.

"Master, don't say that first."

Liang Feng hurriedly comforted Elder Lin: "Junior Brother Wu still has a breath. Since there is still a breath, then it depends on you. We must not be so pessimistic."

"Yes, we can't give up."

When Old Lin heard it, he remembered something, like grabbing a life-saving straw, and grabbing Duanmu Yawang’s wrist, "Master Gongyu, we heard that Princess An and Princess Seven have been rescued by you. Princess Seven and Princess An have said No one can match your medical skills. Is this true?"

Many people have suspicions about whether Duanmu Yawang understands medical skills, but these days it has been heard from the princess and princesses, but everyone is surprised and surprised.

"Medical skills are unparalleled, no one can compare to not dare to be." Duanmu Yawang felt that in this world, there are still people outside the sky, "I can only say that I am a little proficient."

Cool breeze was gentle and calm, and asked in an orderly manner: "Junior Brother Wu came back with you. Although Cool Breeze doesn’t know the son, but since the man brought us back for us, he didn’t bandage the younger brother. But what's the matter? The reason?"


Duanmu Yawang said sternly: "The situation of Young Master Wu is very special. It is a difficult symptom that I have never encountered before. He is not talented in German and has no way of starting."

Old Lin's face paled in vain, "In other words, Lord Gongyu, you can't save my disciple and grandson?"

"For the time being."

There was a huge loss in the eyes of Old Lin. Looking at the blood-covered disciple, he felt a pain in his heart. He sighed the cool breeze and said: "Min'er has too much blood on his body, and it has always been wet. If the clothes stick to your body, it will definitely be very uncomfortable. You will find another two younger brothers to help move Min'er back. At the same time, you will go to the imperial doctor to go to the wing and bandage the wound for Min'er. The blood will flow down like this. It certainly won't work."


The cool breeze answered and went to handle it immediately.

"Master, when everyone sees Wu Min's situation, everyone thinks he has numerous wounds on his body." Little Bailu touched his chin and stared at Old Lin unexpectedly, "However, this old Lin thought he had countless wounds on his disciple. But you don't help others to bandage, he can still treat you nicely, and the quality is not bad."


Duanmu Yawang responded indifferently, and saw Lao Lin staring at Wu Min in a daze. The old and haggard appearance, a little unbearable, was about to speak. At this time, the brothers and sisters Jing Jixing came over and respectfully bowed their hands to Lao Lin, "Old Lin. ."

"Young Master Jing, Miss Jing."

Old Lin's cheeks were tight, he glanced at Jing Zaixing and Jing Lingxing, his voice was a little cold.

Jing Jixing and Jing Lingxing seemed to have not noticed, and said with a serious face: "Old Lin, we are not optimistic about Master Wu. We have a great responsibility for this matter, and we are sorry..."

"You two don't want to talk about this."

Before the two of them could finish their words, Old Lin coldly interrupted the two of them, "We are Wu Min who is stupid, lacking in strength, and unable to protect ourselves. Weakness is our sin. We don't blame anyone, and neither of them should feel guilty. ."

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