
Duanmu Yawang didn't know if she had heard her anxious words, and she responded with a word that was neither salty nor indifferent.

This made the little girl anxious, "Oh what do you mean? You are our team leader, so you can think of a way faster!"


Duanmu Yawang didn't answer.

The seventh princess has blown up her hair, and when the danger comes, she can't care about anything, "Hey, what do you mean by not saying anything? You dare to ignore this princess, believe it or not that princess punishes your nine races?"

"Your Royal Highness, the son should be thinking of a way."

Lord Gongyu is not a member of their empire. The Jiu Clan is not yet her turn. Seeing her face, An Zexi has said all the faint words of the Jiu Clan, and he has to remind him: "Is the princess not seeing the Gongzi busy? "

The seventh princess was originally going to be angry. Hearing what he said, she hurriedly bowed her head. Then she saw that Duanmu Yawang didn't know when, there was a small plate beside her, filled with bottles of small things, and the stone pound in her arms Inside it was piled up with unknown leaves, rhizomes and the like, as well as flowers and plants.

While smashing these things, she watched the changes of these things, then pinched one of the bottles and added something unknown to it.

After the stuff was added, the original dry stuff, because of the small bottle of stuff, had weird little bubbles.

She looked strangely, "What are these things?" How weird!

Duanmu Yawang was working on her own things intently. He didn't experience any distraction to listen to what she said, so naturally he wouldn't answer.

This time, the seventh princess didn't dare to be wordy anymore, but shut up obediently.

Suddenly, several people became quiet.

After they were quiet, the sound from under the tree became more and more obvious, and they obviously felt that something was getting closer and closer to them.

They were so nervous that their hairs stood up.

However, the higher the upward, the slower the sound of those things came up, which made them secretly relieved.

However, those things are still climbing up.

They waited for a while, and saw that there were only two or three small pots left on Duanmuya's plate, and the **** smell pouring in from under the tree made them nauseous.

I don't know who looked down, saw what, and screamed: "Then, what are those things?"

When they looked down, they saw a few things that looked like hamsters, crawling up the tree trunk in small pieces. When they moved, the tentacles were still scooping and the eyes were round, and they looked very cute.

Seeing these little things, the seventh princess breathed a sigh of relief, "It turned out to be a hamster, the little one looks so cute!"


An Xiaowen didn't resist the small animals. In addition, the sound that seemed to come from under the tree became smaller and even disappeared. She patted her chest and said, "It is estimated that we are a false alarm."


Duanmu Yawang, who was still working on things, suddenly sneered when he heard the words, "You can eat a person separately, even the bones are missing, you think it is cute?"

The faces of a few people suddenly changed!

"This is not a hamster?"

"No! With good eyes, you can observe their teeth."

Duan Muya looked at it and looked down while handling her own things. They saw a few small animals with a slightly darker coat than hamsters. A few meters away from them, they were poking their heads, looking at them naively.

Little animals in this era actually know that they use cuteness to reduce their defenses.

Duanmu Yawang sneered. Sure enough, the older the thing, the smarter it is!

Others were not calm and calm. When she heard that she wanted to observe the teeth of small animals, a few people stood on the tree and looked down in shock and fear, but they saw that these little cuties kept shaking their tentacles, blinking the big bones. Eyes, there is no need to show their teeth!

A few people couldn't observe anything, some were very anxious, and wanted to ask Duanmu Yawang, but she didn't care about this, and constantly fiddled with her own things.

A few people had to observe those little things with trepidation.

Those little things have been hesitating a few meters away from them. The bark of the small short-legged Bala, big eyes, timid and weak, looked like they didn't dare to get close.

However, such small eyes reflected the light of their torches in the dark night, reflecting a touch of red light, and occasionally, it seemed to see some ghost fire, which only added a taste of horror.

The two little girls who originally thought they were cute, were too afraid to look at them again by the light, and withdrew their gazes in a daze.

A few small things are still hovering below.

However, they are obviously lacking in patience. Duanmu Ya hoped that they hadn't reacted for so long. They opened their mouths and made a harsh clicking sound. The sound was like a sharp object piercing into the flesh and blood of humans. It hurts!

The seventh princess listened uncomfortably, and she inadvertently lowered her head to look at it. At this look, she was shocked: "Red, red fangs!"

When several people heard this, they also looked down, and at this look, they were also astonished.

I saw a few cute animals who were looking at people with their mouths closed and eyes wide open. They opened their mouths when they screamed, revealing their teeth!

They are four or five times longer than the teeth of ordinary people!

The teeth are sharp and red all over, as if they were soaked in blood, and at the same time a stench came out from inside!

Because their teeth were exposed, their original small faces became deformed, their faces hideous!

They seemed to be acceptable. The screams of the Seven Princesses made them squeak, and the sound that they emitted became sharper. And when this sound rang, the clattering of the climbing ropes that had disappeared began to continue from From below!

Several people changed their faces, "They, they are not far away, they are coming up now!"

When they said, the little animals that had been in the front and had been selling cute animals with them, their short limbs began to accumulate their strength, and they leaped towards them with a tear!

"Can't let them come up!"

A big man in Ling Xiaopeng changed his face and clanged, he turned his weapon from the spirit chain, and was about to do it, Duan Mu Yawang slammed: "You can't chop them!"

Ling Xiaopeng paused in a hurry, "Why?"

"The blood in the dark millet is poisonous. If their blood splashes on us, it only takes one drop, and we will feel as if we are in a stove, it can burn our skin!" Duanmu Yawang did not listen to the movement of her hand, and answered as he did not hear it. But his eyes were looking straight at the few shadows who were about to approach them.

Several people gasped at hearing, "So poisonous? Then what should we do?"

Duanmu Yawang glanced down at what she was making, and pursed her lips: "The only way is to hide."

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