
The seventh princess stomped, "Now we are almost at the top of the tree, how can we hide?"

Duanmu Yawang continued with the author, with a calm voice: "Is it almost at the top of the tree, isn't it yet at the top of the tree?"


Several people were dumbfounded, "My son, do you mean let us go directly to the top of the tree?"

Duanmu Yawang stood up and squinted: "We are all cultivators, don't tell me, Ye Chengzhong is not capable of this, right?"

"This is naturally possible."

An Xiaowen said distressed: "But we are human beings, and we are stuck on the tip of the leaf. We can only stay for a while at most." And this small meeting will consume their huge energy.

"Don't talk about it first!"

An Zexi said eagerly: "Let's hurry up!" The dark millet has reached their toes, and if they don't go up, they won't be able to go up!

When An Xiaowen and Princess Seven looked down, they saw a few dark grinning staring at them. They were so frightened that Huarong was pale, and there was no time to think about anything. One of them hurt the top of the tree.

Duanmu Yawang and An Zexi's faces also hurriedly followed.

They can only cultivate, and they can use Ye to bear the weight and use the leaf as the support under the support of their spiritual power. Whether or not the dark millet can be, so they thought that the dark millet would definitely not be able to get close to them.

They can hold on for a while at least.

However, the dark is clever and cunning.

They don’t necessarily need to be able to reach the tip of the leaf. They came to the end of the trunk and found that they couldn’t get close to them. They grinned and made a strange noise. Then, as if they had heard some command, they opened their mouths and gnawed toward the branches. go!

They have been staring at the movements of the dark millet, and seeing their behavior, they immediately have a guess in their hearts, and they are extremely shocked: "They will bite off the little branch where we are!"

If they break a small branch, they will not be able to gain a foothold, and they will be forced to fall to the ground.

Duanmu Yawang's hands were still moving, and as she kept sitting down, the things in the tools exuded a burst of fragrance, even if it was already dangerous, the fragrance still made them breathe deeply. It smells so good!"


At this moment, the texture of the seventh princess was bitten off, and she couldn't prevent herself, she immediately strayed, and she fell into the ground!

Duanmu Ya looked at her eyebrows, leaped away, grabbed her wrist with one hand, soared upwards, and said to the people who were still on the tree: "We can't go down to the ground, there should be a lot of shadows on the ground, let's change a tree soon! "

"Oh yes!"

There are not many big trees here. In addition, their sight range is limited, so they can't see if there is a tree next to them. They can only hold the torch, and use their strength to fly in the direction of Duanmu Yawang.

It has been difficult to find a tree that can land. Duanmu Yawang listened to the gasps of the people behind her, with a bite of her teeth, she could only casually find one and a half tall and not short trees, and stopped on it.

She grabbed the seventh princess's hand. After reaching the tree, she immediately let go and continued to beat the things in her hand, but the seventh princess really escaped from the dead.

He patted his chest with lingering fears, and it didn't take a long time to relax.

After regaining her senses, she was about to speak, and the others came over.


Their strength is not comparable to Duanmu Yawang, such a long flight made them exhausted, and they finally have a place to support them, and they breathed a sigh of relief.

However, such a flight caused them to consume too much strength. A few people were panting, their faces were blue and their lips were white, and they were so tired that they were not well.

However, it is safe anyway.

However, this is just what they think is safe. They just took a breath, and the strange sound of clicking appeared again, and they immediately felt the familiar sound of eucalyptus climbing from their tree!

"Why did you catch us so soon?"

A few people panted, and their eyes flinched as they said.

They didn't have much strength to escape this time because they were so tired.

But the tree they were in was really not high, and they quickly ran up. A few people looked down and saw that the whole tree trunk was densely covered with grinning grinning teeth. The situation just looked frightening.

Not to mention these dark towers and towers, all moved to get close to them, they only felt that the cold was born from the bottom of their feet, and their hearts were cold and the whole person was cold.

An Xiaowen was even more frightened and cried, stiffening her limbs and crying: "What, what should I do? I, I don't want to die yet..."

"Don't cry!"

Originally anxious, Duanmu Yawang's brain was about to explode due to such a noise, her hand movement never stopped, and it was maintained, her elbows were so sore that she was about to be felt.

"What do you mean to me?"

An Xiaowen felt that she was a girl. At this time, their man should comfort her and protect her, but what she didn't want was Duanmu Yawang's sentence.

What's more, she had certain expectations for Duanmu Yawang, so she was so wronged that tears continued to flow like pearls.

"Come up!"

An Zexi was always paying attention to the situation of the dark millet, and quickly pulled An Xiaowen to stand on the tip of the leaf, and the seventh princess and Ling Xiaopeng also followed.

Duanmu Yawang kept staring at the things in the stone pill, sniffing those thoughts, and realizing that he had achieved the result he wanted, so he stopped.

When she stopped, she also let out a long sigh of relief, "It's finally done, no matter how bad it is, my hand will probably be broken."

A few people couldn't think, they only knew that Anmu was about to come up. Seeing that Duanmu Yawang hadn't come up yet, they hurriedly asked: "My son, why aren't you coming up yet?"


Duanmu Yawang said as he took out a small spoon-like thing from Qiankun's bag, and then spooned a spoonful of dark, weird things into the stone chucks, biting a finger on her own, in those things After dripping a few drops of blood, he stuffed it into his mouth.

The original thing was fried, and it was mixed with my own blood. The feeling of eating can be imagined. Duanmu Yawang wrinkled while eating, and even felt nauseous.

But she held back and swallowed the thing abruptly. After swallowing it, the whole person relaxed and said, "You guys come down quickly."

"Next, go down?"

They heard what Duanmu Yawang said clearly, but they were more hesitant, "Next, what are you going to do?"

"Come down to eat."

Duanmu Yawang said, holding the stone claw, tentatively walking down the tree trunk.

The trunk was covered with dark millet.

The dark millet who originally wanted to go up, somehow, when Duanmu Yawang kept going down, they kept going down...

"It seems that my method is effective." It's not wasting her hard work.

"The son?"

Several people heard her voice coming from a point below, suspiciously: "You, where are you now?"

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