On the way back, Duanmu Yawang walked in front with a torch in one hand and his eyes followed the light of the torch, sweeping around within the range of vision.

She swept, sometimes changing direction.

The others didn't understand the way, but they followed obediently.

Along the way, they encountered almost no danger, even if they encountered some evil beasts, they were not considered high in certain levels, and it was not to be feared.

They went very smoothly on their way back.

Originally, other people were worried that it would be more dangerous to go back too late, but they didn't expect it to go so smoothly.

Not only did they wonder, everyone said that the night on Donggong Mountain was dangerous, and they didn't seem to feel it at all. Could it be that the rumors were false?

They were thinking like this. Anze was sensitive and careful. Seeing the surrounding environment, he found a different place. He asked Duanmu Yawang who was walking in front: "My son, it seems that our journey back to time is not the same as when we came back?"


Duanmu Yawang faintly replied, "This time, I took a shortcut."


An Zexi froze for a moment, "Is there such a saying?" You know, on this Donggong Mountain, everyone just wants not to get lost. Many people just walk blindly, not daring to go too far, especially not daring to go too far. More than five miles, I'm afraid I will lose my way.

Young Master Gongyu can actually toss a short distance?

"Why not?"

Duanmu Yawan was surprised when he heard what he said, "When we came, we made such a big circle, don't tell me, you didn't find it, did you?"


Several people didn't know what she said, and looked at each other.

They don’t understand the direction, and the surrounding fog is big. They just want to save their lives and not get lost. They are also concerned about whether they can hunt the baby, and how can they pay attention to this!


Duanmuya glanced at them and immediately understood.

She couldn't help but shook her head secretly. Each of these children had a higher heart than the sky, and they were too proud. In fact, there was something in their stomachs. They were so stupid that they didn't even know if they were sold!

Fortunately, she is a moral person.

Several people were also embarrassed and at a loss.

Duanmu Yawang stopped talking and continued to move forward.

Moyue walked like this for half an hour, and they suddenly heard a noise in Wuli.

Ling Xiaopeng paused, "It's a bamboo whistle!"


Duanmu Yawang also stunned her feet and curled her eyebrows: "Don't make any noises, I hear from which direction it came."


The hurried bamboo whistle reached their ears again.

"My son, it's from this side!" An Zexi pointed in a direction with her fingertips.

Duanmu Yawang naturally heard it, squeezed her eyebrows, and sighed: "You really are against me. Why do you run in that direction?"


When several people heard her, they didn't know why: "My son, what's wrong with that direction?"


She spit out two words coldly, and said while lifting a step: "Let's go, let's go find them."

Several people were confused by her.

They should have never been in that direction. Why did the son say that the direction was dangerous when he spoke?

They wanted to ask, but Duanmu Yawang took out all kinds of gadgets from Qiankun's bag as he walked, things they didn't know at all, and then the direction of the commander was constantly adjusting, busy and eager, they didn't dare to disturb her easily. .

Mo Yue walked for a quarter of an hour, and they heard the whistle getting closer and closer, and several people were overjoyed. They were thinking that they were not far away, but suddenly they heard Duanmu Ya Wang solemnly say: "Quickly, find a tall tree. Go to the tree and hide!"


The few people couldn't keep up with her rhythm at all, and they were completely in a daze.

"Get up the tree!"


Several people were frightened by her eager tone, and one of them jumped up and all climbed up on a towering tree.

As soon as they had just reached the valley, they heard a squeaky sound from below. The sound was creaking, like something was chewing on something in groups, a gust of wind blew by, a smell of rust just like that. Into the tip of their nose.


That is the smell of blood!

What a strong taste!

Could it be that someone has been seriously injured?

However, if it is only a small degree of injury to a person, how can there be such a big smell of blood?

‘Click, click, pounce, pounce, pounce, pounce.’

The sound of chewing while walking around, sounds creepy!

A few people suddenly did not dare to breathe.

An Xiaowen was trembling a little, but the tree on them was very high. In Donggong Mountain, they could only see food within a radius of ten meters. Their height was ten meters above the ground, so they couldn't see anything.

The more invisible they are, the more they panic when they hear such a voice, "Master, son, what sound is this?"

"I said you can't feel it, you will know in a while."

An Xiaowen was puzzled: "But, but we can't see it." How can we know if I can't see it?

Duanmu Ya looked at her lips and threw the torch to An Zexi to hold it. She constantly rummaged through Qiankun's bag, and occasionally used her own hat and veil to make a fuss while others could not see clearly. Take something out of the medical system.

Upon hearing this, she said meaningfully: "I can't see it now, I will see it in a while."

Will be able to see it in a while?

But the place where they are located is higher than ten meters, how does that look?

Just as she was struggling, she suddenly felt blessed, thinking of something, and took a breath, "The son means that those things will come up to the tree?"

Duanmu Ya looked up and raised her eyebrows, somewhat surprised: "The princess is very smart this time." When she said, she lowered her head and counted the things she found out, and poured them all into a stone-shaped thing.

An Xiaowen was not happy when she heard it, because she could hear those sounds getting closer, the smell of blood became more and more intense, and the sound of claws infesting tree trunks continued to penetrate into the tips of her ears!


She instantly turned pale, and screamed: "Then, what is coming up!"

Others felt it too. The sounds of those paws sounded tens of thousands of sensations. It really made people get goose bumps, especially with the more intense **** smell, which made people feel nauseous and nauseous!

"My son, what should we do now?" Listening to the voice getting closer, Princess Seven's face became pale too, and her lips trembled, completely losing her previous calmness.

"Continue to climb a little bit."

When Duanmu Yawang said, he took the lead in holding the stone claw, and took the lead to jump up.

The others had to keep up.

They went up a few meters again, but they were almost at the top of the tree. They could not go up anymore. The seventh princess was like an ant upper body, so panicked that they couldn’t help themselves: "This is the top, no matter how high we go, those things will always follow Coming up, this is not a solution at all!"

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