Next, the few people standing on the side soon heard the sound of cracking and cracking of the stone.

Everyone couldn't bear to blink their eyes and stared in the direction of the stone.

Everyone thought that they would soon be able to see the spiritual stone under the surface of the stone. However, after waiting for a long time, the mist lingering around the stone still did not disperse.

Time, a little bit goes by.

Mo Yue came over for almost two quarters of an hour, the light around the stone mountain gradually faded, and the night was pulled up.

The stone hasn't come out yet.

"Why have you been driving for so long this time?" Ling Xiaopeng looked at Duanmu Yawang, always feeling that there was something tricky in it, thinking that she probably wanted to move something.

An Zexi glanced at him, "Opening the stone and cutting the stone is originally not easy, and the son is only using his strength to estimate the broken surface, and he needs to be more cautious. It is normal to spend more time."

Ling Xiaopeng retorted in a low voice, "But don't forget that it took half a quarter of an hour for your eighth-level spirit stone to come out!"

"There is an exception to everything."

Ling Xiaopeng sneered, and as always held up with An Zexi: "Yeah, you are almost becoming someone's running dog now, and naturally you have to protect them every word."


An Zexi laughed angrily, and said in a chill: "If I say a few more words for the son, it will be a running dog. The son saved you, but you still speak ill of others. There are many speculations, aren't you also the same? White-eyed wolf?"

Ling Xiaopeng was instantly furious, "You're just a wolf!"

An Zexi and him have been arguing with each other for more than ten years. When you look at Ling Xiaopeng’s expression, you know that he is already irrational. If you continue to talk to him, he will definitely become A vicious dog that can bite.

So the best way is...ignore him.

If you want to make noise, people don't make noise with you. Ling Xiaopeng's teeth are itchy, but he has no choice but to return his attention to Duanmu Yawang.

Duanmuya seemed to be unable to hear their quarrel, still driving the stone wholeheartedly.

After a while, she didn’t know what she was feeling. She did two things with one heart. She closed her eyes and opened the stone with one hand, and reached into the universe bag with one hand. She took out several torches and fire folds, and threw them to the side. The few people who looked at her said: "It's dark. In the dark, we have spiritual power and are easy to be attacked by evil beasts. Let's light a torch."

A few people didn't react at once, and An Xiaowen was full of joy, "The son is really careful, and he even thought of this. It's amazing."

An Zexi glanced at her sister, and saw that Duanmu Yawang was getting more and more attached to her between her eyebrows, and she secretly sighed, not knowing how to dissuade her.

"What are you stupefying about?"

No one took the torch and Huozhezi in his hand. Duanmu Yawang, who was still opening the stone, had been working hard, and finally couldn't help but reminded him, "Hurry up and take the baby?"


A few people just woke up like a dream, and quickly took the torch and lit them.

Four torches illuminate the surroundings as bright as day.

Holding the torch, several people continued to wait.

Time is still passing by a little bit.

Everyone was a little anxious when they waited, so if they drive like this, they don't know if it will be too late to go back!

If they go back late, then their hard work today will really be wasted!

Just when they couldn't help but urged, they saw Duanmu Yawang opened his eyes, and the mist and steam lingering around the stone began to dissipate little by little.

Several people swallowed, their eyes reluctant to blink, and they stared in that direction.

When the mist and steam faded, the true appearance of the stone was exposed to the stone in front of them, their eyes widened in amazement, and they said unbelievably: "This, this... is it a spirit stone?"

Duanmu Yawang felt that even if he took out the surface stone, there was still a stone of his own height, and smiled and said, "It is indeed a spirit stone."

Several people thought that Duanmu Yawang was crazy, "My son, isn't the light at night dazzling? Well, this stone is black!"

In this world, where is there any black spirit stone!

Don't say that there are no black-eyed people in this world, even if they were there before, they are still useless, they can't cultivate at all, and there are no black spirit stones!

This should be just a black stone!

"I know."

Duanmu Yawang shrugged and said in a leisurely manner: "I said before that it is a waste rock. This black spiritual stone, we can't feel any spiritual energy, but the texture is the same as the spiritual stone. It is not a black spiritual stone. what?"

The black spirit stone was given to her by Lingyue Pavilion every time before, but during this time she had no contact with Lingyue Pavilion, and they didn't seem to find any black spirit stone.

She needs this black spirit stone very much now, so she is very surprised by the harvest this time.

It can be called a surprise.

At the beginning, I questioned the seventh princess of Duanmu Yawang. I didn't know what to say this time. She glared at her and said angrily: "Are you sick? Don't want the eighth-level spirit stone. You want this piece of waste stone?"

"My son, do geniuses have different ideas from ordinary people?" An Xiaowen couldn't help it, she walked over and touched the black stone, but didn't feel any aura.

She held her forehead speechlessly, and said dumbfounded: "The son is not a black-eyed person, what's the use of such a black spirit stone?"

It's dark, it doesn't matter if it can't be used, it's even more unsightly, and it's too bad for the place to take it back!

It is really puzzling to use such a waste stone to exchange for an eighth-level spirit stone!

Who is not the black eye?

I am the Black Eye!

What I need is the most difficult-to-find black spirit stone in the world!

Duanmu Yawang retorted a few words in his heart, and replied: "An eighth-level spirit stone can be said to be rare. It is what people dream of, but a black spirit stone is rare in the world. It is so rare, why not Is it worth taking back?"

An Xiaowen sighed: "I always feel that this is a waste of opportunity for the son."

Everyone has only three hunting opportunities. An eighth-level spirit stone is invaluable. It can even be said to be priceless, but he just discarded it for a piece of black useless waste stone.

It's too popular, and it's a pity.

"I don't think so."

It was hard to come across a piece of black spirit stone, and it was such a large piece and such a high level, but the repeated blows by others made Duan Mu Yawang unhappy.

While answering, she cautiously started to put the huge black spirit crystal into the universe bag.

After putting it away, she was not wordy, she also lighted a torch, and said: "It's getting late, we won't delay, let's return." When she said, she took the lead to go back.


A few people had no objection, so they followed.

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