The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1055: After adjusting your breath, it’s fortunate not to die

With the passage of time, her breathing rate increased rapidly, and continued to accelerate, but it was still not as fast as the rate at which the breath entered the body, and the airflow that Dantian could withstand in a short period of time was limited.

Don't deal with it quickly, her dantian will really explode!

Little Bailu asked: "Master, have you tried this heart formula?"

Duanmu Yawang shook his head.

"Well, does this work?" Little Bailu wrung his eyebrows, biting his little finger and walking around in place in worry.

"For nothing, don't leave." Huo Fei said solemnly.


Little Bailu paused and controlled himself, but couldn't help adding: "Fei Fei, Uncle Yin, you have to work hard."

Duanmu Yawang knew that they were very worried. She didn't say anything, and tried to control her breath to the best state, and then said in one breath: "Generally speaking, this kind of heart tactics treatment is going the other way and it will be very dangerous... "

"Xiao Yawang, this is not a big deal..."

"Xiaoyin'er, listen to me first, don't interrupt me." Duanmu Yawang spoke extremely fast, and at a glance, it was not easy for her to speak smoothly, and she closed her mouth quickly.

Duanmu Yawang continued: "It is inherently dangerous to go the other way, plus Xiaoyin'er, Fei, and even I have used this heart technique for the first time. I am not familiar with it at all. You are absorbing my spiritual energy. At the same time, you have to adjust your own airflow. Both of you need to absorb and adjust your breath at the same time."

"Ordinary people have difficulty even adjusting their own breaths, not to mention having to absorb spiritual energy. In this process, you need to be very focused and have an absolute grasp of the airflow. It absorbs the spiritual energy in my body, and makes my dantian withered and turned into a pair of withered bones, and even you yourself will explode the dantian at the same time!"

In other words, all three people will be in danger of life!

Duanmu Yawang's lips trembled when she spoke, and she began to gasp unsteadily as soon as she finished speaking. Obviously, it took her best effort to say this paragraph.

Little Bailu looked at Duanmu Yawang eagerly, then looked at Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin, and couldn't say a word.

Because Duanmu Yawang is very important to him, and Fei and Yin Huiyin are equally important. If three people have an accident at the same time, the consequences are really unimaginable.

He dare not imagine the result!


Yin Huiyin glanced at Duanmu Yawang and said a word. Before Duanmu Yawang could react, he pinched her wrist, and at almost the same time, Huo Fei made the same action.

The two of them were startled, and then Yin Huiyin laughed haha, with a slight warmth in his heart: "Xiao Yawang, you see, we should have a tacit understanding, so the things you are worried about will not happen."

After that, without waiting for Duanmu Yawang to speak, together with Huo Fei, almost at the same time, they began to explore the airflow in Duanmu Yawang's body with a wisp of their own aura.

Since the two of them had done this, Duanmu Yawang seemed hypocritical if she refused. She tried to control the airflow in her body and let Yin Huiyin and Huo Fei explore.

Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin were not in a hurry to go to the next step, they felt the airflow in Duanmu Yawang's body.

They knew that the airflow in Duanmu Yawang's body was fierce. Then, when they felt it, they were still alone across Duanmu Yawang. The feeling was not real, but now they felt it directly and found that the airflow was worse than they thought.

The moment they discovered the airflow in her body, their expressions changed slightly on the spot!

Only then did they understand that Duanmu Yawang was still alive under such airflow. For a mortal, it was a miracle. The average person should not be able to withstand the moment the airflow entered, and his bloodline burst!

However, she can still endure such a long time, and the speed of adjusting her breath has made such rapid progress in such a short period of time, which is really incredible!

After thinking about it this way, after a while, Yin Huiyin and Huo Fei almost caught the change in Duanmu Yawang's breath adjustment speed and the change in airflow. They looked at each other, and then looked at Duanmu Ya and said: "Xiao Yawang, Xin Jue."

Duanmu Yawang took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down: "Start now?"



Duanmu Yawang is not wordy, she wants to talk about her heart tactics while she can still speak.

So, while adjusting her breath, she told Yin Huiyin Huo Fei the Heart Jue. Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin listened for a hundred years while sucking in the excess airflow in her body and adjusting the excess airflow in their own body.

This is not a simple matter.

While they were doing it, the little white deer dared not breathe while watching.

At this point, it was a whole day.

As time passed, Duanmu Yawang didn't change anything at first, and Moyue only two or three hours later, her purple-black face slowly returned to its original complexion.

Xiao Bailu had raised his heart for a few hours in his throat before finally returning to the original place.

However, the matter obviously did not end so quickly. Although Duanmu Yawang's complexion improved a lot, the three people continued to adjust their breath until seven or eight hours had passed, and the three opened their eyes.


Little Bailu looked at it, cheered, and instantly rushed towards Duanmuya, hugged her neck and kissed her face constantly: "Master, you can still live!"

"Go and go, go aside."

For Duanmu Yawang, the whole day of adjusting her interest rate was really exhausting, and she was exhausted.

Of course, she was still very happy. She stretched out her hand and rubbed Xiao Bailu's head, "It's not easy for you to stare at the three of us all day in one pose."

She thought he was going to sleep.

Little Bailu saw what Duanmu Yawang was thinking at a glance, and turned her head proudly, "Huh, do you think you can do things according to different occasions, okay?"

"Yes Yes Yes."

Duanmu Yawang was out of anger, raised her eyes to look at Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin. Seeing that they were also very tired, she couldn't help asking, "How are you feeling? Will it be uncomfortable?" Phew, it's a blessing not to die this time!

"No, just tired."

Even Huo Fei felt tired.

They have never tried such a huge breath in one day.

Even the most powerful people will feel exhausted.

"It's fine if there is no discomfort."

Duanmu Ya looked and said, feeling the aura in the body warm and mellow, and couldn't help saying: "I feel that after this breath surging, the aura in my body seems to be thicker."

Yin Huiyin was too tired to do it or not. He found a big tree and leaned in. After a sigh of relief, he smiled and said, "This is natural. Today you adjusted your breath speed so fast that those breaths turned into Your real aura, not only is your aura strong, it is estimated that your spiritual power is also strong."

Duanmu Yawang blinked and understood: "You mean, I will advance?"

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