The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1056: Light distance, master, you are too good!

"If there are no accidents." Yin Huiyin leaned against the tree trunk, closing his eyes to calm his mind: "Xiao Yawang, you can detect the changes in the aura in your body."


Duan Muya looked at her heart, closed her eyes, and explored the qi in her body as Yin Huiyin said.

After a while, she uttered a sudden, her eyes widened.

"How many steps has it gone up?" Xiao Bailu couldn't wait to ask, and Yin Huiyin and Huo Fei also stared at her curiously.

Duan Muya stared blankly and shook her head.

"Isn't it up?"

Duanmu Yawang shook his head again.

This made Xiao Bailu anxious and stamped his feet: "Oh, master, don't just shake your head, what's the matter? Just enter, if you don't, you won't!"

"I entered, but I don't know how much I entered, and I can't detect it." Duanmu Yawang said, her eyes dull and blank.


Little Bailu was stunned for a moment, why couldn't he find it out?

"Then Master, how do you feel now?"

"Is it comfortable?"

Little Bailu stared: "People are asking about the aura in your body, who asked you about this!"

"Okay." Duanmu Yawang said seriously: "As far as the thickness of the aura in my body is concerned, I feel that the aura in my body is more than twice as thick as before."

One, double?

Little Bailu was dumbfounded, "Master, you, are you sure you are not joking?"

"You look at me like a joke?"

It's really not like it.

Thinking like this, Xiao Bailu wants to know more, but Duanmu Ya hopes that he can't detect it. This is very worrying. After thinking about it, just about to speak, suddenly Yin Huiyin said: "I just probed it. According to yours Algorithm, I guess it has increased by more than one level."

"Are you all up by one level?" Little Bailu was surprised, and hurriedly looked at Huo Fei, "Fei Fei, how about you, how much have you risen?"

"Let me see."

When Huo Fei said, he also probed for a while, and said for a moment: "I am also more than one level."

Yin Huiyin leaned back against the big tree and squinted at Duanmu Yawang meaningfully: "Xiao Yawang, we just absorb your remaining airflow. After adjusting your breath, each will increase by one level. You draw more airflow than ours. The sum of these is much more, probably more than two levels."

"Damn! Master, you are going against the sky!" Xiao Bailu applauded and said excitedly: "If you go up two levels a day, no one can do it, right?"

You know, at the first level, how many people have not been able to cultivate for ten years or even decades, and she actually rose so much in one day, if she let others know about it, I might wish to kneel down and ask for a way!

"This is just the most conservative estimate."

Yin Huiyin emphasized with a smile: "In fact, it is estimated to be much higher than these two levels, maybe."

Little Bailu became more and more excited by the words, and couldn’t wait to say: “Master, you can’t estimate it by yourself. It’s better to light a spiritual balloon and look at it, light one casually, and look at the size and light. It’s more intuitive. Even if you can't guess it, there is a general idea in your heart."


Duanmu Yawang had thought of this, but Xiao Bailu was the first to say it.

"Quickly, quickly." Little Bailu urged with big eyes brightly.

"Why are you more anxious than me!"

Looking out of anger, Duanmu Ya stretched out a left hand, closed her eyes and meditated her heart secretly.

After a while, Duanmu Yawang felt a spirit flow in her palm, and then heard the little white deer take a breath. She was taken aback, slowly opened her eyes to take a look, and then stayed for a while.

At this time, it had entered the night. When the three of Duanmu Yawang were closing their eyes and adjusting their breaths, the little white deer went to pick up the branches and illuminate the bonfire.

The firewood was almost burnt, half extinguished, and the light was dim.

When Duanmu Yawang opened her eyes, she saw the surrounding area bright.

However, this is not the reason for her shock.

The real reason is that there is not a spiritual balloon in her palm as usual. Instead, it is a river of spiritual energy that spreads from the fingers to the wrist!

When the aura river is flowing, there is a clear sound of ding, ding, dong, dong, the flowing water presents a clear and bright golden gilt, holy and noble, when the water flows, there is a curl of aura, endlessly exuding, and the dark woods are all Illuminated, even the night sky is bright.

If it weren’t for knowing that it’s night, people in the light would think it’s daylight!

"Master, how can a river appear here?" Little Bailu puzzled: "Didn't it make you light the balloon?"

Duanmu Yawang was also innocent: "I ignited the spiritual balloon as I did before, and that was the result."

"This river..."

Little Bailu was a little bit distressed, scratching his head and asking Yin Huiyin and Huo Fei: "Uncle Yin, Fei, do you think this river is better or the spirit balloon is better?"


No one answered him, because Yin Huiyin stared straight at the aura river on the palm of Duanmu Yawang's palm, with his brows tucked tightly, seeming to be thinking, but also recalling.

Looking at the aura river in Duanmu Yawang's palm, Huo Fei's little face was also a little serious.

"Uncle Yin, Fei?"

Yin Huiyin returned to his senses and gave Xiao Bailu a calm look, and asked Duanmu Yawang: "Xiao Yawang, did you use the most common way of burning spirit balloons to get the river?"


Yin Huiyin looked at the brightly illuminated forest around him, remembered for a moment, stood up from the tree with his back, and then jumped into the air in one fell swoop.

He stepped on a leaf on his toe and looked into the distance.

At this look, the brow bones moved a few times, and a smile came out from the corner of his mouth.

"Uncle Yin, what did you go to see just now?"

As soon as he came down from the top of the tree, the little white deer asked briskly.

"Look at the light distance."

When Yin Huiyin said, he returned to the place and sat down, still leaning against the big tree, and said meaningfully: "If this handsome is not hesitating, Xiao Yawang will ignite the Reiki River easily, and the lighting distance is thousands of meters."

"Count, thousands of meters?"

Little Bailu Xiaoye was frightened, and he stuttered a rare moment. He pointed to the river in the palm of Duanmuya and couldn't believe it: "It's casual, is the lighting distance so far?"


"Master, if you say that, you must have more than two or three levels!" Xiao Bailu geared up, happily jumping around Duanmu Yawang, happier than his own advancement: "Master, you are really. It’s so awesome, it’s so many levels in so little time!"

"Xiao Yawang is indeed a lucky star."

Yin Huiyin stretched his waist and said with a smile: "Fei Fei and I have also risen by one level casually in one day. If there is such a thing in the future, we must be called this handsome!"

Duanmu Yawang's answer was to give him a roll of eyes.

Then, she looked at the Reiki River in her palm slightly in a daze.

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