The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1054: Adjust your interest rate, Dantian is about to explode

On Duanmu Yawang's side, Huo Fei could see that the Qi in her body was surging surgingly, so he didn't need to worry about Duanmu Yawang's opening at all. He used his maximum ability and moved the maximum distance in an instant!


Only a blink of an eye before and after, the scene change in front of him was so great that Little Bailu couldn't help but be stunned, "Fei Fei, would you like to be so bullish? How far can you move in an instant?"

Although I didn't go out here, this place is still a small green forest, but he has the impression that this place is at least 15 kilometers away from Mo Daozong!

Huo Fei had moved so far, and that old man couldn't catch up with him. At this moment, it is estimated that his face has been swollen with emphysema!

Huo Fei smiled at Xiao Bailu's admiration and said nothing.

"Uncomfortable?" Duanmu Yawang frowned and looked at him and asked?

"Not really." Huo Fei said earnestly: "It's the first time to take a person to move so far.


Duanmu Yawang stretched out his hand to give the Huofei pulse. Seeing that there was nothing serious about him, but his heart rate was a little faster, he relaxed, looked around and said: "The aura here is also pretty good, and I just adjusted the breath here. ."

"Don't say this, adjust your interest quickly."

Yin Huiyin saw that Duanmu Yawang was still calm, but there was a touch of confusion in her speech, and she knew that she was about to suppress the qi surging in her body.


Duanmu Ya looked not wordy, found a big stone in the same place, sat down on the stone, then meditated cross-legged, closed his eyes and began to mobilize the breath in the body.

Originally, she thought that this breath transfer was not a major event. However, the spiritual energy in her body continued to pour into her dantian, and the airflow became larger and more urgent, and the speed of her transfer simply couldn't keep up.

"Why is this all of a sudden?"

Duanmu Yawang himself was a little confused.

She remembered that this air flow started when he wiped the blood of the original moving heavenly sword, and the original moving heavenly sword flashed with a golden light.

At the beginning, this airflow was warm and gentle, it was very comfortable, and it filled her with the breath of dantian, which made her spiritual power more vigorous, so she was very happy at first.

But now, the rate of breath adjustment can't keep up with the speed of the airflow into the dantian, and the airflow is getting more and more. She feels that her dantian is defending the violent impact, becoming more and more full, and there is a feeling that the dantian is about to explode!

She won't really die because of the dantian explosion, will she?

The question, why is it so suddenly?

Could it be that she has offended something that shouldn't be offended, the golden light is the holy light, is it here to punish her?

Her mind was thinking wildly, but as the airflow became more and more violent, it rushed towards her like a huge wave, almost swallowing her, she no longer had the strength to think about other things.

Focus on adjusting your interest more quickly.

However, some things seem to be useless no matter how hard you try.

After only two or three quarters of an hour, Huo Fei and the others saw that Duanmu Yawang's face was getting paler and paler, her forehead was cold and sweaty, and her fingertips were trembling all the time.


Little Bailu was dozing off at first, but was shocked when he saw this scene, pulling Huo Fei's face with fear: "Fei Fei, how is this master?"

Huo Fei stared at Duanmu Yawang, frowning, speechless.

Because he could feel the aura in Duanmu Yawang's body surging, but he didn't know why so much qi suddenly appeared in her body, and generally speaking, these qi can only be adjusted by himself.

Outsiders want to help, it's too much trouble.

The most important thing is that if one is careless, it will actually be a disservice, make people go crazy, and self-immolate his dantian.

"For the time being, I can only adjust this by myself." Huo Fei explained to Xiao Bailu, Xiao Bailu jumped anxiously, and then asked Yin Huiyin for help: "Uncle Yin?"

Yin Huiyin saw that the cape and hat on his head were down, revealing a beautiful skull, his brows wrinkled, and his face tense. He was very worried at first glance, "Fei Fei is right, this can only be adjusted by Xiao Yawang. "

"But the master is obviously getting more and more uncomfortable!" Now Duanmu Yawang's lips are so white that there is no trace of blood, the cold sweat on her body is getting more and more, and the hair on her forehead is wet!

"It's useless for us to be anxious."

Yin Huiyin pulled him aside, "Let’s stand aside and don’t bother her. Although we are transmitting sound from our heart, we don’t have the influence of sound, but when we transmit the sound, we drive the aura. She is now sensitive to the aura. It will affect her."


Xiao Bailu listened and responded to a word, and immediately closed his mouth, stopped saying another word, let Yin Huiyin pull himself aside, and then hid aside and stared at Duanmu Ya with eyesight.

Time passed bit by bit.

He saw from the side that Duanmu Yawang's face changed from white to purple, and her lips were purple and black, as if poisoned. It's just that this time she no longer sweats, but is short of breath, and the whole person is shaking, as if she is in an ice cave!

Little Bailu Huofi and Grandpa could see their hearts almost touching their throats.

"Fei, Fei..."

Suddenly, Duanmu Yawang, who was in concentration, spoke with trembling lips.

Huo Fei went over for the third trial and squatted in front of her: "Sister, I'm..."

"He, and... Xiaoyin'er, help me..." Duanmu Yawang was very difficult to speak, and her body trembled almost after saying a word, but Yin Huiyin and Huo Fei Xiao Bailu both heard her clearly.

Yin Huiyin went over and twisted his eyebrows: "Xiao Yawang, we can't help you with this."

Duanmu Yawang's eyes closed tightly, "According to me, what I said... do it."


Yin Huiyin listened and felt that Duanmu Yawang had a plan in his heart, and immediately decided: "You said, we will do what you said."

"Pinch my hand...feel the airflow in my body. Then you can eliminate it according to the changes in the airflow based on your feelings...No, you can't waste it. Most, it's best to directly absorb the airflow that I can't adjust my breath. , For your own use."

Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin were stunned for a moment: "Draw? How to draw this?"

Inhaling spiritual energy from a person's body is almost the same as evil power. Firstly, they don't know how to master this degree, and secondly, they don't know how to do it.

Because they never expected to absorb the aura from a person's body!

"No, don't worry, this is not an evil technique, it is also a form of treatment." Duanmu Yawang guessed the thoughts of Huo Fei and Yin Huiyin without opening his eyes, "Gong Yulan just give it to me. The secret, yes, there is this kind of treatment, I, I want to try, otherwise, I, I can't stand it..."

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