The True Nature of the Ghost Doctor: The Ugly Girl Will Go Against the Sky

Chapter 1053: It's embarrassing, you four go together


Seeing Duanmu Yawang's effort, Xiao Bailu ran over, holding her hand coquettishly, and said with a smile: "You are awesome!"

"That is!"

Duanmu Yawang rubbed his head, and was about to return the original moving heavenly sword in his hand, when he saw the original moving heavenly sword in his hand flashed with a golden light, and at the same time, the faint blood stains on it disappeared suddenly.

She was taken aback, thinking about what was going on, she felt a few comfortable warm currents spread from her hand holding the hilt to the limbs, and then the whole person was warm.

The Dantian in the body is extremely full!


Xiao Bailu also saw the light of the original moving sky sword, his eyes widened in shock, and he stared at Duanmu Yawang incredulously, and said in a daze, "Is it the little master who is dazzled?"

Yin Huiyin also saw it, and the whole person was in a daze.

That light...

So familiar...

Duanmu Yawang touched the position of the dantian with his hand, only to feel that the aura inside became more and more filled and more comfortable. Hearing Xiao Bailu's words, he was not angry: "Why are you so hell?"

Little Bailu stuttered with excitement: "What do you think, I, I actually saw the Holy Light!"

"Holy Light? What is that?"

"that is……"

Little Bailu wanted to explain, but when she opened her mouth, she found that her mouth was moving, but her voice could not be said!

"Xiao Baibai?" Duanmu Yawang also found that he was speechless. He wrinkled his brows, walked over and pinched his wrist, and said, "Don't tell me, you are dumb."

"You are dumb."

Little Bailu was furious, "Holy Light is actually..."

Even at the back, he still couldn't tell.

His mouth is moving, but he just can't speak!

Duanmu Yawang found that there was nothing wrong with his pulse, that is, he would be silenced inexplicably when he tried to explain the holy light, "Could it be that this holy light can't be said?"

"should be."

Little Bai Lu didn’t know what he thought of, and his eyes widened and covered his mouth suddenly. He was so flustered that he escaped the little deer who had been bumping into each other. Lord didn't say..."

Duanmu Yawang: "..."

"This sword belongs to you?"

Not only Yin Huiyin and Xiao Bailu Huofei saw the light flashing on the original moving sky sword, but other people also saw it. Anyone with eyes felt that light was not simple.

I can better understand that this sword is not simple.

And the one who spoke this sentence was Zuo Zun.

He squinted his old eyes, staring at Yuan Dongtianjian and asked.

Duanmu Ya looked at it and turned to look at him: "What I hold in my hand doesn't belong to me. Who else can it belong to?"

Zuo Zun remained silent, not knowing what he was thinking.

After a while, he said: "It stands to reason that you can't have such a sword."

"It stands to reason that it is impossible for me to be a blue-eyed person to hurt you Mo Daozong. Am I still hurt?" Duanmu Yawang curled her lips and smiled mockingly: "Old gentleman, you live a few more lives than me. For ten years, I shouldn’t have to teach you. In this world, there are not so many established principles, and there are no established rules, and many are accidents."


Another middle-aged man was furious after hearing what Duanmu Yawang said, "You, a junior, are so rude to the elders!"

Duanmu Yawang rolled her eyes and didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. The aura in the dantian was still surging, increasing, and becoming more and more mellow. This was a good thing, but if you didn’t give a guide, if this continues, her dantian estimates Must be exploded by the surging breath!

Therefore, she must quickly find a quiet place to sort out and guide the breath in the body.

She said to Huo Fei: "Fei Fei, let's go down the mountain first."

Huo Fei is so sensitive. He naturally felt the rushing breath in Duanmu Yawang's body. He was a little worried, and nodded with a tight face, "Okay, go down the mountain."

"and many more!"

Seeing that Duanmu Yawang wanted to leave like this, Zuo Zun handed Huang Qian in his hand to others, squinting his eyes and said: "We, Mo Daozong, are not a place where you can come and leave if you want!"

"The old man meant to have a trick with us?" Duan Muya squinted her eyes, and she could see that the old man drove them down the mountain before and did not plan to do it with her personally.

Now, he obviously changed his mind.

As for the reason, it is naturally the original moving sky sword.

Zuo Zun looked down, loosening the buckle on his sleeve, and said indifferently: "I've grown yours for several decades. If you just fight with you, you might think that we are old and disrespectful and bully the small by big and small. You can go together."

They go together?

Duanmu Yawang wanted to laugh a little.

Although she understood from beginning to end, the strongest of these people like Mo Daozong was undoubtedly this old man. Although he didn't reveal the slightest aura on his body, the sense of oppression he exudes from him is beyond doubt!

However, no matter how strong he is, it is impossible to be one enemy four!

She really didn't know whether to laugh at him for being confident, or to underestimate them!

"Mr., you are getting old, so we won't bully you. If you really want to fight with us, we have a chance. Now, as you said, we will go down the mountain first."

After that, Duanmu Yawang didn't hesitate to say to Huo Fei: "Fei Fei, let's go!"

So indifferent to his decision!

Zuo Zun's face was extremely ugly, and the old face was furious: "The deity wants to see, who dares to go, and who can go!"

Duanmu Yawang curled his lips, Xiao Bailu and Yin Huiyin walked towards Huo Fei together. The moment the four gathered together was almost without warning. The four disappeared in front of Mo Daozong and the others!

Zuo Zun's eyelids died, and he immediately closed his eyes and explored with his breath. However, within ten miles, where is the breath of those four people?

In an instant, the four of them teleported beyond ten miles?

Zuo Zun: "..."

What the juniors of Mo Daozong saw was a living person who disappeared in an instant, and their Zuo Zun had nothing to do, and they were shocked to numb their scalp!

Who are these four?

It's so powerful!

Thinking of this, everyone couldn't help but glanced at Zuo Zun, and saw that he was standing on one side with an ugly face, and his body exuded a chill that no one should enter!

Everyone suddenly didn't even dare to let out the atmosphere.

It's been so long, this is the first time I have seen Zuo Zun eaten...

Think about Zuo Zun's imposing manner just now, and the current inability to do anything, um... It's so embarrassing!

"What are you doing while standing?"

Zuo Zun's old face was blue and white, and he glared at everyone, "Have you not seen Hall Master Huang seriously injured? Why don't you send the person to the genius doctor of Dao Qing Wei for treatment?"


At this time, everyone could not wait to leave Zuo Zun's line of sight immediately, afraid of being angered, and immediately picked up Huang Qian and quickly slipped away.

Zuo Zun, looking at the place where Duanmu Yawang had been standing, was lost in thought.

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