The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 321: Spark Technology Restructuring

2026, February 23. Just after the Spring Festival holiday, the first working day of the new year.

All executives of Spark Technology gathered in the large conference hall of Longshou Building, and President Zhou Yu of Spark Technology announced a major event.

Zhou Yu stood on the podium in front. He looked at the company executives below and said with emotion: "With the development of the new year, the company's organizational framework is no longer suitable for the current development requirements.

After a year-long investigation, I hired thousands of experts and scholars to study, and I negotiated with Spark executives and executives of various subsidiaries to finally determine the company's restructuring plan. "

When anti-gravity technology was developed and the aerospace industry was about to usher in great development, Zhou Yu wanted to reform the company's organizational structure in order to adapt to the future development of the aerospace industry.

Xinghuo Technology is already a giant company, and it is by no means like Zhou Xun, when the company was founded, Zhou Yu can change the company structure at will.

Now with his power, he can do the same, but the willful result is that the company's development has stalled, and Zhou Yu will not choose to move against the trend.

Through a year-long preparation survey, he hired experts and scholars, members of the national think tank to help, and communicated well with the company's senior management to formally formulate the reform plan of Spark Technology.

A translucent screen appeared in front of Zhou Yu, and he said according to the specific reform plan: "Xinghuo Technology was transformed into a joint-stock group company. I serve as the chairman of Xinghuo Technology.

I myself hold 52% of Spark Technology, and the Spark Federation of Trade Unions holds 48%.

The Spark Technology General Union holds the physical shares, and the dividends of the shares are subscribed by company executives and all employees. "

Zhou Yuxian announced the news that the company is undergoing a shareholding and group reform. This step is now much later.

The control of the shares of the Spark Technology General Union is still in his hands, and he can determine the direction of the development of Spark Technology.

But the dividends of these shares are shared by all employees of Spark Technology.

This plan has been implemented for many years, but through this restructuring, it was completely written into the company's rules and regulations.

"Xinghuo Technology Group will establish five research groups and one research institute. These six departments are relatively independent and operate independently in accordance with the company's strategic development plan.

The internal accounting of the group company also carries out normal procurement activities in accordance with the two normal companies.

For each independent department, up to 40% of the profits are paid to the group company, and other profits are used for the development of the department itself. "

Spark's current organizational structure is too fragmented, and the group company frequently gives orders to its subsidiaries.

Treating each subsidiary as its own department command is not conducive to the independent development of each subsidiary, nor can it play the role of overall coordination of the head office of the group.

Some executives and grassroots employees of the company also have many complaints about the group extracting most of their own interests. They believe that their hard work and achievements should make them better treated.

Zhou Yu also decided to change this situation. Cauldron rice can not give play to people's subjective initiative, and it is easy to get mixed up.

Now some subsidiaries have become slack because of the monopoly market and their own development, and they have not had the kind of hard work that they just started.

"I announce below the specific composition and personnel appointments of the group.

A division directly under the Spark Group.

Finance Manager Lu Bing, Finance Department is only responsible for reviewing the budget plans of independent departments and internal accounting between departments.

Legal Department Manager Jiang Fanghai, Legal Department is responsible for all legal disputes and patent registration matters of Spark Technology Group.

Zhang Yan, the manager of the public relations department, is responsible for the publicity of the group's brand and the handling of the group's public crisis affairs.

Human resources manager Jiang Weiwei is responsible for the arrangement of the senior and middle management positions of Spark Group.

Below are the five independent business groups and a research institute of Spark Group.

Spark Research Center was changed to Spark Research Institute of Science and Technology, and Huang Ke served as the director.

The Spark Research Institute of Science and Technology is only responsible for the logistics of scientists. The review of scientists' projects is still the responsibility of the Spark Science and Technology Committee.

The main work of the Spark Research Institute of Science and Technology is to calculate the dividends of scientists' projects. Scientists have developed a project, and they enjoy a dividend of 10% to 55%.

This dividend has a time limit and is not cancelled due to the adjustment of the position of science and technology workers.

Xinghuo Entertainment Electronics Group was established, with Zhang Yunqiang as president.

The entertainment electronics business group receives businesses such as the original Spark Electronics Company and Spark Intelligent Company. Mainly responsible for the software and hardware development of quantum computers and providing artificial intelligence technology services.

Xinghuo Material Industry Group was established, with Yuan Keqing as president.

The Materials Industry Business Group receives services from the former Spark Precision Manufacturing Company, Spark Material Company, Nuclear Power Plant, Space Plant and other businesses.

Mainly responsible for material and industrial product manufacturing.

Xinghuo Life Medical Group was established, with Wang Jian as president.

The life medical business group receives medical health, life sciences, and promotion of genetically modified products.

The Life Medical Group takes over doctoral artificial intelligence and cooperates with the Institute of Science and Technology to jointly provide health services.

Set up Xinghuo Energy Communications Group, with Zheng Zixin as president.

The Energy Communications Business Group takes over solar power stations, geothermal power stations, and neutrino communications.

The energy communication business group provides the group with energy and communication guarantees.

The Spark Aerospace Business Group was established with Lu Jinming as President.

The aerospace business group received part of the business of the original Spark Motors and Spark Aerospace, and was no longer responsible for the manufacturing of the equipment.

The Spark Aerospace Business Group operates aircraft, provides aerospace services to the group and society, and assists the Spark Science and Technology Research Institute in managing the space laboratory.

The executives of the taken over company had other arrangements and went to Jiang Weiwei after the meeting. "

Zhou Yu announced the completion of the reform of Spark Technology. Some people's faces were filled with joy, and some people's faces were full of depression.

From the establishment of Xinghuo Technology to the present, everyone's performance is seen by Zhou Yu.

Those who work hard must be promoted, and those who do nothing about their lives do not need to show them affection.

For example, Lu Dayong, who previously worked in the Purchasing Department, had artificial intelligence Xianghua to perform supervision and calculation ~ ~ The company's procurement account is also very clear.

He can also manage according to the rules and regulations. After the establishment of Spark Motors, he managed a technological monopoly enterprise, and even allowed other automobile companies in the society to surpass.

Zhou Yu said with a smile: "In the future, the group headquarters will only be responsible for strategic planning and will not interfere with the specific management of the major business groups.

Our company has always implemented assessment indicators for those who are capable and those who are not.

The strategic goals of the major business groups in the near future have been issued to the presidents.

I hope you continue to work hard to create the company's glory. "

After the meeting, the executives gradually dismissed, and then Spark Technology will carry out the merger and reorganization of various subsidiaries.

After the restructuring, the Spark Group's responsibilities will be clearer and it will focus more on completing a certain cause.

Zhou Yu has decided that the development of the group is tilted towards the aerospace industry, and the restructuring of the group can also support the better development of the aerospace industry without affecting other businesses.

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