The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 320: space shuttle

The Spark Science and Technology Committee has decided to develop a space shuttle project.

After the strategic goals were determined, various units of Spark Technology began to get busy.

Liu Jing led a team of experts to start designing the space shuttle design according to the performance required by the space shuttle program.

The Space Shuttle is changing from a concept to an industrial product design.

With the aid of the powerful computing power of quantum computers, Liu Jing started designing with the function of an accessory.

It took him more than two months and tens of thousands of manuscripts, and he finally designed a space shuttle that met the requirements.

The design of the space shuttle is complete, and the rest is left to the factory for machining.

Complex parts made of high-density materials are handed over to nuclear power plants for unified processing.

Spark's highly efficient intelligent industrial robots assemble parts manufactured by nuclear power plants.

On January 25, 2026, Zhou Yu and Lu Jinming came to Xinghuo Precision Manufacturing Company. It's time for the shuttle to go offline.

Zhou Yu walked into the factory and saw the space shuttle parked in the huge factory building.

It has a metallic gray skin and two huge wings in the shape of a swept wing.

On both the wings and the tail of the fuselage, there are sturdy particle electric thrusters.

Lu Jinming patted the shuttle's wings with his hands, and his excitement was beyond words.

He slightly choked and introduced: "Zhou Zhou, we finally have this advanced spacecraft, which can now fly to the moon, and we humans will be on the moon again."

"Don't rush to the moon, we must first conduct a comprehensive test of the space shuttle. We must fully understand the space shuttle and train astronauts.

Without a year or two of preparation, there is no need for a moon landing.

The moon landing activities in the United States were only the influence of the Cold War at that time, in order to show their huge strength in the aviation field.

They spent huge sums of money to realize the Apollo moon landing program. Manned space activities have been questioned, but the Saturn V launch vehicle did send the Apollo spacecraft to the moon. The lunar soil brought back by the lunar rover cannot be deceiving.

We Spark Technology doesn't need such a name, but it needs real benefits.

Establishing a lunar base on the moon, collecting some unique mineral resources of the moon, this is what we need to do. "

Zhou Yu wouldn't just heat up his brain and carry out a lunar landing because of the successful manufacture of the space shuttle.

The moon landing must bring considerable benefits before Xinghuo Technology can take the moon landing action.

When Lu Jinming heard Zhou Yu say this, he smiled, and then shifted the topic to introduce Zhou Yu's performance to the space shuttle.

"The space shuttle we produce, which counts the weight of its own equipment, plus particle batteries and enough fuel water, has a mass of 700 tons.

The space shuttle leaves enough load margin, for example, if a particle electric thruster is damaged, it can return safely. The space shuttle has a payload of 800 tons.

It has about the same carrying capacity as the improved mass projector, but the space shuttle has a high standard protective cockpit that can transport astronauts.

Not only astronauts, but ordinary people with a little training can take the shuttle.

We can also develop space tourism projects for high-end customers.

The maximum speed of the space shuttle is 10 kilometers per second, and it can easily transport materials between the Earth or the Earth-Moon system. "

After Zhou Yu heard the properties of the space shuttle, he nodded with a smile, and then asked Lu Jinming: "I remember today's goal is to test the space shuttle, the newly manufactured industrial product. No one can guarantee that it will have some accidents.

Hastily conducted a shuttle test, and the shuttle pilot may have an accident. "

Lu Jinming immediately replied: "General Manager Zhou, we have already considered these situations, and now spacecraft have unmanned autonomous driving capabilities.

We arrange bionic robots on the space shuttle to collect human feelings when they experience the space shuttle.

The goal of the first test was just to verify the mechanical properties of the shuttle and to determine the safety of the shuttle, and then we will let the astronauts experience the shuttle.

Besides, our company has no astronauts at all, so we can't let engineers go up and fly the space shuttle. "

The space shuttle passed the detailed factory inspection by the engineers, and the leader in charge signed the name on the product certificate. The space shuttle was pulled out of the production plant by the tractor.

The space shuttle stayed on the huge square in the industrial park, and ground maintenance personnel began to recharge and refuel the space shuttle.

"Mr. Lu, did you report this test to the relevant departments? Don't let the country beat down as a UFO." Zhou Yu joked.

He certainly knew that Lu Jinming would never be so stupid. Such a stealthless flying object was a target in front of modern weapons.

Lu Jinming chuckled: "Zhou Zhou, we have already communicated with the relevant state departments, and we can only test after getting approval.

Not only countries, we also notified other countries of the test through international organizations to prevent them from making certain misjudgments. "

After Lu Jinming finished speaking, he used his smart device to call up the shuttle control program.

The space shuttle is equipped with a quantum computer, and Spark's advanced artificial intelligence technology serves as a software program for the space shuttle.

[Space Shuttle is under self-inspection]

[Each module of the space shuttle is normal, with 100% power storage and full fuel and water storage. 】

[The space shuttle self-test is completed, the autopilot function is activated, and it is ready to complete the first flight test. 】

Lu Jinming looked at Zhou Yu and asked, "Zhou, I am ready to start testing the space shuttle."

"Let's start testing! It's the mule and the horse always wants to pull out the mule." Zhou Yu waved and instructed.

The shuttle is preparing to begin testing, first evacuating the crowd near the shuttle.

If someone is standing under the particle electric push engine, when the space shuttle starts, the particle stream ejected by the particle electric push engine can directly vaporize people.

As if a feather was blown by the wind, the space shuttle floated slowly in the air, about 25 meters above the ground.

The particle electric propeller engine under the shuttle's wing began to rotate rapidly, and its engine nozzle was straight down ~ ~ The particle electric propeller engine sprayed a light blue flame.

A huge roar sounded, and a wave of air on the ground swept around, blowing the trees around the square upside down.

The space shuttle relies on the reverse thrust generated by the particle electric propulsion engine, and while flying to high altitude, the angle of the particle electric propulsion engine also gradually changes, and gradually becomes level with the space shuttle's fuselage.

The space shuttle flew obliquely upwards and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Lu Jinming stared at the space shuttle's data and kept talking.

"Now that it has reached the stratosphere, the space shuttle is normal, and its skin is not afraid of the high temperature friction caused by the atmosphere."

"The space shuttle has reached low-Earth orbit and is orbiting the earth at a speed of 7.8 kilometers per second."

Zhou Yu knows that the space shuttle has been successfully manufactured. As long as Spark Technology can master this vehicle in the future, they can achieve a leading position in the development of space resources.

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