The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 322: Fragile human body

On March 5, Hainan Wenchang Space Launch Center launched the spacecraft again.

Five astronauts replaced three astronauts, Du Long, Kong Deyang, and Wang Tong, who have been working on the space station for more than half a year.

Huaxia media comprehensively tracked the replacement of astronauts. This is the first time Huaxia has rotated personnel on the space station.

At 5:00 pm on March 6, as the huge spacecraft landed at the designated location, the three astronauts officially returned to Earth.

The three astronauts just waved their hands at the camera and said hello after leaving the cabin.

They were rushed to the Spark Medical Laboratory by the flying car.

Chen Jin, Wang Xiaoxiao and well-known medical experts sent by the state began detailed physical examinations of the astronauts.

They have lived on the space station for more than half a year. This is to test how the human body lives away from the ground for a long time and the specific changes in human health.

Zhou Yu saw the three astronauts look a little nervous. He knew that anyone would be watched by many doctors in white coats and perform various unexplained tests, and his heart would be nervous.

He quickly comforted: "Don't worry, it's not because your body has a disease due to life in space. Life on the space station will not let you leave the root cause.

We are collecting changes in your cells. The human body is very adaptable. If you live in a certain place for a long time, the cells will change according to the environment.

Finding the law of cell changes can effectively target it and make more comfortable arrangements for future astronauts' lives. "

Du Long, with a heroic expression, gritted his teeth and said, "Please rest assured, my consciousness is very high, even if there is no problem with organ donation, you should carefully check my physical condition."

Song Ning, the director of the astronaut training base, listened to Du Long's words and explained in a mild manner: "You don't really need to worry. This is just a routine inspection. After every astronaut returns, he must perform this inspection procedure.

If your body really has a problem, we will also inform you accordingly.

A thorough examination can also effectively prevent the body from being delayed, and it is really not a joy to not suffer from certain diseases. "

Authoritative doctors and bioscientists began to carry out detailed inspections of the bodies of the three astronauts, from the state of genes to the state of cells, from the function of organs to the coordination of human systems.

On March 8, Zhou Yu, Feng Hai, and Song Ning listened to the astronaut's inspection report.

Chen Jin is responsible for reading to them a report prepared by hundreds of authoritative experts after detailed inspection and cooperation.

"The bodies of the three astronauts are medically healthy. They are not suffering from any disease."

After Song Ming listened, his expression relaxed, he was actually very nervous, and he was afraid that the astronaut would suffer from an irreparable illness.

These astronauts were all cultivated by him, watching them work hard for Huaxia's space career.

While dedicating to the country, I also suffer from certain diseases, which is too sad for the hero.

Astronauts have lived in the space station for a long time, and they really suffer from certain diseases, which is also a major impact on the space industry.

The booming space industry may be overshadowed by this discovery.

"The three astronauts just didn't reach the level of illness. They lived on the space station for half a year, and some changes occurred in their bodies.

Astronaut training bases have conducted detailed inspections of astronauts, and we have obtained health information about their lives in the astronaut training bases.

By comparing these data with their current physical condition, some problems in the astronauts were discovered. "

Chen Jin's words raised the concerns of everyone. They are waiting for Chen Jin's specific conclusion.

"The human body is really fragile. The bodies of the three astronauts are all very good. Just after living in the space station for half a year, some slight changes have taken place in the body.

The three astronauts 'red blood cells have mutated, and the red blood cells' efficiency in transporting oxygen has accelerated.

Astronauts in a vacuum state, using space suits to provide oxygen.

The composition of industrially produced oxygen must be different from that of air.

We just try to adjust the ratio of carbon dioxide and oxygen, and fill it with some nitrogen and water vapor as a supplement.

The body has sensed the astronaut's lack of oxygen, and red blood cells have begun to accelerate the transport of oxygen to various tissues.

This has caused certain organs of the astronauts to begin to oversaturate oxygen, which is a manifestation that they are somewhat excited, but the life span of the cells that make up their organs is no longer that of normal human cells.

The genes of the three astronauts were normal, and no special mutation occurred.

But the three astronauts produced cancer cells five times faster than before. Fortunately, their immune system had no problems. All the cancer cells produced were killed by the immune system.

Because of the space station's low gravity, the bone density of the three astronauts weakened.

Now it will not affect the body, but if you live in an area where gravity is not as good as the earth for a long time, bone density will continue to decrease.

As a result, bones cannot provide effective support to the body, organs may be damaged, and fractures may occur after a fall. "

Zhou Yu heard Chen Jin's introduction without any surprise, saying: "These influences can be expected before, and scientists have made a comprehensive explanation.

This is because the human body is too adaptable to the environment to cause these problems.

It is not yet possible to effectively resolve this phenomenon, but this is only a problem that needs to be solved in the future, and these changes are not enough to affect the development of the aerospace industry. "

Chen Jin looked at the report again and said with a heavy voice: "You may have expected this, and you won't be surprised by it. It just proves that our human body is very fragile and completely unsuitable for living outside the earth.

Even some of the extreme environments on the planet are unbearable to most people.

This time, our experts found that the problems were not discovered by European and American scientists or they had not announced them through the combined detection method of genetic cells.

Astronauts have lived on the space station for half a year, and the body has been unable to differentiate into qualified germ cells.

The germ cell activity in their bodies is extremely low, and UU Kanshu cannot form an embryo at all.

Our scientists combined the astronaut's body analysis to find the specific cause of this problem, which is the stress response of the astronaut's body.

In this state, people are unable to breed offspring.

But this is a reversible mutation, as long as you live on the earth for a period of time, you will recover. "

Feng Haiman said indifferently: "This kind of problem is not a problem at all. The astronauts are for work. Love is not allowed. No one will have children in the space station."

Chen Jin waved her hand and said solemnly: "Other problems are small problems, and such problems are big problems.

Do we just live on the space station and land on the moon, Mars, or interplanetary spacecraft in the future.

It is necessary to ensure the normal reproduction of the population in order to stabilize the mind.

We can't rely on cloning people to develop the universe. This kind of thing should be discovered and solved early. "

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