The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 311: Space Station Project Successful

Feng Hai pressed the button of the aerospace control center, and this signal passed along with the neutrino.

The dormant space station was immediately activated and it began a self-test procedure.

[Successfully activated the 1st cabin, successfully activated the 2nd cabin ... Successfully activated the 11th cabin. 】

[The space station was successfully launched, and the major standard cabins are running normally and undergoing self-inspection. 】

[The energy system works normally, and the remaining electricity storage is 99.8%. 】

[The communication system is working normally, and it can carry out obstacle-free communication between the ground and the space station. 】

[The kinetic energy system works normally, the particle electric thruster works normally, and the fuel storage is sufficient. 】

[The gravity system works normally and can provide adjustable gravity for each standard cabin. 】

[The life module of the living module is normal, which can provide normal life support services for astronauts. 】

[The space station self-test is complete, the intelligent robot is being activated, and the space station is gradually started according to a predetermined plan. 】

Feng Hai saw the end of the space station's self-examination, and he excitedly announced: "We have successfully deployed in low earth orbit, our own space station."

The people in the space control center are all rejoicing, and their long-term efforts are rewarded.

Academician Ouyang Xin saw the successful deployment of the space station and said excitedly: "We finally have our own space station. In the field of space exploration, we have taken a big step forward."

Zhou Yu was very excited to see the successful deployment of the space station.

There are many technologies provided by Spark Technology on the space station, and they are one of the main participants in this project.

Now the space station is performing very well, and their Spark technology is also honored.

The space station is in low-earth orbit, and there is a thin atmosphere above this orbit, which is affected by air resistance.

The space station will run for a certain period of time and its orbit will fall. It needs the power of the engine to make it lift the track.

The space station's engine is the particle electric thruster developed by Spark Technology.

Its thrust is not strong now, but the stability of the engine is very high, and the fuel used can be synthesized.

The space station's gravity system is also a gravity system developed using Spark technology.

One of the three agricultural standard cabins of the space station is a space plant composed of genetic material made by artificial base pairs of Spark technology. It can survive without air and is the best plant in the universe in the future.

The space station uses a lot of Spark technology, and Spark technology has now become a pivotal enterprise, which continues to affect the development of China's aerospace industry.

Zhou Yu said with a smile: "We still have to gradually verify the conditions of the equipment in the space station's standard cabin. Everything is ready, we need to send the astronauts to the space station.

"This step is very easy, even if some equipment is defective, it will not affect astronauts entering the space station.

I'm reporting to the leaders, you first check the equipment of the space warfare. "Feng Hai said excitedly.

Feng Hai didn't delay. He went to the leadership office in person and informed the leaders of the successful deployment of the space station.

This is his track record, and the successful deployment of the space station also proves that his vision is extraordinary.

The leader highly praised Feng Hai, and at the same time sent the news that the space station was successfully deployed.

Boost the confidence of the people and show the international community what China has achieved in space exploration.

The space station, a large aerospace device, cannot hide anyone at all.

When the weather is fine, you can see the space station running overhead using a low magnification astronomical telescope.

The national media responded quickly, and they immediately relayed the news of the successful deployment of the space station.

CCTV News issued a newsletter: Huaxia deployed the space station in low-Earth orbit, and we have our own space station.

People's Daily issued an express news: At 9 am today, the space station independently developed by Huaxia was deployed in low-Earth orbit, and our country ’s aerospace industry has taken a big step forward.

Netizens learned of this news through authoritative media, and they immediately began to discuss this matter enthusiastically.

Huaxia netizen [Green Vegetable Radish]: "We finally have our own space station. The previous International Space Station did not play with our country at all.

Technology cannot be exchanged in the market, nor can we rent technology. Only by developing independently can we master advanced technology.

Other countries have imposed technical blockades on us, relying on our huge market of more than 1.4 billion people and complete industrial industrial chains.

We can develop any technology, including blocked atomic bombs and nuclear submarines.

The opening of large airplanes and chips in the market is because of adopting the wrong path and delaying the formation of the ecological industry chain, but it takes a long time to catch up. "

Huaxia netizen [Hongdoushengnanguo]: "We warmly celebrate the deployment of our space station in low-Earth orbit.

In the cutting-edge field of aerospace, we have tied the technology of other countries.

Even with our latecomer advantages, the space warfare technology developed is even more advanced.

In addition to the moon landing project that has been questioned in the United States, the most advanced space exploration technology now is to deploy a space station in low-earth orbit that can make people live for a long time.

It is hoped that the country will make persistent efforts to send the astronauts to the space station and let it really play its due role. "

Huaxia netizen [Lion Tiger Beast]: "It's really exulting. Now the development of science and technology has entered a bottleneck.

The most critical is the field of basic physics, which has not had a major theoretical breakthrough for a long time.

The unification of the previous four basic forces is just to verify the conjectures that scientists have already proposed, which can promote modern physics, but have little effect.

The reason why modern physics has fallen into a bottleneck has an important relationship with carrying out experiments on Earth.

The device wants to observe certain basic particles on the earth, and it has great limitations.

It is for this reason that major world powers have launched elementary particle detection satellites.

However, the equipment on the satellite is very crude, it can only detect the traces of some elementary particles, and cannot perform higher-end experiments.

Now that we have deployed the space station in low-Earth orbit, according to the inside information I obtained, there are many advanced physical detection equipment on the space station.

In this way, the situation of some elementary particles can be detected directly in the environment close to the universe, reducing the interference it receives on the earth.

I believe that with more and more such space laboratories ~ ~, fundamental physics will definitely make a major breakthrough. "

Indian netizen [Kapil]: "How is this possible, and how could Huaxia transport such a huge space station to low-Earth orbit.

Looking at the data of the Huaxia Space Station, it is several times larger than the International Space Station.

Huaxia's technology cannot be so advanced. It is just inferior to China. We still have to take the lead in some technologies. How can Huaxia independently complete the deployment of the space station. "

US netizen [Pierce]: "After the space-based weapon, Hua Xia shot again, this time directly targeting the important space station of the aerospace industry.

Huaxia is announcing his capabilities to the world. The space station is not just a space station.

Deploying weapons on the space station is a veritable air and space base.

The ammunition stored on a large space base like a space station can destroy any formed group army or carrier battle group. "

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