The Technology Tree of Xueba

Chapter 312: Astronaut

The society is discussing the situation of the space station. After a long period of publicity in the media, the public has focused on space.

The media's multi-day propaganda has also made many companies understand the specific inside story of the aerospace industry.

They learned that the price of manufacturing a small satellite and launching it into space only required more than 1 million yuan, and the price of mass customization was still low.

Preferential reductions in the transportation cost of the aerospace industry are perceived by companies across the country.

Those who are optimistic about the aerospace industry immediately acted and considered the aerospace industry to be a new economic growth point.

It is also the most important development direction for the next hundreds of years. Earth space is too small, and now it is barely able to accommodate 7 billion people.

The era of nuclear peace will continue, and the world's population will continue to grow.

The development of ocean and underground space is a last resort. The best way is to develop space.

In the entire universe, the solar system is so small that not even a single particle of dust can be counted.

As big as your heart is, you can develop as much living space as possible.

During this time, Spark Aerospace became busy, and many people consulted them about the price of mass projectors transporting items into space.

There are many companies that have actually taken action to start customizing spacecraft and launch them into designated orbits through Spark Space Transport.

On August 5, relevant personnel of the space station program came to Hainan Wenchang Space Launch Center.

Today, the Hainan Wenchang Space Launch Center will conduct a manned space mission.

It will send three astronauts into the space station.

Astronaut director Song Ning brought three astronauts in blue space suits.

They are two men and one woman. One of them is about thirty years old, and the remaining one is one man and one woman.

Song Ning introduced them to everyone: "This is an elite astronaut at our base.

The older one is an old-fashioned astronaut. He has already experienced a space mission. His name is Dulong.

The other two are new, but their training is hard and they have met our requirements. They are Wang Tong and Kong Deyang. "

Feng Haiwen said, "I hope you will have a smooth trip.

You need to live in the space station for half a year to a year. This is the longest time our national astronauts have kept in space. "

Astronauts saluted Feng Hai, Du Long said in a solemn tone: "We must stick to our posts, overcome all kinds of difficulties, and provide the country with long-term survival data on the space station.

We will certainly stick to the last moment of the mission. "

Zhou Yu waved his hand and explained sternly: "You have a wrong idea. If you find yourself unwell, report it immediately and return to earth.

Your long-term life in the space station, the changes in endocrine and cells are also very important data.

Based on the changes in your body, we can adjust the endocrine and diet structure to survive long-term in space. "

Feng Hai also said immediately: "Don't make unnecessary sacrifice that can be avoided. You must try your best to complete the task, but we don't need you to work hard to complete the task now."

Song Ning's smart device sounded, saying: "The space launch center is ready, and I am ready to send astronauts into the spacecraft."

Song Ning led the astronaut to the maintenance workshop of the carrier rocket.

Astronauts directly enter the spacecraft through here, and the spacecraft is then placed on the launch vehicle.

Soon after they left, the huge launch vehicle and the rocket mount were translated from the plant.

Feng Hai looked at this huge launch vehicle and said with emotion: "This is the Xinghai No. 1 launch vehicle, a high-thrust launch vehicle specially developed for space exploration.

It uses a liquid oxygen kerosene engine as the main engine and four particle electric push engines as auxiliary engines for adjusting attitude.

It can easily lift a spacecraft weighing up to 200 tons and can guarantee a 100% success rate for each launch. "

Through smart devices, they can see the status of astronauts in the spaceship.

The astronauts curled up in an egg-shaped seat, which felt familiar.

That's right, they are the same as the flying car's seat, the protective cockpit.

The protective cockpit is specially developed to offset the strong acceleration, which will generate strong acceleration during the rocket launch.

After the astronauts use the protective cockpit, they can effectively resist the harm caused by acceleration.

Many reporters have come to shoot the manned space launch mission, and there are many people outside the cordon at the space launch center.

Time soon came when the launch vehicle ignited, and a huge stream of water vapor rose up.

The launch vehicle spewed a long tongue of fire towards the sky.

With a distance of more than 400 kilometers, this is only a short journey for the Xinghai-1 launch vehicle.

Soon after the launch vehicle flew into space, it discovered a space station orbiting at high speed.

At this time, the rocket and the spacecraft have completed the separation of the stars and the arrows, and the docking of the spaceship and the space station will be performed next.

This docking process is a strength of the space station, and it is simpler than docking with each other in the space station's standard cabin.

The biggest feature is that the spacecraft can move at will. After the first docking failure, it can readjust its attitude and perform docking work again.

Even if it is easier to dock the spacecraft, they still strive for excellence without any discount.

The spacecraft aimed at the azimuth of the interface at one time and directly docked with the space station.

Astronaut Captain Du Long learned that the spacecraft and the space station were successfully docked.

Tell the team members to put on space suits and prepare to enter the space station.

He walked to the place where the spacecraft docked with the space station, and gradually opened the locked door according to the steps during training.

The steps to open this door are complicated and require six consecutive steps before the door finally opens.

The control structure of the hatch is a mechanical structure. So many steps are needed to open it in order to prevent it from being accidentally triggered in an emergency.


This muffled sound signaled that the hatch was officially opened. Du Long led Kong Deyang and Wang Tong into the space station together.

This represents Huaxia's astronauts, officially stationed in Huaxia's space station.

Feng Hai saw them successfully enter the space station, and he immediately contacted the astronauts.

"How do you feel? Are you comfortable walking on the space station?"

Du Long heard clear ground sounds coming from his ears ~ ~ he was feeling the progress of the country's communication methods.

He immediately replied: "Our bodies are great, and we have no feeling of weakness after heaven.

I think the technology of protective cockpit is very important. The only difference between me and previous space missions is the protective cockpit. "

"The space station is also very good here. The first thing we entered was the living module. I checked through the equipment. There are no toxic and harmful substances here, and the oxygen content is in line with our daily needs."

When Du Long finished speaking, he suddenly took off the helmet of the space suit and took a few deep breaths, he continued.

"The gravity arranged here is also very good. I feel much easier here than staying on the earth, which is why the gravity is not strong enough.

However, our state is much better than the state of weightlessness. There are no problems in carrying out some regular activities. "

After Feng Hai heard what Du Long said, he was relieved that the space station really lived up to expectations and that all kinds of equipment were working well.

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