The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 375: The Hundred Thousand Zhang Luck Golden Dragon, Liangyi Breaking the Void Pill,

Chapter 375: The One Hundred Thousand Zhang Luck Golden Dragon, Liang Yi Breaking Void Pill, promoted to the sixth level Array Mage

"what happened?"

The people around the stele were suddenly shocked and had no idea what was happening.

Because they have been here for so long, this is the first time they have encountered this kind of thing.

They didn't expect that this stone tablet would actually glow. Such a phenomenon was really unbelievable.

Who would believe it if they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes.

"It's this kid."

"This kid triggered the vision of the stone tablet."

Someone noticed Wu Wubing immediately, because he noticed a golden light just now, which immediately penetrated into this kid's body.

What? !

Immediately, everyone looked at Wu Wubing in unison, their eyes extremely complicated, like a mixture of five emotions, and seemed to contain an expression of envy, jealousy and hatred.

"I once heard that there is a legend about the stone tablet."

"That means someone is practicing at the stone monument and can cause the stone monument to have strange phenomena."

"You will have the opportunity to join the Xuanhuang Sect."

"I thought it was a rumor that came from nowhere, but I didn't expect that someone could actually cause visions."

The middle-aged man in a vest had a complex expression on his face and looked at Wu Wubing in disbelief.

He didn't expect that the immortal fate he had been pursuing for so long would be obtained by this silly boy.

Is the gap between people so big? !

Why can this kid get immortality, but he has never been able to get it.

In fact, the strange phenomenon caused by the stone tablet was naturally the work of Zhou Sui.

Every stone tablet contains a seed of luck, which was left behind by the luck Gu in the past.

Once it senses that someone with great luck is nearby, it will immediately sense it, and then it will stimulate the power of the stone tablet, leaving the unique mark of Xuanhuang Sect.

This kind of mark does no harm, it is just a mark, indicating that this person is qualified to join the Xuanhuang Sect.

It is also a sign of entry.


The next second, streaks of sword light flew from the sky in the distance. Many monks noticed this strange phenomenon and immediately came with their swords and arrived around the stone monument.

They also noticed Wu Wubing immediately, especially when they saw the golden pattern on Wu Wubing's forehead, their faces were all surprised and unbelievable.

"Haha, I'm just talking about why I had a whim today. I didn't expect to find a junior brother."

At this time, a monk wearing a Taoist robe laughed, his expression was very joyful. His body was filled with cold sword intent, and his cultivation was unfathomable. He was a real Jindan.

He is a disciple of Xuanhuang Sect, named Li Yuanchu.

After being promoted to Golden Core, he was assigned by the sect to go to Qingzhou Continent and guard the place.

In a few years, the term will be complete.

At that time, you can return to Xuanhuang Sect.

But now that he is so lucky, finding a qualified disciple of Xuanhuang Sect is a blessing from God.

Because if he can find a new disciple, he can gain a lot of contribution from the sect and receive many rewards.

Therefore, many monks of Xuanhuang Sect are naturally keen on looking for all kinds of geniuses.

If he finds one, the reward will be enough for him to practice for decades.

"Little brother, I am Li Yuanchu, a disciple of the Xuanhuang Sect."

"You are destined to my Xuanhuang Sect. Are you willing to join our Xuanhuang Sect?"

Li Yuanchu descended from the sky, came to Wu Wubing, and asked very kindly.

"But, but I am a mortal and have no spiritual roots. Can I really join the Xuanhuang Sect?"

Seeing this kind of flying immortal, Wu Wubing was confused.

He is just a child from a mountain village. Even though he has great strength, he has never seen an immortal of this level.

But he also knew that this was indeed his huge opportunity.

If I miss it, I don’t know if there will be a next time.

But even so, he still had some doubts about whether he could really join the Xuanhuang Sect.

"It doesn't matter. Our Xuanhuang Sect doesn't care about the qualifications and understanding of our disciples. We only care about whether you are destined or not."

"This little brother can attract the attention of the stone tablet, so he is obviously destined to my Xuanhuang Sect."

"If you are willing, I can lead you in."

Li Yuanchu smiled slightly.

What? !

When the people around him heard these words, they were all envious and jealous. They didn't expect that this silly boy would actually obtain immortality. This was like reaching the sky in one step.

Everyone is beating their chests, wondering why they are not the ones destined for each other.

"If I can join the Xuanhuang Sect, I would naturally do it."

Wu Wubing was naturally not stupid. If he could get the chance to be immortal, no one would refuse him.

Especially the opportunity to join the Xuanhuang Sect, no one would miss it.

"good very good."

"In that case, where is your home?"

"Say goodbye to your parents and let's return to Xuanhuang Sect."

Li Yuanchu was very satisfied.

"My home is in nearby Wujia Village."

Wu Wubing said honestly.

"Wujia Village? It's quite close."

"Let's go over there together."

Li Yuanchu waved his hand and immediately brought Wu Wubing to the sky, disappearing in front of everyone in the blink of an eye.

Only a group of envious and jealous mortals are left.

"No way, joining the Xuanhuang Sect just like that is too fake, isn't it said that it is difficult to join the Xuanhuang Sect?" Some people saw this scene and it was simply unbelievable.

"It is indeed difficult, but for some people, it is very difficult, because no one knows what the Xuanhuang Sect's criteria are for selecting disciples. If you are destined, you will have the opportunity to become a disciple of the Xuanhuang Sect. If you are not destined, even if you are amazingly talented, , and it’s difficult to join.”

"Isn't it true? Although this silly boy joins the Xuanhuang Sect so easily, but just because this person can resonate with the stone tablet and produce strange phenomena, you know that this person is not simple."

"Indeed, this is the case. This stone tablet has been standing here for almost a hundred years, but so far, no one has ever caused the strange phenomena of the stone tablet, but this boy can do it, which is enough to prove this person's miraculous power."

"It is said that all Xuanhuang Sect disciples will achieve great achievements. As long as they don't die, they will almost certainly become Nascent Souls and have a thousand-year life span, which is unmatched by other sect disciples."

"After all, this is the Shangzong. It is said that there is also the Supreme Transformation God. Once you reach this state, you will be like the Tianwei Gang in every move and move. You can survive for at least six thousand years."

"My God, six thousand years of life is enough to destroy a dynasty ten times."

"It seems that this kid has made a meteoric rise."

"Hey, I guess after this kid succeeds in his cultivation, he will be able to see my ashes, even my grandson's ashes."

"Is this an immortal? From now on, he will never be the same as a mortal. He is simply a world apart."

Everyone was talking about it.

They had very complicated feelings in their hearts.

Before, Wu Wubing was just like them, a mortal without spiritual roots.

But now, he was favored by Xuanhuang Sect, became a disciple of Xuanhuang Sect, and instantly flew up a branch and turned into a phoenix.

It can only be said that the gap between people is really too big, and the opportunities involved are huge.

A few days later.

Wu Wubing said goodbye completely to his parents and the people in Wujia Village.

Then it followed Li Yuanchu and embarked on the journey back to Xuanhuang Sect.

After all, he has a young mind, and he quickly abandoned the emotions of a short separation and turned to excitement about the future life of cultivating immortals.

"Senior Brother Li, what kind of sect is Xuanhuang Sect?"

Wu Wubing asked curiously.

Although he had heard many people talk about the Xuanhuang Sect, he still did not understand this mysterious sect.

After all, this sect is too far away from me.

"Well, this is naturally a sect that cultivates immortals."

"Basically the strongest sect in this world."

"The strongest monk in this world is the Reverend God Transformation. So far, only our sect has one."

"Every peak master is a god-incarnation venerable, and there are more than a hundred in number."

Li Yuanchu said proudly.

This is also the pride of being a disciple of the Xuanhuang Sect, because the names in this world were obtained by the sect leader.

Even the demon clan that almost destroyed the entire human race in the past was driven out by the Xuanhuang Sect.

It can be said that Xuanhuang Sect single-handedly saved the human race and made the human race the overlord of this world.

Then Xuanhuang Sect is naturally the strongest sect in this world, ruling thirteen continents, as well as many oceans and islands.

As for the number of Lord Transformers, it naturally exceeds one hundred.

In addition to Zhou Sui's clones, Qian Ziyun, Ye Feirou, Qiu Ru and others are all god-incarnation venerables.

But after a hundred years, Xia Shuiyang, Master Peach Blossom, Chu Dieyi, Lin Yazhu and others have also successfully been promoted to gods.

There are also Chun Tao, Xia Tao, Qiu Tao, Dong Tao, Mu Ziyan, Ji Bingyu, Xia Jingyan, Leng Yuexi and Shen Biqian who have also been promoted to the late Nascent Soul realm, and are not very far away from the Divine Transformation realm.

It can be said that during this period, Xuanhuang Sect's strength has also been further increased.

Although the other sects are developing well, they cannot compare with Xuanhuang Sect, which has access to resources from all over the world.

"The strongest sect?"

Hearing this, Wu Wubing was fascinated. He was just a boy from a mountain village, so naturally he didn't know what the strongest meant and what weight it contained.

But he knew that his life had indeed changed completely from this moment on.

Very different from before.

"But Senior Brother Li, it is said that the headquarters of our sect is not on this continent, but on another continent. I wonder if it is true?" Wu Wubing asked curiously.

"Of course it's true. The place we are in is called Qingzhou Continent."

"Although the cultivation environment is pretty good, the area is very large and the resources are rich."

"But it's not as good as the Xuanhuang Continent where our Xuanhuang Sect is located."

"Our Xuanhuang Continent is the real holy land for cultivation."

"The soil on that continent is all spiritual soil."

"Even if you scatter a bunch of elixir seeds, you can grow a large number of elixirs."

"Some monks from other continents came to our Xuanhuang Continent and wanted to dig up the spiritual soil of our continent and take back their own medicine gardens. However, this kind of thing is strictly prohibited."

"However, because the benefits are too great, it has been banned repeatedly."

Li Yuanchu said helplessly.

After all, the Xuanhuang Continent is really too big. It is the largest landmass among the thirteen continents, but as time goes by, it is actually still growing and expanding.

The area is also getting larger and larger.

Even according to the strength of Xuanhuang Sect, it is impossible to monitor every corner of the continent. Naturally, it cannot prohibit this kind of secret excavation of spiritual soil, and can only turn a blind eye.

The reason why it turned into spiritual soil is naturally closely related to the Evergreen Immortal Vine.

As the Evergreen Immortal Vine continues to grow, a huge amount of Immortal Energy leaks from its body.

Over the years, the soil area of ​​Xuanhuang Continent will naturally change.

In fact, the entire Xuanhuang Realm is like this.

However, since Xuanhuang Continent is where its body is located, the magnitude of the change is naturally the largest and most obvious.

It's not so obvious elsewhere.

Therefore, this will also cause the soil of Xuanhuang Continent to be different and transform into spiritual soil.

"It seems those legends are true."

"No one will starve to death in Xuanhuang Continent. Whatever you plant, it will spring up like bamboo shoots after a rain."

"It's like a paradise on earth."

Wu Wubing was amazed.

He really didn't expect that such a continent actually existed in the world. It was really unbelievable.

Compared with Qingzhou Continent, Xuanhuang Continent is countless times better.

Obviously, according to what his senior brother said, these rumors were not only not exaggerated, but actually underestimated the wealth of Xuanhuang Continent.

"Haha, you can actually say that."

"It is said that in the world of immortality before the Xuanhuang Sect appeared, it was very difficult to grow elixirs."

"It often takes hundreds, even thousands, of years to grow a single elixir."

"So the immortal cultivators at that time would fight each other for elixirs and elixirs."

"The fights between immortal cultivators are often more brutal than the fights between mortals."

"Only the victor can continue on the path of cultivating immortality."

"Especially the Foundation Establishment Realm. At that time, the Foundation Establishment Realm was a huge threshold. Ordinary monks had no way to buy the Foundation Establishment Pill. Even if they could buy it, they would have to spend all their money.

Even in order to obtain the Foundation Establishment Pill, many Foundation Establishment families will engage in life-and-death battles. Often, a Foundation Establishment Pill will cause many monks to fight madly, causing countless casualties. "

"But it's different now. The lord of the sect seems to have created a method that can grow elixirs on a large scale, and can even shorten the growth period of elixirs. This has enabled the large-scale production of Golden Leaf Ganoderma, the main medicine of the Foundation Establishment Pill. From then on, Kidan is not a rare elixir and can be refined at any time."

"From this point of view, what our Xuanhuang Sect has done has greatly slowed down the fighting between the monks, causing the number of fights between the monks to decrease."

Li Yuanchu said with emotion.

Obviously, a large number of elixirs were planted, and the changes in the Xuanhuang world were immediate.

If they could grow up peacefully without fighting, who would be willing to fight each other?

Killing people and seizing treasures also requires taking great risks.

If you are not careful, you may be killed and die.

But before the Xuanhuang Sect appeared, elixirs were basically wild.

Even if there is a sect that grows elixirs, such a small amount of elixirs may not be enough to satisfy the monks of their sect.

Not to mention the many casual cultivators outside the sect.

Therefore, competition for resources is inevitable.

The large-scale planting of elixirs has reduced the conflicts among immortal cultivators a lot.

At least ordinary monks don't need to fight to the death for ordinary elixirs and ordinary pills.

You can buy suitable elixirs from any elixir shop, and the price is not very expensive.

Of course, high-level elixirs are still quite expensive.

Not everyone can buy it.

"I see."

Wu Wubing was confused after hearing this, and he didn't quite understand what his senior brother Li Yuanchu said.

But he heard one thing clearly, that is, the Xuanhuang Sect has a huge influence on the entire world.

Many monks have benefited from the power of Xuanhuang Sect and have been able to improve their cultivation and go further.

All I can say is that it is indeed a sect that can rule the world. It is really powerful.

The image of Xuanhuang Sect in his heart couldn't help but become taller.

"Senior brother, when can we arrive at the ancient teleportation array?"

Wu Wubing continued to ask.

Although at the beginning, Li Yuanchu took him flying with his sword, which made him very excited. After all, it was his first time to fly into the sky and see things on the earth.

But as time went by, he got used to it and gradually became bored.

Flying in the sky all day is not a pleasant thing.

After all, this is considered a long flight, and it is indeed very tiring.

"Well, there's still an hour left."

"We need to go to a nearby city."

"Then use the teleportation array in this city to teleport to the ancient teleportation array in Qingzhou Continent."

"Then go through the ancient teleportation array and return to Xuanhuang Continent."

"Probably we will be able to return to Xuanhuang Sect soon."

Li Yuanchu said angrily.

He is indeed a little brat.

At the beginning, I flew into the sky and screamed with excitement, but now I feel bored in the blink of an eye.

But flying for a long time is indeed boring and tiring.

He also wants to buy a spaceship, which is obviously more relaxed.

It can fly for a long time without causing travel fatigue.

The problem is, the spaceship is too expensive, how can he afford it?

On weekdays, he spent all his spiritual stones on elixirs and magic weapons, but he didn't have any spare money to buy luxuries like spaceships.

"Teleportation array? Is it the kind of array that can transport people to other places instantly?"

"It is said that the teleportation array can move people hundreds of millions of miles away in an instant?"

Wu Wubing asked excitedly.

He knew that the teleportation array was the means of transportation for immortal cultivators. If there were no teleportation array, most of the immortal cultivators' lives would be spent on the road and they would have no time to practice at all.

"Of course, but an ordinary teleportation array can only teleport millions of miles, or maybe tens of millions of miles."

"Only the ancient teleportation array can span hundreds of millions of kilometers and span the entire continent."

"Even in Qingzhou Continent, there are only three ancient teleportation arrays like this."

"And every transmission is worth a lot of money."

"If I weren't responsible for escorting you back to Xuanhuang Sect this time, I could use the ancient teleportation array for free."

"I'm afraid I won't be able to bear to ride in such an ancient teleportation array."

Li Yuanchu said with emotion.

For a Moonlight clan like him, riding the teleportation array is a very luxury thing.

On weekdays, he is very frugal.

If it's a close range, then fly with the sword.

It was really too far, so I chose to take the teleportation array. In short, I would save money if I could.

Good steel should be used on the blade.

"Why have so few ancient teleportation arrays been built?"

“Wouldn’t it be more convenient for everyone to travel if we build more?”

Wu Wubing asked puzzledly.

He felt that if every city had a teleportation array, then everyone could travel for free.

Even mortals can travel to very distant places through the teleportation array.

I don’t know how much effort and time this saves.

For the entire world, this is a project of immeasurable merit.

"What do you think the ancient teleportation array is? Do you think it can be built if you want to?"

"The amount of fifth-level materials consumed by an ancient teleportation array is quite astonishing."

"In addition to fifth-level materials, a large amount of top-quality spiritual stones are also needed."

"The three ancient teleportation arrays alone cost our Xuanhuang Sect so many top-quality spiritual stones."

"And besides Qingzhou Continent, there are eleven other continents, and even islands in the sea, etc."

"Fortunately, the level of our Xuanhuang Realm has been improved now, and many sixth-level spiritual veins have been bred."

"So a large number of spiritual stone veins have appeared, and there are also a lot more high-quality spiritual stones."

"Otherwise, we really can't afford such a huge consumption."

Li Yuanchu explained.

In fact, the most significant change in the Xuanhuang Realm over the past hundred years is naturally the change in the spiritual veins.

In the past, fifth-level spiritual veins were very rare and could only be produced in some special places.

But now, with the improvement of Ivy's power.

The power of each of its vines has increased rapidly.

This has also resulted in the level of spiritual veins around the world being further improved.

Fifth-level spiritual veins are no longer rare, they are everywhere.

On the contrary, sixth level spiritual veins are truly rare spiritual veins.

So far, only the Xuanhuang Sect's headquarters has mastered a seventh-level spiritual vein.

Of course, as the power of the Evergreen Immortal Vine grows, perhaps soon the spiritual veins of the Xuanhuang Continent will grow into eighth-level spiritual veins, and ninth-level spiritual veins, and the concentration of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will increase astonishingly.

Thanks to the emergence of these spiritual veins, many spiritual stone veins have been produced all over the world.

In fact, spiritual stone veins and spiritual veins are closely related.

In essence, spiritual stones are actually a special crystallization of spiritual energy.

The higher the level of spiritual veins, the higher the level of spiritual stones that can be produced.

A large number of fifth-order spiritual veins and sixth-order spiritual veins have appeared, so naturally countless top-grade spiritual stones have been produced.

So over the years, Xuanhuang Sect has also excavated a large number of top-quality spiritual stones all over the world.

Otherwise, how could Xuanhuang Sect build many teleportation arrays all over the world in a hundred years.

"In other words, the construction of the teleportation array is still limited to materials and top-quality spiritual stones."

"If you have unlimited materials and unlimited top-grade spiritual stones, you can build at will."

Wu Wubing said thoughtfully.

"Well, this is indeed the case."

"After all, the teleportation array construction technology has long been mature."

"What's missing is just the formation materials."

“But there are only so many resources in the world, so how can it be possible to manufacture them infinitely?”

"Okay, don't think so much, we're already here."

At this time, Li Yuanchu flashed, flew with his sword, and came to a large city in the distance with a population of tens of millions.

He also landed slowly.

"Okay, senior brother."

Wu Wubing nodded obediently.

He was also looking forward to it in his heart.

In the future, he would practice in Xuanhuang Sect, and he didn't know what this famous holy land of cultivation was like.

In fact, it wasn't just Wu Wubing.

There are thirteen continents and many islands throughout the Xuanhuang Realm.

Any genius seeds detected by the stone tablet will be quickly sent to Xuanhuang Sect and become Xuanhuang Sect disciples.

This also made Xuanhuang Sect's luck power become more and more powerful.

If Zhou Sui were here, he could see that the golden dragon of luck over Xuanhuang Sect had grown to a length of one hundred thousand feet.

And this is not the limit, it is still growing rapidly.

On the other hand, in the spiritual world, Fengxi City, Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy.

Over a courtyard, there were dark clouds and bursts of thunder, covering the entire Taoist temple.

From time to time, thunder would strike down.

It's heart-stopping.

"What's going on? Why does the tribulation thunder appear in the Eighty-Eight Dao Yuan? Is there someone trying to overcome the tribulation?"

Someone just entered the Taoist temple and was suddenly shocked. He couldn't help but look up to the sky.

"Idiot, this is not a heavenly tribulation, but a pill tribulation."

"Someone is refining the fifth-level elixir, which is why the elixir tribulation was triggered."

"If I guess correctly, Teacher Zhou must be refining the pill."

The Taoist teacher next to him said with certainty.

"Teacher Zhou? Could it be Zhou Sui, the fifth-level alchemist who has become famous in the past hundred years?"

"That Taoist monk of Dean Bai?"

The man's pupils shrank and he immediately remembered the incident.

The most famous thing in Fengxi City in the past hundred years is the news that Bai Sujie, the most beautiful woman in Fengxi City, has become a Taoist companion.

As soon as this news came out, countless male cultivators were heartbroken and devastated.

Of course, many female cultivators were very happy that they finally no longer had to worry about their men being seduced by Bai Sujie.

In addition, the identity of Zhou Sui's fifth-level alchemy master was also spread.

From time to time, people came to Zhou Sui to make elixirs.

Moreover, every time he made an elixir, he was sure to succeed, and he even refined a large number of high-quality elixirs.

This also made Zhou Sui even more famous.

After all, fifth-level alchemy masters are still relatively popular and are in great demand.

In particular, alchemists with a high success rate in alchemy are sought after by countless monks.

Because it is still very difficult for the cultivator to collect all the elixirs in a fifth-level elixir recipe.

Once it fails, it will be ruined.

Even if the other party fails to refine it, you can't blame it, because the failure rate of elixir refining itself is very high.

Moreover, if the alchemy is successful, a huge fee will be paid to the alchemist.

This is still a pure alchemist market, and other monks are helpless.

Why are qualified fifth-level alchemists so rare? They can only be left to their own devices.

So at this time, Zhou Sui was born, and his alchemy success rate was 100%, which naturally made many god-transformation monks ecstatic.

"That's right, it's that Teacher Zhou."

The Taoist teacher nodded.

"Hey, the pill tribulation seems to be over. It seems that fellow Daoist Zhou has successfully refined another fifth-level treasure pill."

That person also found that the calamity clouds in the sky quickly dissipated, and it was obvious that the calamity had disappeared.

This represents the end of this alchemy and a complete success.

"As expected of Teacher Zhou, he is indeed the number one alchemist of our Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy."

The Taoist teacher was so impressed that he fell to the ground.

It can be said that it is precisely because of Zhou Sui's existence that the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy has received incomparable attention over the past hundred years.

Even the funding has increased a lot.

Many students even heard about it and wanted to come to Zhou Sui's class.

This has also led to more and more new students in the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy.

Basically, he single-handedly increased the reputation and foundation of the entire Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy.


At this moment, in the courtyard.

In the alchemy room, in front of a fifth-level alchemy furnace.

Three round purple elixirs appeared in the elixir furnace, blooming with purple light. Two elixir lines appeared on the elixirs, which represented the two qi of yin and yang, containing infinite mysteries and unfathomable.

The entire alchemy room was filled with bursts of alchemy fragrance.

Just smelling it is enough to invigorate and excite you.

"It's done, I finally made the Liangyi Poxu Dan."

"I failed two or three times, but I finally succeeded this time."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly and was very excited.

Obviously, what lies inside the pill furnace is the famous Liangyi Poxu Pill.

This is the top elixir that helps monks of the Transformation Spirit break through to become monks of the Void Refining Realm. It can be said to be extremely valuable.

If it were put up for auction, it would probably cause many god-transformation monks and virtual-refining monks to go crazy.

After all, this is a supreme elixir that can help the cultivator to advance to the realm of refining the void.

Once successful, it is equivalent to having one more strong person in the Void Refining Realm.

The human race will also have one more Lianxu family, which can exist for at least tens of thousands of years.

One can imagine how precious this elixir is.

Basically, as soon as it appears, it will be snatched away by other monks, and there is no chance of spreading.

"The refining of fifth-level elixirs is completely different from that of fourth-level elixirs."

"If you want to successfully refine the fifth-level elixir, you need to use the God Transformation Domain."

"It is necessary to smelt all the elixirs into one when refining the elixir."

"When the elixir is completed, the fifth-level elixir will be completely enveloped by the power of the domain, forming a small elixir barrier."

"Only in this way can all the medicinal power be locked in and a true fifth-level elixir can be formed."

"Then after the elixir is tempered and the impurities are removed, the elixir can finally be made."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

To be honest, when he was in the Xuanhuang Realm, the progress of alchemy masters was very slow, because the Xuanhuang Realm lacked the inheritance of fifth-level alchemy masters.

After all, in the previous world of cultivating immortals, there were not many god-transformation monks, so how could it be possible to research too many fifth-level alchemy master inheritances? Even the fifth-level alchemy recipes were only a handful.

But the spiritual world is different.

The human race has developed in the spiritual world for countless years, and a large number of alchemists have emerged.

After years of experimentation, these alchemists finally created Zhang Danfang and accumulated a lot of experience.

It can be said that the inheritance of the fifth-level alchemy master is already quite perfect in the spiritual world.

After Zhou Sui obtained all the inheritance secrets of the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy, he naturally also obtained the complete inheritance of the fifth-level alchemy master, and also knew many fifth-level elixir recipes, and also obtained a lot of information about the fifth-level elixirs. The secret of refining.

Coupled with the help of the seventh-level book Gu, his alchemy master's cultivation improved by leaps and bounds and took off instantly.

Over the past hundred years, he has also refined a large number of fifth-level elixirs and accumulated huge experience in alchemy.

At the same time, he was also in the inner world of Immortal Artifact Shanhaizhu, using the power of medicinal poison to cultivate a large number of fifth-level elixirs, and even sixth-level elixirs.

Therefore, he has no shortage of elixirs to refine the Liangyi Breaking Void Pill.

After several failures and accumulating enough experience, he finally succeeded in refining it this time.

Moreover, it can produce three pills at once.

If this matter spreads, it will definitely cause a sensation in Fengxi City.

Many monks in the Void Refining Realm may flock here to ask for elixirs.

"Liangyi Breaking the Void Pill is a fifth-level high-grade treasure pill, extremely close to the sixth-level pill."

"Condensed into two pill patterns, forming a pill barrier."

"It contains huge medicinal power, it's simply perfect."

"After taking it, I'm afraid it will elevate the soul to the realm of pure Yang and increase the success rate of being promoted to the Void Refining Realm."

Zhou Sui touched his chin and looked at the three fifth-level high-grade elixirs in the alchemy furnace.

He felt that he was already extremely familiar with fifth-level elixirs.

Now he seems to be beginning to touch the realm of a sixth-level alchemist.

"With Liangyi Breaking the Void Pill, maybe it can help Sujie step into the realm of refining the void."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

The reason why he worked so hard to refine the Liangyi Poxu Pill was naturally to help his Taoist companion Bai Sujie.

Once Bai Sujie breaks through and becomes a monk in the Void Refining Realm, she will definitely become a well-known figure in Fengxi City.

The statuses of the cultivators who transform gods and cultivators who refine the void are simply worlds apart and cannot be compared to the same.

If the cultivator of Transformation God is just a minor official, then the cultivator of Lianxu is already a high official.

This is the real leadership, in addition to the top powerhouses under the combined power.

Of course, what's more important is that once Bai Sujie becomes a monk in the Void Refining Realm, the power of pure yin in her body will also be greatly increased.

When the time comes for him to practice dual cultivation with him, I'm afraid it will also greatly speed up his cultivation.

It can be said that this is also for the sake of my own path.

Helping fellow Taoists means helping yourself.

They actually complement each other.


At this time, Zhou Sui's heart moved and he immediately opened the virtual panel on his body.

[Host: Zhou Sui, cultivation level: mid-stage transformation (50% progress), life span: 606 (97,000) years]

[Qualification: Tianlinggen (6%)]

[Swordsmanship: Level 5 High Grade (40%)]

[Rune: Level 5 mid-grade (10%)]

[Formation: Sixth-level mid-level (10%)]

[Alchemist: Level 5 Top Grade (99%)]

[Item Refining: Level 5 Middle Grade (10%)]

[Phantom Transformation Technique: Master]

[Five Elements Alchemy Technique: Grandmaster]

[Heart Sutra for Summoning Demons: Demon Seeds, Summoning Demons, Devouring Demons]

[The Exquisite Book of Seven Apertures: The mind’s eye recognizes things, the mind’s eye sees deeply, the mind’s eye understands language, the mind’s eye observes the mind, and the mind’s eye is direct to death (50%)]

[Zhu Xian Sword Technique: The first form is invisible sword light, the second form is killing sword light, and the third form is trapping sword light]

[Five Elements Thunder Technique: Proficient, Withering Mysterious Light Technique: Grandmaster, Ancient Black Turtle Technique: Third Level, Void Soul Thorn: Grandmaster]

[Infatuation Gu: middle grade of the sixth level, clone Gu: middle grade of the fifth grade, wine bug: middle grade of the fifth grade, gold-eating insect: upper grade of the fifth grade, Book Gu: low grade of the seventh grade, Dream Soul Gu: high grade of the fifth grade, Dragon Elephant Gu: fifth level top quality, Golden Light Ten Thousand Poisons Gu: fifth level middle quality, fifth level teleportation Gu, fifth level middle quality, formation heart voodoo sixth level, middle level seeking object voodoo, fifth level high quality Tribulation Thunder Gu, fifth level medicinal Gu Mid-level, fifth-level mid-level Qi Luck Gu]

Obviously, over the past hundred years, his cultivation has also increased a lot.

In the middle stage of divine transformation, the progress has been increased by 50%.

Don't think that this progress is very slow, but it is actually quite amazing.

For other god-transforming monks, it is normal for them to be trapped in this realm for hundreds of years, thousands of years, or even one or two thousand years.

Even in the spirit world, the cultivation progress of the god-transforming monks is still very slow.

After all, there is a limit to a monk's progress no matter how fast he relies solely on inhaling the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. He still has to rely on pills.

The question is, where can I find so many fifth-level elixirs?

The real paradise in the spiritual world has long been occupied by those super races.

Moreover, the human race can only occupy some remote places that others don't like at all.

In this way, the speed of practice will naturally be very slow, and there is nothing that can be done about it.

Who makes human beings weak? They can only rely on their own efforts and continue to practice hard.

"Yes, yes, my alchemy master cultivation is indeed about to break through to the sixth level."

"Now I am a fifth-level high-grade consummate alchemist."

"I guess if you look at all the fifth-level alchemists, no one can compare to me."

Zhou Sui was immediately very satisfied.

It's not in vain that he has been practicing alchemy for hundreds of years and constantly refining elixirs.

It's all worth it.

Of course, apart from that, the area where his cultivation has improved the most is naturally the formation path.

After all, after arriving in the spirit world, the formation heart Gu on his body finally came into use and began to invade and assimilate the sixth-level formations and even the seventh-level formations in Fengxi City.

Due to time constraints, the Formation Heart Gu did not assimilate the seventh-level formation in just a hundred years.

But there is no problem with the sixth-order formation.

Therefore, the Formation Heart Gu was quickly promoted to the sixth level mid-level realm.

Compared with before, the cultivation level of the formation has improved many times.

"If we talk about the fifth-level formation, it can form a triple barrier, burst out the power of the formation field, and completely demonstrate the supreme power comparable to the Lord Transformation of God."

"Then the sixth-level formation obviously goes a step further. It can form a four-level barrier and integrate into the four-level formation, thereby turning the formation into a small world and giving birth to a void barrier."

"The power of the sixth-level formation can be integrated into the void."

"After reaching this level, the defense of the formation is more than a hundred times stronger than that of the fifth-level formation. No matter how the monks under the transformation of gods attack, it is impossible to shake the void barrier of the sixth-level formation."

"Even when the sixth-order formation is activated with all its strength, the laws of heaven and earth will appear, producing formation phenomena. It can mobilize 100% of the spiritual power of heaven and earth and exert unparalleled power."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

Before, he could not break through to the level of a sixth-level formation mage no matter what, but after coming to the spirit world and seeing the sixth-level formations in other places in Fengxi City, he suddenly realized it.

I also admire the wisdom of many formation masters in the human race.

He also didn't expect that the power of the formation could reach this level.

Once you fully control the sixth-level formation, it is like transforming into a Void Refining Monk, completely controlling the spiritual power of heaven and earth within the formation.

At the same time, the sixth-order formation will also form a void barrier.

Basically, the power under the void refining will be isolated from the void barrier and cannot cause any harm to the sixth-level formation. It can be imagined that the tyranny of the sixth-level formation is absolutely beyond imagination.

"If a sixth-level formation is deployed in the Xuanhuang Realm, I am afraid that other sects in the Xuanhuang Realm will be tied together and attack day and night, but they will not be able to shake the sixth-level formation's barriers at all."

Zhou Sui clicked his tongue in admiration.

You know, the human race is so weak. Normally, it should have been destroyed by other powerful races in the spiritual world.

But the human race is good at formations and setting up formations.

By using the power of formations, the weak can defeat the strong and block powerful enemies.

Although human beings are individually weak, if they use the power of formations, they will not be weaker than any other race.

Even if other races tried to attack the human city, they had no choice but to fail in the face of the power of the formation.

Sometimes, they even managed to escape by leaving behind a large number of corpses.

Over time, many races stopped attacking human cities.

Everyone knows that the human city is a tough city.

If they attack reluctantly, they will definitely suffer heavy losses and countless casualties.

And the spiritual world is so big, there is no need to fight to the death with the human race for these small places.

That's why the human race survived. After hundreds of millions of years, the human race's status in the spiritual world began to gradually improve.

Although it is not as good as those super races, it is still pretty good among the weak races.

At least not a cannon fodder-level race.

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