The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 376 The secret of the eighth-level formation, helping the Taoist monks to advance and refine

"If it goes one step further, it would be a seventh-level formation."

"Now there is only one seventh-level formation in the entire Fengxi City, and that is the city's grand formation."

"It is also the peerless formation that has protected Fengxi City for thousands of years - the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation."

"Once you advance to the realm of seventh-level formations, then there will be a five-level formation barrier."

"When the five layers of formations are fused together, they will form a world barrier."

"The entire heaven and earth within the seventh-level formation will turn into a small world, surrounded by world barriers."

"If the enemy steps into the seventh-level formation, when the formation is activated, he will be crushed by the power of the realm."

"If you are not a powerful person in the Fusion Realm, you will definitely die if you face the power of the seventh-level formation."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

Naturally, he obtained these basic knowledge about the seventh-order formation from the Sutra Pavilion of the Eighty-Eight Taoist Academy.

There are one hundred and eight cities in the entire human territory.

Every human city is protected by a seventh-level formation.

It is precisely because of the characteristics of the seventh-order formation that a void barrier like a small world can be formed.

Therefore, each city is its own country.

Once activated, the walls surrounding Fengxi City will immediately be enveloped by the World Barrier.

No matter how the enemy attacks, it will be difficult to break through the barriers of this world.

Relying on the seventh-level formations, the human race's city is simply a base that will not fall.

Basically, if a human city is born, the territory of the human race will be expanded by one point.

This is one of the reasons why many foreign races nearby are afraid of humans.

Although the development speed of the human race is very slow, it is developing steadily and rapidly.

Over time, the strength of the human race will definitely become stronger and stronger, beyond imagination.

"No wonder Fengxi City has been attacked for thousands of years by many wild beasts."

“To this day, it’s still standing.”

"With the protection of the seventh-level high-grade formation, the Nine Yang Gang Sun Formation, I can naturally sit back and relax."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

From the descriptions in these formation books, he could know how powerful the seventh-level formation was.

To be honest, there are indeed countless wild beasts deep in the Thunder Mountains.

There are even many races hidden.

Naturally, these powerful beings would not watch the human race build a city here.

Otherwise, the more powerful the human race's cities are, the smaller their living space will be.

They are absolutely incompatible with each other.

Unless there is a winner and loser, life and death.

In the past, a combined-level desolate beast personally tried to break through Fengxi City.

However, Taoist Fengxi activated his formation and killed them all on the spot.

As a result, this completely frightened many wild beasts in the Thunder Mountain Range, making them never dare to invade again.

It can be seen from this that the power of the seventh-level formation is indeed the foundation of the human race.

"The eighth-level formation is equivalent to the power of a Mahayana monk."

"Among the entire human race, only Huangdu can deploy the eighth-level formation."

"Once the arrangement is successful, a six-layer formation barrier will be formed."

"The power of the formation will be further enhanced, and the world within the formation has been transformed into a secret world."

"The barrier around the barrier has become a barrier to the world. It is so strong that even a monk in the Mahayana realm can hardly break it."

"To a certain extent, the eighth-level formation is a world of its own."

"Why are so many secret worlds born in the spiritual world?"

"In fact, these secret worlds are not naturally formed."

"Instead, each super race has deployed eight-level formations. After a long time, secret worlds have been formed. These secret worlds are the base camps of the super races."

"As long as they are in the secret world, these super races will be safe and secure. They don't have to worry about being attacked by external enemies, and they can also allow the creatures within the race to grow rapidly."

"It is rumored that many true spirit races have their own secret worlds, such as Tianfeng Secret Realm, Xuanwu Secret Realm, White Tiger Secret Realm, Canglong Secret Realm, etc., which are all created by powerful true spirits."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

To be honest, he also obtained some information about the eighth-order formation from the Sutra Pavilion of the Taoist Academy.

Only then did he realize that the power of the eighth-level formation was so terrifying that it had reached a power of its own.

It's simply beyond imagination.

This is simply turning decay into magic.

In fact, the same is true for the imperial capital of the human race.

The entire human imperial capital is actually a small secret world, with an endless population, exceeding tens of billions. Many human monks live freely in the imperial capital and in the secret world.

This way you won't have to worry about many dangers from the outside world.

You can even be self-sufficient in the secret world, and you can live well even if you don't need to go to the outside world.

"But the practice of formation is also extremely difficult."

"Even though there are many powerful people in the human race in the spirit world, there are still very few people who have truly reached the level of sixth-order formation and seventh-order formation."

"I can't say there are only a handful of them, but they are still quite rare."

"As for the eighth-level formation mage, there is only one human emperor."

Zhou Sui was very emotional.

In fact, he also realized the difficulty of understanding the formation.

This is just like mathematics. The deeper you go, the more you will discover the shallowness of your own wisdom and your own insignificance.

Some human geniuses may be able to cultivate the formation to the fifth level.

But there are only a few who have reached the realm of sixth-level or even seventh-level formations.

The difficulty increased more than ten times.

Fortunately, he had the help of Formation Heart Gu, otherwise he would not have the confidence to deeply understand these high-level formations.

"What a pity, there seems to be no message from the cross-border teleportation array."

"I don't know if there is a cross-border teleportation array in the spiritual world."

Zhou Sui felt a little sorry.

The formation information he most wanted to obtain was naturally the cross-border teleportation formation.

Only when the cross-border teleportation array is successfully deployed can he return to the Xuanhuang Realm from the spiritual world.

Unfortunately, even in the spiritual world, cross-border teleportation formations are quite rare formations and are simply unheard of.

But this is also normal.

For countless races in the spiritual world, their own world has not yet been fully explored.

How could there be any spare energy to explore other worlds?

But he felt that the cross-border teleportation array must exist.

The reason why humans have no records is probably because humans are too weak.

He is not qualified to come into contact with top-level formations such as the cross-border teleportation formation.

Perhaps when his cultivation becomes stronger and he can walk in the spirit world, he can look for news about the cross-border teleportation array.


At this moment, a graceful figure flew in from outside and entered Zhou Sui's courtyard.

The visitor was none other than Bai Sujie.

She was wearing a white long skirt with a waist, which outlined her amazing curves and showed off her proud figure.

Every move he makes is unparalleled in charm and makes people salivate.

"Mr. Zhou, something serious has happened."

Bai Sujie immediately told Zhou Sui that something big had happened.

"what happen?"

Zhou Sui raised his eyebrows and looked at Bai Sujie curiously.

He also stopped thinking temporarily. To be honest, this was the first time he had seen Bai Sujie look so nervous.

Obviously, something big might indeed have happened in Fengxi City.

Otherwise, Bai Sujie would not be like this.

"Someone discovered a Phoenix blood red gold vein in the Thunder Mountains."

Bai Sujie said very excitedly.

"Phoenix Blood Red Gold?"

"true or false?!"

Hearing these words, Zhou Sui was also shocked and couldn't believe it.

The so-called phoenix blood red gold is a special kind of fine gold that has been corroded by the blood of the true spirit Tianfeng. This material is not only extremely strong and invulnerable, but also contains a terrifying edge, and even contains the power of phoenix fire.

If this special ore is added to some magic weapons, the power of the magic weapons can be increased several times.

For example, if you join the flying sword, I am afraid that one sword strike will be invincible, and it also contains the power to ward off evil and destroy demons.

Such a Phoenix blood red gold vein is absolutely priceless.

I'm afraid it's more precious than a vein of top-quality spiritual stone.

It's enough to make many races fight.

He could fully imagine what kind of sensation this news would cause to the human race if it spread.

"of course it's true."

"It is said that the True Spirit Heavenly Phoenix has indeed appeared in the Thunder Mountain Range."

"At that time, the true spirit Tianfeng seemed to be fighting to the death with another true spirit. The two sides fought for seven days and seven nights."

"In the end, both sides suffered losses, and the blood of True Spirit Tianfeng was also poured into the Thunder Mountains."

"After years of erosion, the Fengxue red gold vein was finally formed."

"Even near that vein, it's not just Phoenix blood red gold."

"Many sixth-level elixirs have also grown, and seventh-level elixirs are priceless."

"Now Sister Fengxi has led a large number of monks to the Phoenix Blood Red Gold Mine, hoping to take the lead and completely occupy this special mine."

Bai Sujie immediately told everything she knew.

Obviously, this news really alarmed everyone in Fengxi City.

Even the master of Fengxi City, Master Fengxi Taoist, took action personally and led a large number of troops into the Thunder Mountains. It could be said that they all came out in full force.

This is simply an unprecedented event in Fengxi City for thousands of years.

"Well, this is indeed incredible news."

"But don't you also want to go to that Phoenix Blood Red Gold Mine?"

Zhou Sui looked at Bai Sujie.

"Of course, this is an unprecedented opportunity for us monks."

"The most important thing is that Sister Fengxi personally leads the team. I believe this operation will be safe and worry-free."

"It just so happens that we can go along."

"Even if you can't get any treasures from the Phoenix Blood Red Gold Mine, you can still kill some wild beasts along the way."

"As long as we can obtain some desolate beast corpses, we will be fully prepared. There will be no shortage of training resources in a short period of time."

Bai Sujie said matter-of-factly.

Because she had done this before, often venturing deep into the Thunder Mountains to hunt wild beasts and obtain cultivation resources.

Therefore, after losing the support from the royal family, she was still able to obtain a large amount of wealth on her own, and her cultivation progressed rapidly.

For her, as a human monk, it is normal to go out on adventures frequently.

Where are the monks who often stay at home and practice hard?

The cultivation resources of the monks will not fall from the sky.

The monks still need to fight and fight for it.

"do not go."

"You, a little god-transforming monk, will be of no use even if you go."

"Not only will there be no benefits, it will be a waste of time, but you may also encounter unknown dangers."

"A top-notch mineral vein like this may also be targeted by many creatures in the Thunder Mountains."

"This journey may not be safe."

Zhou Sui said angrily.

To be honest, Bai Sujie is so reckless, no wonder she often falls into murderous robberies.

If she hadn't been so lucky and could always turn bad things into good fortune, she would have died long ago.

But no matter how strong your luck is, sooner or later it will be exhausted.

Obviously, her luck can only support her until she reaches the combined state.

If this continues, when she is promoted to the Fusion Realm, her luck will completely dissipate, and she will have bad luck again and again, and often encounter various murders and calamities.

This is also a situation that many lucky children often face.

When we are weak, we often encounter various disasters, and we can often turn disasters into good fortune.

This also makes them think that they are really lucky and that no matter what they do, they will be favored by God.

A mission that has a 99% chance of death for other people, if it falls into their hands, has a 100% chance of survival.

As everyone knows, fate has already marked a price on this luck.

Once the luck is exhausted, that is when the body will die and the Tao will disappear.

Over the years, he has allowed Bai Sujie to stay in Fengxi City to practice in peace.

Although such actions did not increase Bai Sujie's luck, it did not reduce her luck either.

To some extent, this can be regarded as increasing her luck.

"All right."

"Since Zhou Lang said he won't go, then I won't go."

Bai Sujie blinked her beautiful eyes.

Fortunately, she also has one of her greatest strengths, that is, she listens to advice.

If you marry a chicken, follow the chicken. If you marry a dog, follow the dog.

She still quite trusts her husband.

No matter how absurd it is, she will believe it.

Although she really wanted to go on an adventure to the Thunder Mountains, she still held back.

"That's good."

Hearing this, Zhou Sui was very satisfied. If Bai Sujie was a stubborn woman who didn't listen to others' advice and had her own way of doing things, he would have to use some special means.

Fortunately, this girl is somewhat self-aware and very obedient.

"Actually, you don't need to go to the Thunder Mountains."

"Don't you want to be promoted to Lianxu?"

"Just now I successfully refined the Liangyi Xu-Breaking Pill."

"Perhaps you can use the power of Liangyi Breaking the Void Pill to break through to the Void Refining Realm."

Zhou Sui pointed to the three Liangyi Poxu Pills in the pill furnace.

What? !

As soon as these words came out, Bai Sujie's beautiful eyes noticed the three Liangyi Poxu Pills in the alchemy furnace. Her eyes showed an unbelievable look, and she was simply dumbfounded.

Before, she didn't even notice what kind of elixir the alchemy furnace was refining.

Because over the years, my husband has refined too many fifth-level treasure pills.

She was used to it.

Who would have thought that at this time, he would actually refine the famous Liangyi Poxu Pill.

This is the supreme divine elixir that helps cultivators of the Transformation of Gods break through to the Void Refining Realm. It can be said to be priceless.

But at this moment, there were three pills lying quietly inside the pill furnace.

If she hadn't witnessed it with her own eyes, she wouldn't have believed that such a ridiculous thing could happen. It was incredible.

"You, how did you successfully refine the Liangyi Void Refining Pill?"

"No, that's not right, it should be you. How did you prepare all the elixirs of Liangyi Poxu Dan?"

Bai Sujie's beautiful eyes widened, and her heart was filled with turmoil.

She knew how rare the Liangyi Poxu Pill was.

After all, the most rare thing about this top-notch elixir is naturally the main medicine, Liangyi Yin-Yang Flower.

This is a sixth-level elixir.

It takes thousands of years to grow to a mature state.

Even the royal family of the human race does not guarantee that they will be able to obtain the Liangyi Breaking Void Pill.

After all, there are so many people in the royal family and so many descendants of various meritorious deeds, everyone wants to get them.

In this way, people will naturally need to line up.

It is basically impossible for an unpopular human emperor princess like her to obtain the Liangyi Poxu Pill.

But how could she have imagined that the Liangyi Poxu Pill that she had been thinking about day and night would appear in front of her like this.

And three of them appeared at once, which is really unbelievable.

"Have you forgotten?"

"You gave me a lot of elixir seeds before."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly and reminded.

The reason why he told Bai Sujie such a secret was naturally because Bai Sujie was his Taoist companion.

Moreover, he already has the infatuation Gu in his body, so he is not worried that she will leak the news.

"No way, if you give the elixir seeds, you can grow a ten-year-old elixir?"

"How long has it been?"

"Is it possible that you have mastered a method that can greatly shorten the time for planting elixirs?"

Bai Sujie looked at Zhou Sui in disbelief.

She knew how amazing it would be if such a method really existed.

At that time, not only the great powers of the major human races will take action personally.

I am afraid that even those super wealthy clans and those true spirits may take action themselves.

Otherwise, those ten thousand-year elixirs would be of great value to every great power.

If someone could cultivate it in batches, you can imagine what an amazing method this would be.

A common man is not guilty of carrying a jade.

That's it.

Thinking of this, she looked at Zhou Sui lovingly, feeling extremely moved in her heart.

She never expected that this man would take the initiative to tell her such an amazing secret.

This is simply putting the handle in your own hands.

If this man didn't love himself deeply, how could he do such a thing.

Her favorability towards Zhou Sui was also rising steadily.

"That's right."

Zhou Sui nodded and admitted openly.

He sensed that Bai Sujie's favorability towards him was close to 100%.

As expected, sincerity is a surefire skill that can win the favor of all female cultivators.

"You're so good to me."

Bai Sujie looked at Zhou Sui with tears in her eyes, and I felt pity for him.

The golden furry tail on her body swayed slightly.

"In that case, why don't you pledge yourself to me?"

Zhou Sui hugged Bai Sujie's slender waist and smiled slightly.

He felt the breath of this peerless beauty, which was simply fragrant and intoxicating.

To be honest, he has been a monk for a long time.

Since I came to the world of immortality, I have never been a monk for such a long time.

For a man who loves women, it is simply unbearable.

In particular, a stunning beauty was hanging in front of him all day long, and he could only look at her but not eat her.

This is simply torture.

"Bah, I know you're such an idiot and don't have good intentions."

"But not now."

"I can't give it to you until I advance to the Void Refining Realm."

Bai Sujie looked at Zhou Sui with charming eyes and took a sip at Zhou Sui.

She knew that men didn't have many good things, and they were just greedy for her own body.

But she felt very disgusted with other men.

But only for the man in front of her, she was filled with joy and even eager to try.

This is the difference between meeting someone you like and someone you hate.

Humans are such a double standard species.

As long as it is a man she likes, no matter what he does, even if he is glib, she likes him very much and thinks he is sincere.

If she doesn't like a man, even if he is a handsome gentleman and full of articles, she will think he is hypocritical.

"In this case, why not hurry up and be promoted to Lianxu."

Zhou Sui urged impatiently.

"Even with the Liangyi Breaking Void Pill, it's not that easy to be promoted to Lianxu."

"You don't want to watch me being killed by the Void Refining Thunder Tribulation, and then find a younger one, right?"

Bai Sujie looked at the man in front of her angrily and pinched him hard with her little hands.

If it was really that easy to be promoted to Lianxu, she would have been promoted long ago, and there was no need to wait until now.

After all, it is not as simple as imagined to survive the Void Refining Thunder Tribulation.

If you are not careful, you may die from a thunderstorm and your body will disappear.

So once you want to try to overcome the tribulation, you must be fully prepared.

When many monks who transform themselves into gods plan to overcome the tribulation, they prepare for at least hundreds or thousands of years.

This is actually not too much.

After all, you only live once.

If you fail, you will be dead and there will be no chance of resurrection.

Not to mention, she contains the blood of the golden-haired jade-faced fox. Once she overcomes the tribulation, the power of the thunder tribulation will be even higher, so she will naturally be more cautious.

"Don't worry, it's just a thunder disaster of refining the void, it's not a problem at all."

"I have a secret treasure that can help you weaken the power of thunder tribulation."

"When the time comes, it will be easy for you to overcome the tribulation."

Zhou Sui hugged Bai Sujie's slender waist and comforted her.

The thunder tribulation Gu on him is simply the best helper in dealing with thunder tribulation.

Now the Tribulation Thunder Gu has been promoted to the fifth level of high-grade realm, and its power is extremely powerful.

Even if he is dealing with the Void Refining Thunder Tribulation, he can do so with ease.

To be honest, after Tribulation Thunder Gu came to the spiritual world, it was like a fish in water.

If he showed the power of the Tribulation Thunder Gu, countless monks would probably flock to him and treat him as a guest.

Of course, he would not be so stupid and show the power of Tribulation Thunder Gu.

This is simply not worth the gain.

If he were a Mahayana monk, there would be no problem in showing such power.

No one dares to covet his secrets.

But now he is only a monk in the middle stage of the Divine Transformation Realm, so he naturally needs to be cautious.

If it is discovered by others, it will definitely cause disaster and the gain will not be worth the loss.

"You actually have a secret treasure that can weaken the thunder calamity?"

Hearing this, Bai Sujie was even more delighted and her beautiful eyes widened.

She felt very excited inside, and the blood of the golden-haired and jade-faced fox in her body was boiling even more.

No wonder the golden-haired jade-faced fox in his body would regard this man as his best partner, constantly reminding himself that he must grasp the man in front of him, otherwise he will regret it for the rest of his life.

Now it seems that this man is indeed unusual and has many secrets.

I can only say that he is worthy of being an ascended one, he is really awesome.

Even if he ascends to the fairy world, he still won't lose sight of everyone.


"And you are my Taoist companion, how could I harm you?"

"I can't bear to lose a beauty like you."

Zhou Sui smiled slightly.

To be honest, he can't wait now. In order to end his lonely life as soon as possible, he must advance this woman to the Void Refining Realm as soon as possible.

Otherwise, I would have to sleep alone every night, which would be too painful.

If we were in the Xuanhuang Realm, there would be no night when we wouldn't be accompanied by beauties.

Where is it like now, there is not even a Taoist companion.

He felt that the meaning of his practice had been lost.

If there is no Taoist companion to accompany you, no matter how long you live, it seems that there is not much meaning.

The reason why he wants to pursue immortality and power is simple.

That is to sleep with the most beautiful beauties and enjoy the best life.

This is what makes this life worthwhile.

To die under the peonies is to be a ghost.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'm going to retreat for a while."

"Then I started trying to be promoted to Lianxu."

Bai Sujie's beautiful eyes looked at Zhou Sui very seriously. She didn't know why she believed in the man in front of her so much.

If it is this man, then he must be trustworthy.

The most important thing is that the blood of the golden-haired and jade-faced fox in her body is also throbbing.

The power of her bloodline can distinguish between good and evil, and can predict misfortune and good fortune.

Obviously she felt that her journey through this tribulation was a smooth one and she would definitely be able to survive it.

At this time, she was filled with immense confidence.

Although this dog man has bad intentions and wants to sleep with him when he helps him, as long as he can be promoted to Lianxu, then all this will not be a problem.

If the goddess-incarnation female cultivators in the outside world knew that they could be promoted to the Void Refiner as long as they slept with this man, they would probably swarm in and the queues could be tens of kilometers long.

After all, in the spiritual world, there are many monks who transform gods, but there are very few monks who refine the void, one in ten thousand.

Once you are promoted to Lianxu, your strength and status will undergo earth-shaking changes.

It's nothing like before.


After saying these words, she returned to her manor and practiced in seclusion.


Meanwhile, the Thunder Mountains, somewhere.

The Puppet Clan, the Golden Toad Clan and the Soaring Snake Clan gathered here. Here appeared three great masters of the Fusion Realm, as well as many monks from the Void Refining Realm and the Divine Transformation Realm.

These three major races are an alliance, and they are all enemies of the human race.

For countless years, these three major races have been enemies of the human race, called the Three Races Alliance.

They have long had a bloody feud with each other.

"Haha, Taoist Fengxi was indeed fooled."

"I led a large number of Fengxi City monks out of the city. Now Fengxi City is collectively empty."

"If we suddenly launch an attack at this time and destroy Fengxi City's internal formation."

"Then this city will definitely be completely attacked by us."

The combined power of the puppet clan laughed, with a very happy expression.

It was just a little trick, but the human monks didn't expect to be fooled.

Sure enough, when it comes to strategy, the puppet race is more powerful, and the mere human race is not worth mentioning at all.

"I didn't expect you puppet clan to be so generous."

"He was actually willing to hand over the veins of Phoenix blood red gold."

"Use the Phoenix blood red gold vein as bait to lure the human monks out of the city."

The combined power of the Golden Toad Clan sighed with emotion.

Its body is a huge golden toad, its whole body is covered with golden lines, the golden light is shining, and its body is filled with strong poisonous gas. It seems that if you smell it, you will be poisoned and die.

In fact, although the Golden Toad tribe is a weak race in the spiritual world, they only have one Mahayana monk.

But their strength cannot be underestimated.

Even powerful races would not dare to provoke them at will.

Because they like to swallow thousands of poisons, their bodies also contain countless toxins, and they are extremely good at using poisons.

If you are not careful, you will be killed by the toxins in the golden toad's body and die an unexpected death.

Often they also have the ability to leapfrog challenges.

What's even more disgusting is that if a golden toad is killed, the toxins in their bodies will explode instantly. Countless toxins will spread hundreds or even thousands of miles around, causing countless creatures to be poisoned to death.

If the Golden Toad Clan carried out a suicidal attack, it would be enough to destroy an entire area and cities.

Therefore, many races do not want to kill the creatures of the Golden Toad clan if it is not necessary.

They are almost like hedgehogs, with thorns all over their bodies.

If you are not careful, you may die together with the creatures of the Golden Toad clan.

Obviously, this plan was planned by the puppet clan, and the trap was also set by the puppet clan.

They, the Golden Toad Clan, just followed.

But I have to say that this plan is indeed extremely sophisticated, nine percent true and one percent false.

True and false, false and true, it is simply confusing.

If it wasn't on the outside, it wouldn't be able to see the layout clearly.

"There's nothing to be reluctant to part with."

"Now it is just temporarily handed over to the human race for safekeeping."

"Once Fengxi City is destroyed, the Phoenix Blood Red Gold Mine will return to the hands of our three tribes sooner or later."

The combined power of the puppet clan said proudly.

It thinks it through very clearly.

Although the Phoenix Blood Red Gold Mine was first discovered by the puppet clan, the human monks controlled by the puppet clan deliberately released the news and revealed it to the higher-ups of the human race.

But this was intentional, the purpose was to attract the combined monks from Fengxi City and the many void-refining monks.

They are not interested in drinking, they just want to destroy Fengxi City.

If the combined power of Fengxi City still remains in the city, then it is simply impossible for them to break through Fengxi City's seventh-level formation. It is undoubtedly a dream.

But if Taoist Fengxi leaves, the result will be completely different.

They can take the opportunity to attack Fengxi City, kill and destroy the formations in the city.

At that time, this human city will be completely destroyed by them, and this human stronghold will be eradicated.

"Even if we really lure Taoist Fengxi away."

"But we don't know much about Fengxi City. Who knows if there are other strong human beings in the city."

"If we are not careful, we may also step into human traps and die unexpectedly."

The one who spoke was the combined power of the Soaring Snake Clan. This was a giant cyan snake with dense mysterious runes appearing on its body. It seemed that its body was wrapped in clouds and mist, and its immortal aura was floating and unfathomable.

At the same time, its eyes revealed a trace of ferocity, and its body was filled with the aura of blood, as if it was surrounded by countless dead souls, and no one knew how many souls had died tragically in its hands.

It can be said that it is also the most brutal one among the three great combined powers.

Moreover, its combat power is also very terrifying, and it is basically the first of the three great combined powers.

Every move it makes contains great power, which is extremely terrifying and unfathomable.

The reason why this green snake is so powerful is that it naturally inherited the bloodline of the former True Spirit Soaring Snake.

Billions of years ago, the Soaring Snake clan was considered a super race, with dozens of Mahayana monks.

Unfortunately, the good times did not last long. The true spirit Soaring Snake ascended to the fairy world, and the Soaring Snake clan lost the protection of the true spirit.

The results can be imagined.

You must know that the Soaring Snakes are ferocious in nature, they like to kill and eat their prey, and they have a huge appetite.

Many races in the spirit world often died tragically at the hands of the Soaring Snakes, becoming food in their bellies.

If the true spirit Soaring Snake is still there, naturally no one would dare to provoke the Soaring Snake clan.

No matter what you do, you can only swallow your anger.

But since the true spirit Soaring Snake ascended to the immortal world, the Soaring Snake clan immediately lost its biggest supporter.

So many races that had a grudge against the Soaring Snakes launched a brazen attack to seek revenge.

After a great battle, dozens of Mahayana realm Soaring Snakes were killed, and the secret world of the Soaring Snake clan was even destroyed.

Only a few Soaring Snakes survived and were scattered throughout the spiritual world.

The vicinity of the Thunder Mountains is one of the base areas of the Soaring Snake Clan.

They feed on wild beasts, are extremely fast and ferocious in nature, and have become the dominant force in this area.

In the past, before the rise of the human race, the Soaring Snake clan often devoured humans and treated humans as delicious snacks. They would devour a village or a city at every turn, which could be said to have resulted in a blood feud.

Therefore, after the human race grew up, many high-level monks joined forces to hunt down the strong men of the Soaring Snake Clan.

After all, the flesh, heart, gallbladder, and blood of the Soaring Snake can be refined into elixirs, which greatly promote the cultivation of human monks.

Hunting a soaring snake has many benefits.

The battle between the two sides also lasted for tens of millions of years.

To this day, the winner has not been determined.

In short, either you will die or I will live.

Of course, the current Soaring Snakes are not pure-blooded Soaring Snakes, they are just snakes who have inherited a thin bloodline.

Calling himself a Soaring Snake is just to put money on his own face.

Even so, the Soaring Snake clan is still extremely powerful and should not be underestimated.

"Don't worry, this is not a problem at all."

"Our puppet tribe has already infiltrated a large number of tribesmen in Fengxi City."

"And I also got a top-grade Tongtian Lingbao Reflective Mirror."

"I believe you all also know the power of this top-grade heaven-reaching spiritual treasure."

"It can sense the breath and cultivation of all living creatures in the entire city."

"Through the power of this heaven-reaching spiritual treasure, there is currently no Fusion Realm powerful person guarding Fengxi City."

"At most, there are only some Void Refining monks guarding it."

The combined power of the puppet clan smiled slightly, confident.

"You actually took out the high-grade Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure Reflective Mirror. You are really willing to take out such a Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure."

"I heard that your puppet tribe seemed to have failed once in Fengxi City a hundred years ago."

"As a result, two of the puppet clan members of the God Transformation Realm were beheaded. I didn't expect that I would still have the guts to bring out such a magic weapon."

"Aren't you afraid that your clan members will fall in the city and lose this heaven-reaching spiritual treasure?"

The combined power of the Golden Toad Clan was astonished.

It also didn't expect that the puppet clan would spend a lot of money this time.

It's no wonder that the puppet clan is confident about their plan this time.

The methods are endless, which is simply frightening.

"What are you afraid of?"

"No matter what you do, there are risks. If you are afraid of this and that, nothing can be done."

"A hundred years ago, we did lose two members of the Huashen tribe."

"But that's just because they were unlucky and happened to be encountered by the enemy."

"Of course, because of that incident, Fengxi City was alerted and a comprehensive search was conducted."

"Fortunately, our puppet clan is also cautious, so the remaining manpower was not exposed."

"This is enough to prove that our puppet clan's concealment methods are still quite powerful."

"Even if one or two clan members are exposed, it will not affect the overall plan."

The combined power of the puppet clan said proudly.

After all, parasitizing other people and controlling puppets are their specialty.

In the past, the puppet race relied on this method to become a super race in the spiritual world.

Even though the puppet clan is indeed in decline now, this method is not fake.

Still contains incredible power.

It is not comparable to ordinary weak races.

"Now that you are fully prepared, what are the next plans?"

The powerful combined power of the Soaring Snake Clan asked, wanting to know the next plan.

"The next plan is actually very simple. That is for our three great combined powers to stop the human race's Taoist Fengxi and prevent her from returning to Fengxi City for rescue."

"Then the many Void Refining cultivators under our command can also take the opportunity to rush into Fengxi City and destroy the formation nodes in the city. I have already obtained the formation diagram of the entire Fengxi City. As long as I destroy some important formation nodes, Then the seventh level formation in Fengxi City will naturally be destroyed by us."

"When the armies of our three major races arrive, they will naturally destroy the entire city."

"There is no danger for the human race to defend, they can only destroy this place."

"So next, we need to use the power of your two clans to help our clan destroy the seventh-level formation in Fengxi City."

The eyes of the puppet tribe's combined power revealed a glimmer of coldness, filled with murderous intent.

It felt that its plan this time was considered exhaustive.

No matter how hard the human race struggles, they will inevitably die.

You must know that so far the human race only has 108 cities.

If one city were lost, it would be enough to devastate the human race.

It can also greatly slow down the development of the human race.

"Don't worry, our Golden Toad Clan has prepared thirty dead warriors in the Void Refining Realm whose lifespan is about to run out."

"They are now looking forward to death."

"Even if they are really defeated by the enemy's Void Refining Monk, they will self-destruct on the spot and die together with the enemy."

"When the time comes, it will definitely severely damage the entire Fengxi City and cause countless casualties."

The combined power of the Golden Toad Clan said calmly.

Anyway, those golden toads in the Void Refining Realm are about to run out of life, and even if they don’t die now, they will die in the future.

It is better to work hard for the Golden Toad Clan now and shine brightly.

"We, the Soaring Snake Tribe, have also prepared twenty dead warriors of the Soaring Snake who are nearing the end of their lives in the Void Refining Realm."

"As long as we can fight our way into Fengxi City, we will definitely be able to face death and severely damage the human city."

The powerful master of the Soaring Snake Clan's Fusion Realm said in a deep voice.

The Soaring Snake Clan does not have as many dead warriors in the Void Refining Realm as the Golden Toad Clan.

Only twenty of them can be dispatched.

After all, those snakes with long lifespans in the Void Refining Realm are reluctant to move.

Because this is a suicidal attack, failure or failure.

If it fails, the entire army may be wiped out.

Even if you succeed, you will suffer heavy losses.

Therefore, it is better to send out dead soldiers, which can not only cause significant results, but also reduce losses.

It can be said that it achieves multiple things with one stone.

"I also have some members of my puppet clan hiding in Fengxi City."

"They will take you into Fengxi City when the time comes."

"When the time comes, we will take action immediately and kill the human race by surprise."

The combined power of the puppet clan is murderous.

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