The Tao of Immortality Gu: Start by refining the Infatuation Gu

Chapter 374: Protected by luck, in the Xuanhuang Realm a hundred years later, everyone

Chapter 374: Protected by luck, a hundred years later in the Xuanhuang Realm, mortals and geniuses emerge in large numbers

The soul of injustice is attracted!

At the moment when Zhu Longting, Ma Pingyang and Shi Hongtu died, three bloody rays of light rushed toward Zhou Sui's body, like gangrene attached to the bone, trying to attach themselves to Zhou Sui's body.

But what kind of person is Zhou Sui? He has faced this situation countless times, so it is naturally impossible for him to be contaminated by the spirit of injustice.

He immediately took out the substitute puppet and blocked this bloodline secret technique.


Immediately afterwards, he waved his hand and used the flame technique, which instantly burned the corpses of Zhu Longting, Ma Pingyang and Shi Hongtu to ashes, destroying the corpses and eliminating traces, and at the same time removing the surrounding aura and many traces.

After doing all this, Zhou Sui took away the storage bags and three mysterious black seeds from the three people, and returned to his yard in a flash.

It was as if nothing had happened just now.

After a while, Dream Soul Gu finally digested the soul memory just obtained, and finally knew what happened.

"I see."

"Zhu Longting, Ma Pingyang and Shi Hongtu were controlled by the creatures of the puppet clan."

"The puppet clan wants to sow discord and create chaos within the human race."

"So they took control of Zhu Longting, Ma Pingyang and Shi Hongtu, and tried to kidnap Bai Sujie."

"Whether this matter succeeds or fails, it will definitely severely damage the three major Lianxu families."

"Thus achieving the purpose of weakening Fengxi City."

"It's a good plan."

Zhou Sui squinted his eyes, revealing a hint of coldness.

Obviously, he happened to meet at the right time and happened to crash the plan and conspiracy of the puppet clan.

Otherwise, they might really succeed.

After all, the puppet clan's methods are simply impossible to guard against.

And they are extremely secretive. If they hadn't found their true identities, they might not have known that these people were being manipulated.

You will also think that it is really your fault.

"The puppet clan was still a super powerful clan when we were in the spiritual world hundreds of millions of years ago."

"There have been dozens of Mahayana monks born in the clan."

"They can parasitize other creatures and absorb their souls and flesh."

"You can even control the bodies of other creatures and enslave their souls."

"In its heyday, the puppet clan had the momentum to dominate the world."

"Then the puppet clan expanded and actually wanted to enslave the true spirits and control the true spirit-level creatures."

"So this approach completely angered a True Spirit Heavenly Phoenix."

"This True Spirit Heavenly Phoenix personally took action and destroyed the puppet clan, killing dozens of Mahayana-stage monks and countless Fusion-stage monks, and refining its monks."

"A former super race was completely destroyed and destroyed."

"Even the puppet clan was hunted down by the True Spirit Tianfeng, and an extermination order was issued to kill the puppet clan without leaving any one behind."

"The result can be imagined. The puppet clan has become a street rat in the spiritual world. Everyone shouts and beats them, and there are countless casualties."

"But the puppet clan is still a puppet clan after all. Faced with such a desperate situation, the puppet clan hid in XZ. With its special power, it broke into pieces, enslaved other creatures, and still hid."

"After all, in terms of combat power, they are naturally inferior to the true spirits, but in terms of life-saving ability, even if the true spirit Tianfeng wants to wipe out all the puppet clan's life, it is still impossible."

"So the puppet clan still survived."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

From the memories of these two puppet clans, he learned about the past glory and decline history of the puppet clan.

The former super wealthy clan collapsed instantly and disappeared into ashes because they offended the True Spirit Tianfeng.

From then on, they became street rats, hiding from each other.

Later, the celestial phoenix flew to the fairy world.

After that, there were fewer and fewer creatures chasing the Puppet Clan, and this allowed the Puppet Clan to breathe a sigh of relief.

Today, after years of recuperation, the puppet clan is gradually showing a trend of revival.

There was even a Mahayana realm puppet creature born.

However, the territory of the puppet clan coincides with that of the human race.

Over the years, the human race and the puppet race have been fighting constantly, and they have formed a bloody feud with each other.

Everyone wants to destroy the other, occupy this area, and become the absolute overlord.

"The puppet tribe, a unique type of wood-type life."

"Equivalent to plant-type creatures."

"There is a puppet mother tree in the clan."

"This tree is like a mother ant, capable of giving birth to a large number of puppet lives."

"Many puppet lives were born because of this, and they themselves do not have much reproductive ability."

"When the puppet mother tree encounters danger, it can also split into many tree species."

"These species can sleep temporarily and grow again later."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He could sense the power of the puppet clan.

This kind of plant life can not only parasitize on flesh and blood creatures, but also on various plants, thereby stealing the power of other species and helping itself to grow rapidly.

Once it is parasitic on other living beings, it can master the other's power, enslave the other's soul, obtain the other's soul memory, etc. It can perfectly disguise other people and hide them smoothly.

That's why the puppet clan was so frightening in the past, it was like a natural disaster.

Unfortunately, they encountered their nemesis, the True Spirit Tianfeng.

Flame creatures like this just restrain the puppet clan.

Moreover, their parasitic methods have no effect on Tianfeng. If they enter the body, they will be burned instantly.

Of course, for other races, the puppet clan's methods are still quite terrifying.

It's simply impossible to guard against.

"The seeds left behind by the puppet clan's creatures after death are called puppet seeds."

"Other monks can refine the puppet seed and use it as their own magic weapon."

"Such a puppet seed can also be integrated into other people's bodies and then controlled."

"But in fact this also has consequences."

"If we encounter a creature from the puppet clan, we will seize control in a matter of minutes."

"So the puppet clan is not worried about the leakage of the puppet seed, but wants to continue to spread it."

"It's such an evil species. No wonder everyone is shouting for beatings."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He obtained relevant information from the memory of this puppet creature.

If it weren't for the memories of these puppet creatures, he wouldn't be able to know so much information.

But since they are wood creatures, maybe the power of medicinal poison will work on them.

It is even possible to control these wood creatures.

At that time, it may be unclear who will control whom.

Perhaps you can also use the power of medicinal poison to directly control the puppet mother tree.

After that, the entire puppet clan will be under his control.

I have to say that this race is indeed extremely evil.

The kind that's terrifying.

But if it is in your own hands and it is a powerful force, it will be invincible.


"As expected of the young master of the Lianxu family."

"There are quite a few treasures on him."

At this time, Zhou Sui also opened the storage bags on Zhu Longting and others.

He immediately sensed that the treasures in the storage bag were simply dazzling.

The first is the number of top-grade spirit stones. Each person actually has more than 300,000 top-grade spirit stones. The three of them combined have more than one million top-grade spirit stones.

This is an incredible amount of money.

If you take out these top-quality spiritual stones, you don't know how many elixirs and magic weapons you can buy.

If it were calculated based on the salary of a Taoist teacher, it would most likely take a hundred thousand years to earn it.

From this we can know how low the salary of Taoist teachers is.

It's purely free labor.

Of course, Taoist teachers also have the advantage of being safe, with guaranteed harvests from droughts and floods, and no need to venture out into the wild.

"Well, this seems to be the fifth-level high-grade elixir Dragon Tiger Pill."

"It is rumored that this elixir is very powerful and is one of the favorite elixirs for monks in the late stages of spiritual transformation."

"If you take one, you can increase your cultivation level by at least a hundred years."

"Now there are at least ten Dragon and Tiger Pills."

"Although taking too many elixirs can lead to drug resistance, so many Dragon and Tiger elixirs can at least add hundreds of years of cultivation. These people are indeed rich men."

Zhou Sui touched his chin.

He also found ten fifth-level elixirs from the storage bag.

Obviously, it is not difficult for the young master of the Lianxu family to obtain the fifth-level high-grade elixir.

These people practice so fast because of the power of elixirs.

If you rely solely on hard work, you will not know how long it will take to reach the state of perfect spiritual transformation.

"Tsk, tsk, is this the sixth-level magic talisman? In order to kidnap Bai Sujie, the preparations are complete."

"There is also the sixth-level poison Daigoxiang, which can dissolve the magic power in the monk's body and intoxicate the soul."

"It's also a fairly rare poison."

"It seems that the puppet clan has spent a lot of money to cause civil strife in Fengxi City."

"Fortunately, these treasures are now in my hands."

"It's just right to give this poison to the Golden Light Ten Thousand Poison Gu to eat, maybe it can breed another kind of poison."

Zhou Sui was very satisfied.

He continued to search the treasures inside the storage bag.

In addition to spiritual stones and elixirs, many fifth-level materials, fifth-level elixirs, etc. were also found. These are treasures unique to the spiritual world and are of great value.

It's a pity that I didn't find any skills or secret techniques.

After all, as long as you have a certain level of contribution, you can learn any of the human race's martial arts and magical powers and secret techniques.

There is absolutely no such idea of ​​hiding something private as in the ancient times.

The human race is now only afraid that you will not be able to learn, but not afraid that you will steal it.

It can be said that now the human race has done everything possible to improve the strength of each human monk.

Therefore, many human monks basically do not carry any secret techniques.

Of course it's not 100%, it's just a very small amount.

"Interesting, there are actually three low-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasures."

"Are they all their magic weapons?"

"It seems that in the spiritual world, the Tongtian Lingbao is beginning to be less valuable."

"You can actually find a lot of them at random."

"No, you can't say that. Some poor god-transformation monks still can't afford low-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasures."

"I'm still using high-grade spiritual treasures."

Zhou Sui also realized the value of many treasures in the spiritual world.

For god-transforming monks, they usually use low-grade Tongtian Lingbao.

A monk in the Void Refining Realm, using a mid-grade Heaven-reaching Spiritual Treasure.

A monk in the Fusion Realm will use the top-grade Tongtian Spiritual Treasure.

It can be said that every time the Tongtian Lingbao is promoted to a level, its power will further improve.

It brings about earth-shaking changes and endless mysteries.

But it is a pity that these low-grade Tongtian Lingbao from Zhu Longting and others cannot be used casually.

Otherwise, you will definitely be traced to yourself immediately.

"Causal entanglement."

"It is said that the human race also has some fortune tellers."

"You can use various magic techniques to deduce the real culprit."

"But this kind of magic is considered acceptable for ordinary people."

"If you are trying to predict someone's fortune, you are simply seeking death."

"It will inevitably be counterattacked by luck."

"Since ancient times, warlocks have all died violent deaths."

"Not to mention, I have the power of Luck Gu, which can conceal the secrets of heaven."

"Even if someone does try to deduce me, they are just asking for death."

Zhou Sui narrowed his eyes.

He thought about it carefully and found that he should have missed nothing.

No matter how Zhu Jia and others inquired, it was impossible to find him.

Boom, boom, boom! !

At this moment, a crisp sound of high heels hitting the ground came from outside the yard. The people hadn't arrived yet, but the crisp sound had arrived.

"Zhou Lang."

The person who spoke was Bai Sujie.

With a click, Zhou Sui flashed and opened the courtyard door. He immediately saw Bai Sujie wearing a suspender top, showing her proud sense, round curves, a golden furry tail, and a pair of proud long legs. .

Her golden furry ears are also shaking slightly, looking very cute.

Under the moonlight, she looks stunningly beautiful, like a goddess in the moon.

"It's late at night, what are you doing here?"

Zhou Sui said angrily.

He knew that this woman was clearly a little witch, she could only look at her but not eat her.

He was obviously here to tease me.

As a physically and mentally healthy man, how could he bear this kind of thing.

I just wanted to execute this woman on the spot.

"I don't know why I couldn't sleep tonight. I seemed a little uneasy, so I came to chat with you."

"But after seeing you, I seem to feel a lot better."

Bai Sujie blinked her beautiful eyes.

Uneasy? !

Hearing this, Zhou Sui raised his eyebrows. He vaguely guessed that maybe this was a special instinct of the golden-haired and jade-faced fox, or perhaps it was his natal magical power, which was to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.

They can predict dangers in advance and nip them in the bud.

Maybe Bai Sujie did sense some danger, but she didn't know it, so she followed her instinct and came to Zhou Sui's side.

It has to be said that as the top bloodline in the spiritual world, the golden-haired jade-faced fox is indeed a bit unusual.

"Okay, come in first."

"But don't mess around here."

Thinking of this, Zhou Sui also invited Bai Sujie into his yard.

Although he did deal with those enemies, who knows if new enemies will appear tonight.

Therefore, it is better to keep Bai Sujie by your side to avoid any accidents.

"That's really nice of you."

Hearing this, Bai Sujie was very excited and pounced on Zhou Sui like a rabbit.

She had no idea how amazingly attractive she was to men.

Zhou Sui also used great perseverance to endure it.

It seems that tonight is indeed a difficult night.


at the same time.

Almost at the same time, the three major Lianxu families, Zhu family, Ma family and Shi family, discovered the news that the eldest son's soul lamp was extinguished. Their expressions changed drastically and they immediately informed their respective Lianxu ancestors.

Zhu Danyang, Shi Wencheng, and Ma Guofu were the three ancestors of Xu Refining respectively. After hearing the news, they immediately walked out of the cave with extremely ugly expressions on their faces.

Because these three eldest sons are the most promising beings of the three major Lianxu families to be promoted to Lianxu in the future.

The hope of the family.

But now, he died suddenly.

This is a fatal blow to the three major families.

You must know that they themselves are approaching their longevity and cannot live for a long time. They are thinking that some of these descendants can successfully be promoted to Lianxu and carry the banner of the family.

Who could have imagined that they would die suddenly.

And they died at the same time.

"What exactly is going on?"

"Why did Zhu Longting and the others suddenly die? What happened?"

Zhu Danyang's expression turned extremely ugly.

"Tell me, ancestor, we don't know very well either."

"It happened so suddenly."

"And they are still inside Fengxi City, not in the wild."

"But he died suddenly without even sending a distress signal."

"Right now we have no clue."

"Even if you want to find the murderer, there is nothing you can do."

Many of the Zhu family's children were also very helpless, and they didn't know what happened.

Everything was fine at first, but Zhu Longting suddenly disappeared, which was really unbelievable.

"Brother Zhu, it seems that the only option is to use divination."

"The murderer was indeed very cautious in his work. He would probably have destroyed the body by now."

"There's no point in blaming other people."

Shi Wencheng was also very angry.

But he also knows that even if he is angry now, it will not help.

The plan for now is to find the murderer as soon as possible and take revenge.

"But the art of divination is against the laws of heaven and may cost you your lifespan."

Zhu Danyang said hesitantly.

He is indeed proficient in the art of divination, but every divination requires a loss of life and vitality.

He didn't want to use this technique if it wasn't necessary.

"Brother Zhu, I have to use it now."

"The eldest son of our three major families died suddenly."

"Who knows if it was the work of our mortal enemy?"

"If the murderer cannot be found, we will have trouble sleeping and eating."

"Don't worry, we will give you adequate compensation for your lost life and vitality."

"I won't let your efforts go to waste."

Ma Guofu said in a deep voice.

He felt that the person who killed their descendants was probably the enemy of the three major families.

Otherwise, there is no reason why he would do such a thing.

"Okay, let me try."

Zhu Danyang nodded, he also felt that this guess was reasonable.

Since the other two major families have also given compensation, it is enough to recover his losses this time.


Thinking of this, Zhu Danyang did not hesitate and immediately used the divination technique.

A mysterious power permeated out of him, seemingly communicating with the way of heaven. Using the power of the soul, he could sense the infinite line of cause and effect between heaven and earth, and track the enemy's traces.

What? !

In an instant, Zhu Danyang's face changed drastically, and he seemed to feel something. A backlash hit his body instantly, and a mouthful of blood couldn't help but spurt out.

His whole body fell to the ground, completely out of breath.

Obviously, he had been hit hard like never before and suffered the backlash from heaven. There were dense cracks in his soul and body, as if he was like a candle in the wind.

"Brother Zhu, what did you see?"

Seeing this scene, Shi Wencheng and Ma Guofu couldn't wait to ask.

"The trouble is big, the trouble is big now."

"The death of our children and grandchildren is probably closely related to the puppet clan."

Zhu Danyang's expression turned extremely ugly.

"Could it be that our children and grandchildren were killed by the puppet clan?"

Hearing this, Shi Wencheng and Ma Guofu were in disbelief. If it was really the puppet clan who killed him, then their revenge this time would probably be impossible to avenge.

After all, they didn't do anything to kill the puppet clan and seek revenge.

"Yes, there is a great possibility."

"It seems that there are other people involved."

"But the murderer must be someone from the puppet clan."

Zhu Danyang said categorically that he was full of confidence in his divination skills.

There is simply no possibility of error.

"I have heard before that many god-transformation monks in Fengxi City have been poisoned by the puppet clan. Could it be that the puppet clan is also targeting our three major families?"

"How could our three major families be so virtuous? How could we be actively targeted by the Puppet Clan? I'm afraid the Puppet Clan's target this time is our Fengxi City. I believe you all know that Fengxi City is very close to the Puppet Clan's headquarters. Over the past thousand years, I have fought countless battles with the Puppet Clan, and I am afraid that this time the Puppet Clan really wants to take action."

"In other words, our three major families only affected Yuchi and were affected by the war between the puppet clan and the human race?"

"I'm afraid this is indeed the case. After all, no eggs are left intact when the nest is overturned."

Zhu Danyang, Shi Wencheng, and Ma Guofu said quietly, their faces extremely ugly.

Obviously, their three major families have been involved in the whirlpool of the war between the two clans.

"If this is really the case, what should we do? Should we leave Fengxi City?"

Some elders couldn't help but ask.

After all, only by escaping from the vortex of war can the family survive.

Every time there is a racial war, there is no telling how many people will be killed or injured.

No one can guarantee that they will survive.

If possible, he would naturally want to leave this dangerous place.

"Stupid, do you think you can definitely leave Fengxi City if you want to?"

"We came to Fengxi City to open up wasteland, but we signed a contract."

"This city will not be moved for ten thousand years, otherwise huge losses will have to be compensated."

“We don’t get all these benefits for nothing.”

Zhu Danyang said angrily.


Many elders were silent. Although it was indeed very dangerous to open up wasteland in Fengxi City, the benefits it brought were also quite amazing. In just a thousand years, the family had already added many god-transformation monks.

If you had stayed in an old city before, how could you have gained so many benefits?

They have no chance at all.

But obviously Fengxi City has come up with so many discounts and given so many benefits.

They couldn't just leave.

Otherwise, the entire human race would have no place for them.

"Large-scale migration is no longer possible."

"But it's okay to let one or two people from the family leave."

"Be fully prepared."

"We can only live or die with Fengxi City."

"Let's report this matter first. In the war with the puppet clan, we are just a small force."

"There's no way to get involved."

Zhu Danyang, Shi Wencheng, and Ma Guofu said in a deep voice.

There is nothing they can do now.

Since the murderer is a puppet clan, they naturally cannot take revenge.

time flies.

In the blink of an eye, a hundred years passed by.

Xuanhuang Realm.

Since the demon clan was eliminated, all the demons were driven back to the Underground Demon Cave, and the caves of the Underground Demon Cave were sealed, the human race has naturally ushered in an unprecedented prosperous age.

Xuanhuang Sect, as the strongest Shenhua sect in the world, naturally became the absolute overlord of Xuanhuang Realm.

So the Xuanhuang Sect built ancient teleportation arrays on each of the thirteen continents in the Xuanhuang Realm.

In this way, travel and exchanges between various continents will be facilitated.

Of course, the person who arranged the formation was Zhou Sui's clone.

These thousands of clones remain in the Xuanhuang Realm, and they are all god-transforming monks, so they are naturally the top labor force.

With the help of these clones, the Xuanhuang Sect's transformation of the Xuanhuang Realm was quite astonishing.

At the same time, thirteen continents were also renamed.

After all, these are brand new continents, naturally completely different from before.

They are called Yanzhou Continent, Qingzhou Continent, Yuzhou Continent, Xuzhou Continent, Jizhou Continent, Youzhou Continent, Bingzhou Continent, Yangzhou Continent, Jingzhou Continent, Yizhou Continent, Liangzhou Continent, Jiaozhou Continent, Xuanhuang Continent and so on.

In addition to the original four continents of the Immortal Realm and the newly emerged Xuanhuang Continent, the other eight continents were once the land of the ancient demon world, and there were a large number of demonic beasts living on them.

However, due to the raging monsters, almost 70% of the monsters were slaughtered by the monsters.

So these continents are also empty.

In the past hundred years, many monk families have also migrated to these continents.

After all, these continents are rich in resources and have not been developed by other monks. For those monk families without any background, it is simply like paradise.

Naturally, it attracted a large number of monk families to settle there.

It is estimated that in a few thousand years, these continents will be occupied by a large number of humans and cities will be built one after another.


Qingzhou Continent, which is the former Eastern Wasteland Continent, somewhere.

On a wasteland, there happens to be a huge black stone tablet standing. It is made of geospar and is extremely strong. Even if it is exposed to wind, rain, thunder and lightning, it will not be damaged at all for thousands of years.

This stone tablet is engraved with dense text, and what is written on it is clearly the Xuanhuang Sutra's exercises.

The huge stone monument was also surrounded by densely packed mortals.

They also looked at the Xuanhuang Sutra on the huge stone tablet eagerly, with excitement in their eyes.

Among them was an eleven or twelve-year-old boy named Wu Wubing.

He was an ordinary young man from the nearby Wujia Village.

Because he was frail and sick as a child and almost died at an early age, his parents named him Wu Wubing, hoping that he would be free from illness and disaster and grow up healthily.

He lived up to expectations. When he was eight years old, his frail and sickly constitution suddenly changed.

He is no longer as sickly as before.

Instead, he began to become extremely strong.

Now, he is even capable of fighting a tiger and can be called the best warrior in Wujia Village.

But he was still unwilling to give in and wanted to go further, and even wanted to become an immortal.

Immortal cultivators once came to Wujia Village to recruit disciples.

However, after some testing, he turned out to be a mortal without spiritual roots. No matter what, he was unable to embark on the path of cultivation.

Wu Wubing was very desperate.

However, the monk said that even if you don't have spiritual roots, you still have a certain chance to embark on the path of cultivation.

A hundred miles away from Wujia Village, a stone tablet was erected, with the Xuanhuang Sutra left on it.

This is a supreme martial arts technique, and it is rumored that it was left behind by the master of the strongest immortal sect in this world.

If one can cultivate this skill to the highest level, one can enter the Tao through martial arts and gather spiritual roots.

So Wu Wubing traveled for several days regardless of the wind and rain, and finally arrived here.

He also discovered that there were simply countless mortals who thought like him.

When he arrived here, the stone monument was already surrounded by dense crowds.

Fortunately, this stone monument is big enough, like a mountain.

Even if you stand in the outer area, you can still see the entire Xuanhuang Sutra.

"Uncle, it is said that practicing the Xuanhuang Sutra can enter Taoism through martial arts, condense spiritual roots, and embark on the path of cultivation. Is it true?" Wu Wubing asked curiously, looking at a very kind uncle next to him.

"Yes, of course it's true."

"The Xuanhuang Sutra is said to be a supreme skill created by Patriarch Xuanhuang, the leader of the Xuanhuang Sect of the Immortal Sect."

"Before the Xuanhuang Sutra was born, mortals without spiritual roots were unable to practice."

"The immortal cultivators are so high above us that they treat us like ants."

"Even if we struggle hard, we only live for a hundred years."

"Nothing can compare with those immortals who are so high up in the sky and can easily live hundreds of years or thousands of years."

The uncle said with emotion.

Hundreds of years, thousands of years of life? !

Hearing this, Wu Wubing was fascinated and could not believe it, because even the history of Wujia Village was not over a thousand years, at most only one or two hundred years.

In other words, the life span of an immortal is longer than that of many dynasties.

Is this the legendary cultivator? !

If one's life span is so long, it is undoubtedly that of an immortal.

"Isn't it true? If Patriarch Xuanhuang didn't pity us mortals and create the Xuanhuang Sutra, I'm afraid we would never have the chance to embark on the path of cultivation and master extraordinary power."

"It is said that some monk families feel that us mortals possessing power is an insult to the spiritual root monks, and they are trying to destroy this stone tablet to prevent mortals from practicing the Xuanhuang Sutra."

"No way, these monk families themselves have powerful power and long lifespans, but they actually want to stop us from practicing and our path?"

"Isn't this normal? If we also have the same power as monks, then why can they still be superior and occupy many interests? How could they be willing to watch us mortals practice cultivation? Naturally, they want to monopolize the path."

"If that's the case, why wasn't this stone tablet destroyed?"

"Of course it's because the Xuanhuang Sect ordered and sent disciples to severely punish the monk families and kill them as a warning to others. Only then did the monk families dare not destroy this stone tablet again. Only then do we mortals have the opportunity to learn the Xuanhuang Sutra."

"That's right. After the Xuanhuang Sutra spread completely, the monk families knew that there was no use in stopping it. Almost every household had this secret book of the technique, so they gave up their struggle."

"Fortunately, Xuanhuang Sect suppressed it, otherwise how could we mortals have any chance to succeed?"

Many mortals talked about it with great emotion.

They were all grateful for what Xuanhuang Sect had done, which simply opened up an unprecedented path for mortals, allowing everyone to practice cultivation and embark on the road to immortality.

It can be said that this has also completely changed the pattern of the world of immortality, resulting in the birth of a large number of powerful people in this world.

"Haha, even if you really learn the Xuanhuang Sutra, don't think that you can really embark on the path of cultivation."

"You must know that there are four major realms on the road to martial arts, namely the body tempering realm, the acquired realm, the innate realm, and the martial arts true elixir realm. Breaking through each realm is extremely difficult."

"Since the birth of Xuanhuang Jing, how many people can truly cultivate to the true elixir realm of martial arts."

"It's considered good if you can cultivate to the acquired realm."

At this time, a middle-aged man in a vest next to him sneered and poured cold water on everyone.

Because when he first started practicing, he was extremely hopeful and confident, thinking that he would definitely become a high-ranking immortal and have a thousand years of life.

But decades later, it is still only the acquired state.

I don’t know how far away I am from the Xiantian realm.

He finally realized that his qualifications were limited and he would never be able to become a high-ranking immortal in this life.

"That's not what you said."

"We practice the Xuanhuang Sutra not just to attain enlightenment and become immortals."

“It’s also about keeping fit.”

"After all, the world is difficult now, with thieves running rampant and wars raging. Practicing the Xuanhuang Sutra can also give us the strength to fight and prevent us from dying in the flames of war."

Someone next to me said quietly.

Hearing this, the people around him nodded in unison, feeling the same way.

Although the Xuanhuang Sect did unify the Xuanhuang world, it implemented a feudal system.

After all, the Xuanhuang Realm is so huge.

In terms of area, the current Xuanhuang Realm is still in the growth stage, so it is naturally not as good as the Spirit Realm.

But compared with the world of immortal cultivation in the past, it is unknown how many times bigger it is.

With such a huge landmass, it is impossible for the Xuanhuang Sect to handle everything.

As long as a certain degree of stability can be maintained, that is actually enough.

Unless a war breaks out and affects the entire world, Xuanhuang Sect will not care.

I can’t control it either.

Because there are not so many people.

In fact, most of the areas are not within the control of Xuanhuang Sect, and they are all areas under their own control.

These places are all considered autonomous regions.

Therefore, in order to compete for spiritual veins, elixirs, territory, etc., major forces often go to war.

This has also led to many mortals living a difficult life and often encountering war.

It is because of this that mortals naturally want to have the ability to protect themselves and not be killed by outside thieves.

"That's right."

Wu Wubing also deeply believed it and agreed with it.

The reason why he wanted to become an immortal was because there were many bandits near Wujia Village.

I don't know when Wujia Village may be robbed by bandits.

In order to control his own destiny, he wanted to become an immortal.

Now that I can't cultivate immortality, I naturally want to practice martial arts so as to master powerful power.

"Honestly, do we have a chance to join the Xuanhuang Sect?"

Someone asked curiously.

Because Xuanhuang Sect is a world-famous sect with influence all over the world. If you can join Xuanhuang Sect, then your future may be promising.

"Join Xuanhuang Sect? Stop dreaming."

"Do you know what kind of sect Xuanhuang Sect is?"

"There are countless immortal sects in the world."

"But only Xuanhuang Sect is the strongest sect, the supreme sect, ruling the entire world."

"Unless you are a peerless genius, it is simply a foolish dream to join the Xuanhuang Sect."

"Even if there are monks with spiritual roots, few can become Xuanhuang Sect disciples."

The middle-aged man in a vest sneered again and again, thinking that this group of people was simply whimsical. They were really a group of country people who had no idea how big the world was.

If these country people knew what kind of sect the Xuanhuang Sect was, they would not dare to say that they wanted to join the Xuanhuang Sect. This is the fearlessness of the ignorant.

"You are right, and the Xuanhuang Sect is not in our Qingzhou Continent, but in the Xuanhuang Continent who knows how many thousands of miles away. You need to take the ancient teleportation array to reach it."

"It is said that the Xuanhuang Continent is the real holy land of cultivation, the dream land of countless immortal cultivators. That place is so rich that any elixir you plant can grow quickly, and any food you plant can produce ten percent per acre. Wanjin, there are absolutely no scenes of people starving to death in that place, and there are no wars."

"Isn't it true? But no one who goes to Xuanhuang Continent is willing to come back. Unfortunately, I can't afford the fees in Xuanhuang Continent, otherwise I would go there to live."

Everyone was talking a lot, and their words were full of envy.

Unfortunately, for ordinary people, it is basically impossible to go to Xuanhuang Continent.

Let alone going to Xuanhuang Continent, even going to places thousands of miles away is extremely difficult.

If you are not careful, you will die on the road.

After all, there were so many robbers along the way that it was difficult to guarantee your own safety.

They can only talk about it, it is impossible to go, there is no way to go.

"Forget it, it's useless to say this. It's still too far for us."

"Instead of joining the Xuanhuang Sect, it is better to join other immortal cultivation sects. The probability is still higher."

"Let's study the Xuanhuang Sutra."

Some people waved their hands, feeling that these facts were too far away and had nothing to do with ordinary people.

In fact, even for monks with spiritual roots, it is extremely difficult to travel to the Xuanhuang Continent.

Not to mention ordinary mortals.

At this moment, Wu Wubing was no longer interested in paying attention to what others were saying. His eyes were fixed on the huge black stone tablet, and the contents of the Xuanhuang Realm sank into the depths of his consciousness like a tide.

At this time, he sat cross-legged on the ground and seemed to have entered a state of enlightenment.

A mysterious bead deep in the body is constantly gushing out wisps of mysterious aura, helping him as a monk.

This mysterious bead is exactly what Wu Wubing encountered when he was a child.

At that time, he was playing on the back mountain. Suddenly, a meteorite fell from the sky and turned into a shooting star. It hit his body instantly, and the mysterious bead merged with him.

This bead is called the Taotie Bead, and it seems to be a mysterious and rare treasure.

As long as you swallow food and various natural and earthly treasures, the beads will release wisps of mysterious aura and strengthen your body.

It was precisely because of obtaining this rare treasure that Wu Wubing was free from illness and disaster, and was as strong as an ox.

Now when he is practicing the Xuanhuang Sutra, this rare treasure seems to have an amazing effect.

Wisps of breath instantly submerged into his body, helping him quickly enter a state of cultivation.


At this moment, the black stone tablet seemed to sense something. Every word on it bloomed with golden light, as if a supreme scripture emerged, extremely bright, covering thousands of miles in radius, and majestic.

It seemed that at this time, the power of the stone tablet resonated with Wu Wubing's aura.


The next second, a ray of light flew out from the stone tablet and then entered Wu Wubing's body, causing a golden pattern to appear between his eyebrows, which was very magical.

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