The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3011: That's not what he can create

Su Yang couldn't help but his eyes widened. This is amazing news.

Seeing this space, Su Yang knew that the Buddha kingdom in the palm of the Buddha's hand was definitely not created by him alone.

But now it seems that the Buddha created so many buildings that did not belong to that era, which is even more illustrative!

Dao Zun continued: "I was very curious at the time, so I asked the Buddha what these buildings are for."

"However, the Buddha actually told me that he didn't know!"

"I was dumbfounded at the time, you created something yourself, but you told me that you didn't know it yourself?"

The Emperor said: "Then you didn't ask him at the time? Why didn't you know what you created?"

Dao Zun: "Of course I asked him!"

"But, guess how did he answer me?"

The Emperor shook his head: "How do I know!"

Dao Zun smiled and said: "Of course you won't know."

"He told me that he didn't know it himself."

"It's an inexplicable feeling that made him create all of this like this."

The emperor was surprised: "What's the inexplicable feeling?"

Dao Zun thought for a while and said: "He said at the time, it's similar to instinct!"

Hearing this, Su Yang couldn't help but chuckle.

Similar instinct?

He couldn't help thinking of the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone.

When he walked into the overlapping space, the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone were familiar with the overlapping space similar to instinct.

It's like a memory imprinted in your bones, which may not be remembered by your soul, but your body always remembers all this, which is called instinct.

Could it be that there are similar immortal golden bodies and immortal bones in the Buddha?

But what is inside him? Why don't you know it at all?

Dao Zun smiled and said: "I thought the Buddha was talking nonsense, and I didn't care much."

"However, when he established the Buddha Kingdom in the palm of his hand, I learned that he was not nonsense."

"The secret method of the Buddha kingdom in this palm is completely beyond any secret method of the previous Buddha."

"I walked into this Buddha country specifically at the time, wanting to try the secret method of the Buddha."

"You know, the strength of the two of us was the same at first."

"However, after entering the Buddha country in the palm of my hand, I couldn't get out at all."

"I felt at the time that this secret method could not be created by the Buddha!"

"That's why, after the Great Ancient War, it was the Buddha who guarded the ancient battlefield!"

"Except for the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, no one can guard the Primordial Battlefield!"

The emperor nodded: "This is not bad. The Buddha's kingdom in the palm of the Buddha is really exquisite."

"Seriously, I still can't imagine how such a subtle secret technique was created!"

Su Yang nodded, let alone the emperor and the Taoist priest, even him, it is unimaginable.

You know, Su Yang fully knows the secret law of the Buddha kingdom in his palm, but he can't display it at all. This shows how exquisite this secret method of the Buddha Kingdom is!

Su Yang said: "In this way, the Buddha's situation is probably similar to mine."

"In his body, like me, there is an existence similar to an immortal golden body and an immortal bone, so he can instinctively create such a secret technique!"

Human Sovereign and Dao Zun nodded, both of them thought so too.

"In that case, this space is probably related to the origin of the Buddha!" ​​Dao Zun pointed to the distant space and said, this space is the space in the black mist.

Su Yang looked at the space and nodded slowly, which was what he had been thinking about.

But the question is, what is the connection between the two?

After thinking for a while, Su Yang suddenly took the chaotic gourd out, and he poured out the drop of Buddha's blood.

"what is this?"

"How come there is the breath of Buddha?"

Dao Zun Qidao.

Su Yang recounted the situation of this drop of blood. The Emperor and Dao Zun were shocked. They didn't expect that Heiwuren was born like this.

"This is the blood of the Buddha?"

"Could it be that the Buddha is dead? Only this drop of blood is left?"

Dao Zun said anxiously.

Su Yang shook his head: "Not necessarily."

"Even if the Buddha really died in battle, leaving some blood, it is not dead."

"The strongest, as long as there is a drop of blood left, they can be resurrected."

Dao Zun nodded, this is true.

The Emperor frowned: "But, why didn't this drop of blood become a Buddha?"

"Even, when I'm above, I can't feel the breath of life at all. What's the matter?"

Su Yang said: "This is what I don't understand."

"Since this is the blood of the Buddha, why didn't the Buddha restore his body?"

"Could it be that I did not give him enough aura?"

The Emperor directly waved his hand: "How is that possible?"

"The land is on you, so there will be no shortage of aura."

"I think there are still other problems."

Dao Zun circled the drop of blood a few times, and suddenly exclaimed: "Nothing! Nothing!"

"This drop of blood is a little different from the blood of the Buddha!"

Su Yang and Renhuang immediately looked over, "What's the difference?"

Dao Zun said solemnly: "I have been practicing together with the Buddha for the longest time, and I know his situation very well."

"This drop of blood, to be honest, you can feel it carefully, although the power inside has been lost. However, if this drop of blood can restore its power, its power is definitely much stronger than the Buddha!"

Su Yang and Renhuang's complexion changed, neither of them carefully felt this. Upon hearing this, the two immediately ran over to observe carefully.

In the end, the two nodded at the same time.

Dao Zun is right at all. If this drop of blood restores its power, its power is definitely much stronger than the Buddha.

Moreover, it is not the kind of power that is several times and dozens of times stronger, it is completely crushing power, and the Buddha cannot contend.

The Emperor was surprised: "How could this be?"

"Isn't this drop of blood from the Buddha?"

"But, why is there a Buddha's breath on it?"

Dao Zun scratched his head, and he couldn't understand the situation. The breath is right, the power is wrong, what's going on?

Su Yang was lost in thought, and he suddenly thought of a possibility.

"You said, is this drop of blood in the Buddha's body, similar to the indestructible bone of my immortal golden body?"

Su Yang said suddenly.

Both Human Sovereign and Dao Zun were taken aback, they looked at each other and their expressions became serious.

The Buddha instinctively created the Buddha kingdom in his palm. Su Yang guessed that there must be something in his body, not something that belongs to him.

Now it seems, could it be this drop of blood?

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