The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3010: Special features of Buddha

After the rushing force was suppressed, the black mist dissipated and everything outside became clear.

Su Yang stood in this space, looking at everything outside in shock.

At this time, the emperor and others were also watching the situation here from a distance.

The black mist rushed up just now, and the Emperor and the others were really taken aback. Everyone had to retreat in a hurry to avoid being affected by this force.

Now that the power is gone, the black mist has dissipated, and everyone has only seen the situation in the black mist, naturally they are extremely shocked.

No one thought that this was the situation in this black mist, and there was such a space.

You know, they all thought that there was really a person in this black mist.

Even if it is Human Emperor, he has entered this black mist once, but he did not see the situation of this black mist clearly, just felt the power of the Buddha kingdom in his palm, nothing more.

Even if Su Yang told them about the situation in the dark mist, when they actually saw it in person, they were still shocked.

Su Yang stood in this space, staring at each other outside, and everyone was a little confused for a while.

After a while, the emperor returned to his senses, and he immediately flew towards this side.

However, as soon as he flew outside of this space, he was directly blocked by the guardian power of this space.

"what happened?"

The emperor muttered in surprise.

The others also rushed over at this time, but they were also blocked by the guarding power of this space.

Everyone is at a loss, why can't they get in while looking at this space?

"Leader Su, what's going on?"

"Have you blocked this space?"

People Huang Qidao.

Su Yang shook his head: "No, it is the guardian power of this space, which can prevent everyone from entering this space!"

The emperor said: "Then how did you get in?"

Su Yang shook the string of Buddhist beads in his hand and explained the condition of the beads.

Everyone suddenly realized that, the emperor said: "It seems that this string of Buddhist beads should belong to the owner of this space."

"Holding this string of Buddhist beads can you be accepted by this guardian power and be able to enter this space!"

The others also nodded one after another. This situation was beyond everyone's expectations.

But I have to say that this string of Buddhist beads is really amazing.

"This space is very similar to the Buddha country in the palm of the Buddha. There is no connection between the two, right?" The Emperor Wangu wondered.

Everyone looked at Su Yang, after all, he had been here the longest.

Su Yang shook his head, he also couldn't figure out the connection between the two.

"Forget it, don't think about it for now."

"Since these black mists are gone, it means that the power left by the Seven Heavenly Venerables is gone."

"The crisis of Bai Ying should be considered lifted for the time being."

"Let's go back first."

Su Yang said.

Everyone nodded, and it was indeed time to go back after leaving the human base for so long.

Su Yang flew out of this space, trying to include this space in his world tree.

Originally, he thought he couldn't do it, but he didn't expect that the guarding power of this space did not resist at all. He easily included this space in his world tree.

At the same time, after this space entered the World Tree, Su Yang clearly felt that the enveloping aura seemed to have a sense.

And the guarding power of this space also fluctuates slightly, between the two, it seems that they are familiar.

Su Yang was even more certain that the owner of this space and the owner of the enchanting air should be from the same period.

Even between the two, the relationship should be quite familiar, otherwise, they will not have such fluctuations.

It's just that Su Yang can't understand what is the relationship between this space and the Buddha?

Returning to the human base, Su Yang directly approached the human emperor and Taoist priest and asked them about the Buddha statue.

These two people existed at the same age as the Buddha, and they walked very close to the Buddha.

Regarding the Buddha, the two of them are also the clearest.

Although Su Yang had seen the Buddha very early, his memory of that period was actually not much recovered.

In other words, Su Yang had just entered the world tree from the original land, and had just resurrected. The whole person was also in a hazy state, and his memory was not very accurate.

Therefore, Su Yang himself did not actually think of much about the Buddha.

Hearing Su Yang talked about this space, Dao Zun and Human Sovereign both looked astonished.

"Buddha, like us, is the earliest life born."

"If there is anything special about him, it is his one twin body."

"At that time, he and the Skykiller were the same body, but they had two thoughts."

"At that time, we thought it was the Buddha's evil thoughts and his good thoughts that caused such a situation."

"However, as the Skykiller slowly grew up, we discovered that those two thoughts were not evil thoughts or good thoughts."

"That is completely two different thoughts, belonging to two people."

"So, if there is something special about the Buddha, it is here. From the beginning of his birth, he is not a single person, but seems to be two people sharing a body!"

The Emperor said.

Su Yang nodded. He had already known these conditions.

Looking back now, they did make the situation simple.

The situation of the Buddha is by no means that simple.

One body and two bodies cannot be born. Moreover, two thoughts are born from the beginning of the two, which is even more impossible.

Therefore, like him, the Buddha should not be a strong man born in this world.

"Is there anything else special?" Su Yang asked.

"Other..." The Emperor thought for a long time, then shook his head and said: "Nothing."

Su Yang couldn't help frowning. With this information alone, he couldn't study the situation of the Buddha.

At this moment, the Taoist priest suddenly said: "Oh, yes, the Buddha country is in the palm of the Buddha, have you studied it carefully?"

Su Yang immediately said, "Is there something wrong?"

Dao Zun said solemnly: "When the Buddha created this secret method, I happened to be with him."

"While the two of us were practicing, one day, he suddenly told me that he wanted to create an independent space."

"I didn't care at the time either. After all, it is a very simple matter to cultivate to our level and create space."

"However, when the Buddha started to create this space, I found something was wrong."

"Everything in his space, I haven't seen it."

"Even, at that time, human civilization had not yet developed to that level. Many of the buildings inside were unimaginable by even the strongest, but when he created this space, they were all created! "

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