The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3012: Dao Zun's doubts

The emperor immediately said, "Leader Su, what do you mean is that there is this drop of blood in the Buddha's body."

"That's why the Buddha created such a powerful Buddha kingdom in his palm?"

"Actually, these are the instinctive memories of this drop of blood?"

Su Yang nodded: "That's right!"

The Emperor and Dao Zun looked at each other, and the two slowly nodded: "It's very possible!"

In fact, Su Yang is still thinking about another thing.

Judging from the connection between this drop of blood and the Buddha beads, this drop of blood may be left by the owner of the Buddha beads, that is, the owner of the Buddha kingdom in this palm.

Therefore, this drop of blood can summon the beads and wrap them up.

And this drop of blood is in the body of the Buddha, so the Buddha can create the secret law of the Buddha kingdom in the palm.

Now that this drop of blood appeared here, it must have been the seven heavenly deities who had caught the Buddha, and extracted the drop of blood in his body, using this drop of blood to control the space of the Buddha kingdom in the palm and release the white shadow in the overlapping space.

Thinking about it this way, this matter can be explained.

Dao Zun's complexion changed, and he said anxiously: "Now that this drop of blood is here, doesn't it mean that the Buddha has been killed?"

Su Yang sighed. Adding these conditions together, I'm afraid the Buddha is really bad.

The emperor gritted his teeth and roared: "It must be done by the seven heavenly veterans. These seven beasts are really vicious."

"Even the drop of blood in the Buddha was extracted. In order to achieve their goals, these seven beasts are really unscrupulous!"

Dao Zun clenched his fists: "Too hateful!"

"Leader Su, when we can reach the beginning, I must fight these seven beasts!"

"Even if it's not their opponent, I have to fight with my life."

"I can't let the Buddha die in vain!"

Dao Zun and Buddha have been practicing together, and the relationship between the two is really good.

Therefore, knowing that the Buddha was killed, the Taoist priest was the most angry one.

Su Yang sighed. After seeing the power of the realm above the strongest this time, Su Yang didn't even dare to enter the original place.

Although I don't know why the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns have been unable to come out in the original land, Su Yang can be sure that if he rushes into the original land like this, the human race will probably be annihilated directly inside.

Although the Seven Heavenly Lords could not come out, it didn't mean that they could not control the situation in the original land.

According to the current situation, if he wants to enter the original land, Su Yang estimates that he will have to wait until Pan Gu Axe is successfully tempered.

With such a powerful force as the enveloping aura, if the Pangu axe can be tempered successfully, then the power of the Pangu axe is definitely not weak, I am afraid that it will have the power to kill the seven heavenly veterans.

Only with such power can Su Yang have some confidence.

Otherwise, there is a world of difference in strength between you and others. If you rush over, isn't that going to die?

However, when this ancient axe can be thoroughly tempered successfully, it is not Su Yang's estimation.

After tempering these thousands of years, the entanglement hasn't gone down much, and Su Yang has no idea how long this situation will last.

Therefore, he couldn't answer Dao Zun's words, and couldn't determine when he would enter the original land.

After being silent for a while, the emperor suddenly said, "Leader Su, look, can you try to use this drop of blood to resurrect the Buddha?"

Dao Zun immediately looked at Su Yang with hope.

Su Yang shook his head helplessly: "I'm afraid it's impossible!"

"The owner of this drop of blood is not the Buddha, this drop of blood is only fused in the body of the Buddha."

"Even if you really use this drop of blood to resurrect, it will only be the owner of this drop of blood, not the Buddha!"

The Emperor and Dao Zun suddenly sighed, in fact, they also knew this situation.

It's just that the two of them are still not reconciled to the fact that the Buddha is gone, so they have such a question.

Dao Zun looked at the drop of blood, frowned suddenly and said, "That's not right!"

"Since this drop of blood can't resurrect the Buddha, then... then why doesn't this drop of blood restore his body?"

"According to the situation said by the leader of Su League, the master of this blood must have surpassed the realm of the strongest."

"In this way, even if there is only a little blood, he can be fully resurrected."

"But, this drop of blood has been here for so long, why hasn't it been resurrected?"

The Emperor also looked at Su Yang with a puzzled look, and he had the same question.

Su Yang shook his head: "I don't know what's going on."

"I guess that the owner of this drop of blood shouldn't have died in the battle, but something special happened that made it look like this."

"It's not that this drop of blood can't resurrect his body, but he has encountered a certain situation, so he can't be resurrected."

The Emperor was surprised: "What else can prevent him from resurrecting?"

"Even the strongest, a drop of blood can directly revive the body."

Su Yang did not speak, but he was actually very curious about what was going on.

Just as the Emperor Human and Dao Zun doubted, a drop of blood can obviously resurrect the body, why didn't the owner of this drop of blood be resurrected? What happened to him?

The Emperor and Dao Zun sighed in sorrow, and left helplessly.

Su Yang returned to the World Tree and brought back the space of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm.

He is now wearing the string of Buddhist beads inside, and he can easily enter and leave the Buddha country in his palm.

He didn't rush in either, but kept standing near the drop of blood, carefully observing the situation of the drop of blood, trying to figure out what happened to the drop of blood.

However, in the end Su Yang did not get the information he wanted.

In the end, Su Yang brought this drop of blood back to the space of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm.

Unable to figure out the situation of this drop of blood, Su Yang planned to take a walk around the Buddha kingdom in the palm to see if there was any message left in the Buddha kingdom in the palm.

The Buddha Kingdom in the palm is a complete space.

Su Yang once saw the Buddha perform it. He saw with his own eyes how a world was formed in the palm of the Buddha, with mountains, lakes, forests and trees, and some strange buildings appearing in it.

And these peculiar buildings later became more common in Buddhism.

The Buddhism line is left by the Buddha.

The buildings of Buddhism have also evolved from this Buddhist kingdom.

It can be said that the Buddha has influenced all people who practice Buddha in later generations.

It's just that Su Yang had always thought that the Buddha was a Buddhism created by himself.

Now, he knew that all this was not created by the Buddha, but he got it from that drop of blood.

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