The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3009: Remove the beads

Although Su Yang could not fully integrate these insights, Su Yang clearly felt that his strength had been greatly improved!

He began to think about his secret methods, and finally, chose a secret method and began to improve it.

Two more years later, Su Yang finally improved this secret method.

He could feel that the power of this secret technique was at least several times stronger.

However, what the real result is, he has to try once in the black mist.

After not long, I encountered an overlapping space again.

Su Yang had been prepared long ago and came into the black mist.

Waiting for Yu Pei to appear, Su Yang looked at the timing, and hit it again as before.

This time, the flesh and blood of the Buddha finally failed to stop the beads.

That bead was punched out of the flesh and blood of the Buddha by Su Yang.

Su Yang was overjoyed, he didn't think much, and immediately rushed over and took this string of beads in his hand.

At this moment, the flesh and blood of the Buddha also rushed over. Looking at the posture, he was going to wrap him in.

Su Yang was shocked. The flesh and blood of this Buddha must have been controlled by the seven heavenly deities. If he was wrapped in this way, wouldn't he be trapped in it too?

He didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately turned to escape, avoiding the attack of the Buddha's flesh and blood.

However, compared with the Seven Heavenly Venerates, his strength is still a bit big.

Seeing that the flesh and blood of this Buddha was about to rush over, Su Yang accidentally ran into the Buddha kingdom in the palm of his hand.

And this time, something unexpected happened.

Su Yang originally thought that he would be blocked by the guardian power, but this time, he didn't feel the guardian power at all, and he rushed directly into the Buddha kingdom in his palm.

Su Yang was stunned, he couldn't think that he could still enter this space.

He looked around blankly. All of this was exactly the same as the Buddha kingdom in the palm of the Buddha.

However, the power of the two is worlds apart.

The power of the Buddha is completely incomparable with the power of the Buddha kingdom in the palm of his hand.

That kind of feeling is like a strong person, compared with a person above the strongest realm.

Su Yang felt everything around him, and he could be more certain that this piece of the Buddha kingdom in the palm of the hand must be very closely related to the Buddha kingdom in the palm of the Buddha.

But, what is the connection between the two?

Of course, Su Yang has another question: how did he enter this palm-in-the-hand Buddhist kingdom?

He couldn't help looking at the string of beads in his hand. The string of beads in his hand did not turn into the mountains, but still looked like a string of beads.

It seems that this string of beads will only turn into those mountains when it reaches the central area.

Su Yang took a closer look and found that this was a string of Buddhist beads with a rather primitive style.

It was shining with a faint golden light, and when held in the palm, there were bursts of Brahma sounds in the ear, which made people calm.

From this point of view, being able to enter this space must have something to do with the Buddhist beads. Only when he got this string of Buddhist beads, he would not be blocked by the guardian power.

This must be the prayer beads in the hands of a certain Buddhist power, Su Yang could feel it only from the breath of the prayer beads. The master of the Buddha beads, the strength must have surpassed the realm of the strongest!

But, is there any connection between the owner of this string of Buddhist beads, the owner of the overlapping space, and the energetic aura?

After a while, Su Yang suddenly remembered something.

He rushed in, but what about the flesh and blood of the Buddha? Can it also rush in?

Thinking of this, Su Yang quickly turned his head and looked around, wanting to see if the flesh and blood of the Buddha came in.

When he raised his head, he was surprised to find that in the sky above this space, there was a drop of blood floating in the air, as if it was being dragged by something.

Su Yang flew over immediately. When he was near the blood, Su Yang felt in shock that the breath of this drop of blood was the same as the breath of this string of Buddhist beads.

Su Yang couldn't help being shocked. Could it be that this drop of blood was the blood of the owner of this string of Buddhist beads?

However, when I was outside before, why didn't I see this drop of blood?

After thinking for a while, Su Yang still planned to get closer to see clearly.

He slowly tentatively flew to the vicinity of this drop of blood, guarding against the power that this drop of blood might explode at any time.

However, until he flew to the side of this drop of blood, this drop of blood did not explode any powerful force.

Moreover, when he arrived here, Su Yang also felt the familiar breath, the breath of the Buddha.

Su Yang couldn't help being astonished. Could this drop of blood be the blood of the Buddha?

Could it be that the flesh and blood of the Buddha just now was this drop of blood?

After the jade pendant was destroyed, it returned to this space?

But why didn't he become a Buddha?

For the strongest, even if there is a little blood left, they can absorb the aura around them and turn them back into the body, but the strength will be much weaker.

This drop of Buddha's blood is floating here, but it hasn't changed back to the main body. What is going on?

Su Yang thought for a while, took out a chaotic gourd from his body, and put the drop of blood into it.

At the same time, he continuously supplied the spiritual energy of the earth to the gourd, so that the blood of the Buddha can be nourished by the spiritual energy of the earth.

When Su Yang put the drop of blood into the Buddha statue, an unexpected situation happened.

A powerful force suddenly appeared outside this space, causing the black fog around it to surge with this force.

This force seemed to be out of control, constantly sweeping the black mist. Moreover, this power seemed to have no goal, nor did it impact Su Yang, nor did it impact this space, but it kept surging outside this space.

Su Yang was shocked. He didn't know what was going on, but there was no doubt that it had to do with taking away the blood of the Buddha.

Could it be said that this power is the power used by the seven heavenly deities to control the blood of the Buddha?

After taking away the blood of the Buddha, this force lost its goal, so it surged like this?

When Su Yang was puzzled, an accident happened suddenly.

The guardian power of this space, as if feeling the strong power fluctuations outside, rushed out of this space directly.

Su Yang saw it earnestly. After this guardian power rushed out, he soon suppressed all the powerful rushing power outside.

And as these rushing forces were suppressed, the black fog outside gradually dissipated, as if it had lost its involvement, and disappeared before long.

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