The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3008: Stars on Pangu Axe

Although Su Yang's power was far inferior to the guardian power, he impacted on the bead and pushed the bead forward.

Su Yang stood behind and watched nervously, and found that the beads had advanced a little further, and the flesh and blood of the Buddha outside was almost torn apart by the impact.

However, after all, there was still a little strength, the flesh and blood of the Buddha was not broken after all, and he wrapped the string of beads again and turned it into a jade pendant, leaving the black fog.

Su Yang couldn't help being speechless. He also tried his best to shoot. As a result, it was so a little bit worse?

If his strength can be stronger, maybe he can break through the flesh and blood of the Buddha and take out this string of beads.

But the question is, how can Su Yang's current strength be stronger?

Su Yang stood by and waited. After a while, that Yupei appeared again.

This time, Su Yang accumulated all his strength and hit it hard as before.

However, the result is the same as before.

Although Su Yang made an all-out effort, he was still unable to break the flesh and blood of the Buddha. It was always only a little bit worse, but it was still difficult to break.

Su Yang tried more than a dozen times, but the result was the same, and his own power consumption was also enormous.

This situation made Su Yang a little desperate. After a dozen attempts, he knew very clearly that he basically had no hope of doing this.

The flesh and blood of the Buddha seems to be only the last little bit left, but in fact, just this little bit requires extremely strong strength. Even if Su Yang's current strength is increased several times, it is impossible to break this point!

Not long after, Yu Pei broke through the overlapping space and started looking for the next overlapping space again.

Su Yang was still the same as before, conquering the white shadow, putting away the overlapping space, and then continuing to follow the black mister.

As for Su Yang, he went back to the world tree, healed his injuries, and thought about ways.

It took several years to maintain his health and Su Yang's strength also improved.

However, Su Yang knew very well that his progress would still be of no avail. If you want to break the flesh and blood of the Buddha, your own strength must at least be increased several times, otherwise it is impossible to do it.

But if you want to increase your strength several times, it is not possible in a short time.

If you want to take out that string of beads, it seems that you can only think of other ways.

Sitting in the world tree thinking for a while, Su Yang's gaze was suddenly attracted by the Pangu axe that had been in the air.

For so many years, Pangu axe has been tempered in the energetic atmosphere, and Pangu axe has become more and more unpretentious.

However, today this Pangu axe has undergone some changes. On the Pangu axe, it seems that a star is emerging, slowly shining.

Although the light is not particularly bright, it can be seen clearly.

Su Yang couldn't help being stunned, what is the situation?

How could a star appear on this ancient axe? What is this star?

In doubt, Su Yang also flew to the vicinity of Pangu axe, planning to study this Pangu axe carefully.

When he arrived nearby, Su Yang felt that the star was a little weird.

The closer Su Yang is, the brighter the light of the stars, as if they are echoing Su Yang.

Su Yang couldn't help being even more puzzled. Could this star still sense his own existence?

So, if you try to contact this star, can you get a response?

With doubts, Su Yang slowly touched the stars with his spiritual knowledge.

Not to mention, as soon as Su Yang's consciousness touched this star, an extremely strong feeling rushed directly into his mind.

At this moment, Su Yang suddenly had a particularly mysterious feeling, as if everything he had cultivated had been sublimated at this moment.

This feeling is extremely weird, and it makes Su Yang feel that the secret methods that he had previously practiced were all pediatrics.

At this moment, Su Yang could even feel that even their realm of the strongest was only a pediatric!

Soon, Su Yang withdrew from this feeling, and he himself was shocked to the extreme.

Could it be that this is the realm above the strongest?

From this star, he actually felt the realm above the strongest?

At this moment, Su Yang was shocked to the extreme.

Who can imagine that a star on the Pangu Axe has a realm above the strongest? So how terrifying is the power of this ancient axe?

Looking at the Pan Gu axe in front of him, Su Yang was also full of doubts.

This is just a weapon forged by himself. Although the strength is not weak, it is far from reaching the realm of the strongest.

However, why did this Pangu axe now look like this? A star unexpectedly appeared above, and the power of this star turned out to be the power above the strongest?

Could it be that it is because of these entangled air?

With these energetic auras, the ancient axe that he forged had the power above the strongest?

However, why did he choose his Pangu axe again because of the energetic aura?

Even his body and his soul have been tempered together with this energetic aura. What is going on?

How did this enthusiasm come from?

What is it going to do?

Su Yang was full of doubts, but he was destined to be unable to solve these problems by himself.

It is estimated that only by uncovering more secrets about the Seven Heavenly Venerates can Su Yang figure out what is going on.

However, after probing the star just now, Su Yang also discovered a new situation.

That is his strength, which can actually be greatly improved.

It is not that his power is weak, but that he himself will not use these powers.

To put it bluntly, just now when he felt the power above the strongest, Su Yang knew just how pediatric his so-called secret methods were.

If he can improve his secret method, then his strength can be improved several times.

Even, he might break the flesh and blood of the Buddha and take out the string of beads!

Thinking of this, Su Yang was also full of excitement.

He originally thought it would take a long time for him to do it.

Unexpectedly, there will be such a harvest, so that I can realize it in advance.

He didn't rush out either, but immediately sat cross-legged in the void, repeating all his previous feelings several times, and then slowly mastered them to modify his secret methods.

Ten years passed in a hurry, and finally, on this day, Su Yang opened his eyes.

The feelings I got from the stars just now are too powerful. In ten years, Su Yang has not been able to fully integrate all of these insights, and even one-tenth has not been able to fully understand them.

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