The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3007: Su Yang's Attempt

Su Yang was full of doubts, but he didn't know how to answer these questions.

However, he knew at least one thing, and that was that this mass was made by the flesh and blood of the Buddha. And this is why he didn't receive the slightest shock when he came into contact with this group of things.

One is because the Buddha's strength is not enough to hurt him, and the other is because the Buddha's strength is not hostile to him.

From this point of view, I can try to scatter this mass and take out the flesh and blood of the Buddha.

If the Buddha is really dead, then he can still try to resurrect the Buddha.

If the Buddha is not dead, he can still explore the movements of the Buddha from this flesh and blood.

No matter how bad, he can at least stop the Seven Heavenly Venerables' plans, so that they can't continue to break the seal of overlapping space in this way, can't continue to release white shadows, and can temporarily avoid the crisis of the great world.

Thinking about this, Su Yang did not delay.

He went straight back to the black mist and began to wait for the jade pendant to appear again.

Now, Human Sovereign and the others did not stop the Black Mist from moving forward, and the Black Mist's speed could increase a lot.

After almost ten years, the Black Mist once again encountered an overlapping space.

Everything was the same as before, the jade pendant appeared, condensing black energy, and eliciting the power of protection.

Su Yang had been waiting, and after Yu Pei appeared, he immediately flew over.

For the first time, he couldn't leave the jade pendant directly, and he didn't care.

However, the second time, when Yu Pei came back to absorb his strength again, Su Yang had already been waiting here.

Su Yang shot directly, put his hand into the mass of things, and then quickly wrapped the mass of things with his own strength, and scattered the mass of things vigorously.

Su Yang originally thought it would be easy, but he didn't expect that the power of this group of things was much stronger than he thought.

No matter how hard Su Yang tried, he couldn't disperse this mass of things. Even this mass of things didn't move at all, and Su Yang couldn't shake it.

At this time, the guardian power also rushed over, and Su Yang had to let go, and temporarily stopped his movements.

Standing by and watching Yu Pei absorb enough power, and then left the black mist, Su Yang couldn't help but frowned.

It seems that my estimation is still a bit wrong. Although this mass contains the flesh and blood of the Buddha, it should not be pure flesh and blood of the Buddha.

There must be the power left by the seven heavenly deities, forcibly sealing the flesh and blood of the Buddha here. Then, use the flesh and blood of the Buddha to make all of this now.

To put it bluntly, if Su Yang wanted to take out the flesh and blood of the Buddha, he had to break the power of the seven heavenly statues.

The first time I tried, Su Yang knew how far he was from the Seven Heavenly Venerables.

He tried his best, but he couldn't shake the mass of things.

It can be seen that he and the Seven Heavenly Venerables are not in the same realm at all.

He sighed helplessly, so it seemed that it was basically impossible to take out the flesh and blood of the Buddha.

Could it be said that there is no way to change the current situation?

Standing beside and thinking, that jade pendant also went in and out many times, constantly absorbing power to attack the overlapping space outside.

Su Yang's eyes lit up suddenly, and he had a new idea.

I can't shake the mass of things, but I can try to take out the beads inside.

Beads are the key to absorbing the power of guardianship. If there are no beads, then this jade pendant will not be formed, can't it stop the black mister?

It didn't take long before that Yupei came back again.

Su Yang had been waiting for a long time. When the flesh and blood of the Buddha on the outside of the bead opened to reveal the beads inside, Su Yang immediately reached in and tried to pull the beads out.

However, he underestimated the power of the Buddha's flesh and blood.

Although Su Yang grabbed the beads, he couldn't take out the beads at all. The beads were still pressed hard by the mass of flesh and blood.

Su Yang couldn't help frowning. He raised his strength to the extreme and wanted to take out the bead, but the result was still the same. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't shake the bead.

Su Yang was extremely helpless, could it be said that even this method would not work?

At this moment, the guardian power had already rushed over.

Su Yang didn't dare to delay, so he drew his hand back in a hurry to avoid being rushed by this guardian power.

The guardian power rushed into the flesh and blood of the Buddha, and directly hit the bead.

Su Yang really saw this scene beside him, and he suddenly discovered a situation.

When the guardian power hit it, it was not directly absorbed by the beads, but pushed the beads forward.

But at this moment, the flesh and blood of the Buddha outside was rushed back a bit, and when it was almost broken by the beads, the guardian power merged with the beads.

In other words, during this process, the flesh and blood of the Buddha must not only prevent the string of beads from leaving, but also prevent the string of beads from being knocked out by the guarding force.

Moreover, looking at the situation just now, the flesh and blood of the Buddha is worthy of being able to stop this string of beads. If this guardian power is stronger, it can directly break through the flesh and blood of the Buddha and knock the beads out.

Thinking of this, Su Yang's heart suddenly moved.

Can I try to give a force, when the bead is about to be knocked out by the guardian force, push it from the back to directly knock the string out?

Thinking of this idea, Su Yang immediately began to figure out whether this method would work.

After thinking about it for a long time, Su Yang decided to try this method.

Of course, this is also very dangerous, because he has to hit the string of beads behind the guardian power, and basically has to contact with the guardian power.

And this guardian power is so powerful, if Su Yang touches the guardian power, he might suffer any kind of injury.

However, Su Yang has no choice now, he can only try his best.

If you can't stop this black mister, then you don't know how many white shadows will be released.

These white shadows are so horrible, too much has been released, who knows if the human race will be able to control the situation in the future.

Not long after, Yu Pei came in again.

Su Yang had been waiting this time too. When the guardian power rushed over, Su Yang looked at the right time and rushed directly, abruptly from behind the guardian power and hit the string of beads.

As Su Yang expected, this time, he came into contact with the guardian power.

Fortunately, he did not contact the guardian power directly, but from behind.

Therefore, even though the guardian force severely wounded him, Su Yang was able to withstand it, after all, he was not seriously injured.

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