The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3006: The flesh and blood of the Buddha?

Not long after Su Yang's thought came up, he was denied again.

The Buddha must have encountered the seven deities, but the seven deities have not shown their true strength in front of the Buddha.

The strength displayed by the Seven Heavenly Venerables at that time is estimated to be far inferior to the current Su Yang, and it is impossible to leave such instinctive memories in the Immortal Golden Body.

Therefore, the Buddha must have encountered an extremely powerful existence that will make the Immortal Golden Body have such a memory.

After thinking for a while, Su Yang summoned the Immortal Golden Body back.

He intends to repeat the secret method of the Buddha to stimulate the immortal golden body to see if he can get more information.

Su Yang is very clear about the secret method of the Buddha, and there are memories in the immortal golden body.

Most of the secret methods used by Su Yang are new secret methods evolved after the fusion of the secret method of the Buddha and the secret method of the Skykiller.

If he wants to repeat the secret method of the Buddha, he only needs to separate the secret method of the Buddha. This is naturally a very simple matter for him now.

Combining the immortal golden body with the soul, Su Yang began to slowly deduced the secret method of the Buddha.

There are many secret methods created by the Buddha, but Su Yang now has time.

After all, it will take decades to hundreds of years to reach the next overlapping space.

This time may not be a big deal to cultivators. However, it would not take such a long time to deduce the secret method of the Buddha.

Three years later, Su Yang deduced the secret method of the Buddha.

However, Su Yang never felt familiar, nor could he feel any useful information.

He couldn't help being a little discouraged. Could it be that his thinking was wrong? Does this have no effect?

In desperation, Su Yang planned to give up this idea.

However, just as he was about to disperse the Immortal Golden Body, Su Yang suddenly remembered something.

He just deduced all the secret methods of the Buddha, but it does not include the most important secret method of the Buddha-the Buddha Kingdom in the palm!

Su Yang does know all the secret methods of the Buddha, but only the Buddha kingdom in the palm is the law of the Buddha's life. No matter how Su Yang tried, he couldn't integrate the Buddha state in this palm. Even if he barely used it, it just looks like it, but the essence is very different.

Because of this, when Su Yang just deduced the secret method of the Buddha, he did not deduct the Buddha kingdom in his palm.

However, now Su Yang suddenly thought of this, and couldn't help but start whispering.

Should I also try to deduce the Buddha Kingdom in my palm?

Maybe, what information will this secret method have?

However, the Buddha kingdom in his palm is very different from the Buddha. With this deduction, can you get any information from the Immortal Golden Body?

After thinking about it for a while, Su Yang decided to give it a try.

No matter what the result is, try it, at least it won't be bad.

Sitting cross-legged again, Su Yang tried to use the Buddha's palm in the Buddha Kingdom.

He stretched out his right hand and slowly began to create space in his right hand, opening up the world, and creating a new kingdom.

This is a secret method of space and a secret method of time.

In the Buddha kingdom in this palm, space and time can be moved with the mind of the Buddha, and everything in it can also be changed according to the mind of the Buddha. This is the most mysterious place in the Buddha kingdom in the palm.

Su Yang can simulate the Buddha country in his palm, but he cannot switch time and space at will.

Even if his current strength is much stronger than that of the Buddha, he still can't do this.

Even now, even if Su Yang is very familiar with the secret law of the Buddha kingdom in his palm, he still doesn't know how the Buddha can control the time and space in this way.

Su Yang had also asked the Buddha before, but the Buddha replied that it was a very mysterious feeling, and even he himself couldn't figure out what was going on.

Su Yang used to think that the Buddha had realized this secret method by accident, so he didn't care much.

Now he knew that the Buddha didn't realize it by accident.

The Buddha kingdom in this palm must be related to the space in the black mist and the guarding power of that space.

In other words, this Buddha kingdom in the palm was not realized by the Buddha himself. It must have encountered the power of the Buddha kingdom in the palm of the hand, and therefore created such a secret method.

As for what happened to him, it seems that this should be related to the instinctive familiarity of the immortal golden body.

While thinking in his heart, Su Yang kept urging the establishment of the Buddha Kingdom in his palm.

Originally, Su Yang was worried that the Buddha kingdom in the palm would not attract the immortal golden body, but when the Buddha kingdom in the palm was established to a certain extent, Su Yang once again felt the familiar feeling from the indestructible golden body Kind of feeling.

Feeling this feeling again, Su Yang's expression suddenly changed. Because this feeling has become very clear this time, and Su Yang clearly felt what the situation was like.

Inside that group of things, there is the breath of Buddha!

After quickly withdrawing from the Buddha country in his palm, Su Yang gasped.

Before, he felt that the mass was a little strange, it looked like it was golden, and it was a little bit energetic.

He hadn't figured out what was going on, but just now, using the Buddha Kingdom in his palm, he finally clearly felt the familiar feeling.

That is the breath of the flesh and blood of the Buddha!

In other words, there is the flesh and blood of Buddha in that group of things!

Think about it carefully, isn’t the flesh and blood of the Buddha just golden?

Besides, isn't that kind of flesh and blood just the breath of flesh and blood?

Su Yang opened his eyes wide, and he couldn't think that it would be such a result.

He has been thinking about what the mass of things is, who can think of it, that mass of things turned out to be the flesh and blood of Buddha?

But, what is going on?

Why does the flesh and blood of the Buddha appear here, and is still doing such a thing?

What about the Buddha himself? Could it be that he is dead? Therefore, his flesh and blood will be controlled by the seven heavenly deities?

Also, why can the flesh and blood of the Buddha condense the black mist? Why can the flesh and blood of the Buddha wrap the string of beads?

The most important thing is, why the flesh and blood of the Buddha can withstand such a strong guarding force?

Even if Su Yang's indestructible golden body was scratched by that flesh and blood force, it almost collapsed.

Now, the flesh and blood of the Buddha can wrap the beads, absorb such a powerful guardian power, and use that guardian power to impact the seal of the overlapping space. How is this done?

Could it be that this has something to do with the space inside?

After all, that piece of space is very similar to the Buddha in the palm. Moreover, the power of guarding inside, and the power of the Buddha in the palm of the hand, are derived from one body, there must be some connection!

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