The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3005: Familiar feeling

Soon, Yu Pei came back again and began to absorb power again.

Su Yang's eyes widened and observed carefully, he really didn't want to touch this group of things.

However, four times in a row, Su Yang did not find anything.

Su Yang was desperate. It seemed that it was impossible for him not to touch this group of things.

He took a deep breath and spread his power all over his body to reinforce the strength of the immortal golden body and the immortal bone.

At the same time, he summoned the world tree and left the world tree far away.

This is a way for Su Yang to reserve for himself.

He didn't know the consequences of touching this mass of things. Once the power of this mass of things counterattacked, it would be impossible for him to escape.

Such a powerful force can definitely turn him into nothingness directly.

If the world tree can be left, then part of his soul can survive, then he can be resurrected.

Only Su Yang could use this method.

After all, his soul can be directly divided into these two parts, and the existence of the world tree is equivalent to giving him one more life.

Of course, Su Yang didn't know whether the impact of this force would affect the World Tree.

If even the World Tree was shattered, then he would really kill himself this time!

With everything ready, Su Yang nervously waited for the jade pendant to return.

Finally, Yu Pei came in.

Before the jade pendant had absorbed the power of protection, Su Yang gritted his teeth and stretched out his hand, slowly touching the jade pendant.

Su Yang has made all preparations, as long as there is any fluctuation in this group of things, he will immediately turn around and run away.

Although the hope of escape is slim, he can only do his best.

However, when he touched this mass of things, something unexpected happened.

Su Yang was originally extremely nervous, he was really worried that he would be directly impacted to death by the power of this mass of things.

However, when his hand touched this mass of things, he felt an extremely soft force, even familiar.

Su Yang was surprised, this familiar feeling was very strange.

He has a feeling of deja vu, but he can't remember where he has seen it.

Even, he was a little puzzled, this familiarity seemed to be a familiarity of his own body.

Especially the Immortal Golden Body, when it came into contact with this group of things, it was obviously shaking slightly, and I didn't know what was going on.

Could it be that the indestructible golden body on one's body is related to this group of things?

This group of things involves the origin of the immortal golden body?

Amidst the doubts, the powerful guarding force has rushed out and rushed straight to the jade pendant.

Su Yang did not dare to delay, and hurriedly avoided, avoiding this guarding force.

The guardian power was absorbed by the jade pendant, and then left the black fog, and continued to go out to impact the overlapping space.

And everything was just as Su Yang expected, this time the seal of overlapping space was broken.

Yu Pei returned to the black mist and disappeared quickly.

Su Yang immediately came to the vicinity of that space, carefully observed the situation in that space, and found that there was not much in it, except for the mountains.

There is no doubt that it is now confirmed that the pile of mountains is the string of beads.

But the question is, what is the mass outside the bead?

With this doubt, Su Yang first went out to solve the white shadow in the overlapping space.

The overlapping space was collected into his own world tree, and the white shadow was sealed again.

As for Su Yang himself, he stayed in the World Tree to recover from his injuries, and he had to enter the black mist to find out again.

Su Yang separated the Immortal Golden Body and Immortal Bone, and let the enchanting air temper them.

At the same time, Su Yang was thinking in his heart.

If that group of things is really related to the Immortal Golden Body, is it also related to this enchanting Qi?

What is the origin of that group of things, the immortal golden body, the immortal bone, and the entrapment? What is their relationship with the strong man who created the overlapping space, and the creator of the space in the black mist?

The most important thing is, what is the relationship between them and the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns?

Although the relationship is intricate, Su Yang vaguely feels that, in fact, some of these things should be done by the same person.

Just as Su Yang had guessed before, the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone should belong to the same person. Otherwise, the two cannot be so perfectly integrated in him.

Moreover, after this enchanting air appeared, the two could also be directly tempered by the enchanting air. It can be seen that they did come from the same person, maybe the enchanting air also came from that person.

However, what happened now made Su Yang a little uncertain.

If the immortal golden body and the immortal bone are from the same person, then the immortal golden body and the immortal bone should have the same instinctive memory.

In other words, when you come into contact with that group of things, the Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone should have that kind of familiarity.

However, Su Yang clearly knew that the Immortal Bone did not feel that way, only the Immortal Golden Body had that feeling.

This is strange, could it be said that the immortal golden body and the immortal bone are not from the same person?

As soon as this idea came up, it was directly denied by Su Yang.

Because when Su Yang was practicing, he could clearly feel that the immortal golden body and the immortal bone should be of the same root.

In other words, the two must come from the same person, not different people.

If they are of the same root, why do they have such a different feeling?

Could it be said that this familiar feeling was felt by the Immortal Golden Body alone, while the Immortal Bone did not feel it at all?

But why does this happen? Could it be that the immortal golden body and the immortal bone have been separated for a while?

Thinking of this, Su Yang was shocked, and he suddenly remembered something.

The Immortal Golden Body and the Immortal Bone were indeed separated for a period of time, and he personally separated the two!

He gave the Immortal Golden Body to the Buddha, and then gave the Immortal Bone to the Heavenslayer, so that the two were separated and the two powerful men later became available.

After that, the indestructible golden body remained with the Buddha, and the indestructible bone remained with the Skykiller. The two have been separated for nearly a million years.

Could it be that the familiar feeling of the immortal golden body was felt during the time of following the Buddha?

But, what exactly did the Buddha encounter? The immortal golden body has such an instinctive memory?

You know, the Immortal Golden Body is extremely powerful, and it is not easy to make the Immortal Golden Body leave memories.

Even if it is Su Yang's current strength, he dare not say that the Immortal Golden Body can leave such an almost instinctive memory!

Could it be said that this is left by the Seven Heavenly Lords? The Buddha met the seven heavenly statues?

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