The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 3004: Beads, mountains?

Thinking of this, Su Yang couldn't help but move.

This is not impossible!

Otherwise, why does the jade pendant appear, the mountains disappear, the mountains appear, and the jade pendant disappears?

However, if this mountain range is really a string of beads, then this space is worth studying.

Before Su Yang felt that the power in it was very powerful, which was different from that of the Buddha, so he suspected that this space was just like the Buddha kingdom in the palm, but not the Buddha kingdom in the palm.

However, now it seems that I guessed wrong.

If the mountains are just a string of beads, isn't this a Buddha kingdom in the palm of your hand?

The Buddha Kingdom in the palm is transformed by one palm.

In the middle of the palm, holding a string of beads, the mountain range is formed.

The mountains left the Buddha kingdom in their palms, and returned to the form of beads.

Back in the Buddha Kingdom in the palm, it became like a mountain again.

This is the real mystery of the Buddha Kingdom in the palm!

Su Yang took a deep breath, and he began to re-examine this space, trying to figure out the connection between this space and the Buddha kingdom in his palm.

However, in the end Su Yang still could not find the connection.

The two look exactly the same, and the power comes from the same source. However, Su Yang also saw the Buddha used the palm of the Buddha alone. He really didn't know what the relationship between the palm of the Buddha and the palm of the Buddha was.

In the end, unable to understand these circumstances, Su Yang began to wander around here again.

The jade pendant is formed by the ball of things and beads. Now that the beads are found, where is the ball of things?

However, no matter how he looked for it, he could never find the existence of that group of things.

The mass seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, Su Yang couldn't find it in any corner.

Su Yang couldn't help but start to wonder, could it be that the mass of things was also transformed by something in this space, and returned to this space?

It seems that next time I have to carefully observe this space.

After decades of this, I finally encountered an overlapping space outside.

But this time, Su Yang was already ready, waiting intently for the appearance of the jade pendant.

After a short while, a cloud of black mist slowly condensed in the distance.

Su Yang flew over immediately, he had been waiting for this moment.

He walked through the black mist and came to the other end of the black mist pillar. Yupei should have appeared here, and he was waiting anxiously here.

The black pillar slowly formed, and slowly slammed into the space.

At this time, at the other end of the black pillar, the jade pendant really appeared again.

Su Yang's eyes widened. This is the closest he is to this jade pendant.

He quickly flew towards the jade pendant, intending to figure out the real situation of the jade pendant.

However, when he was about to reach the jade pendant, the power of protection had already rushed over.

Su Yang's complexion changed drastically after the impact of the powerful force.

He quickly avoided, avoiding being impacted by the aftermath of this guardian power.

Su Yang was more clever, and quickly escaped the impact of this guardian power.

The jade pendant absorbed the power of protection, and left the black mist area directly, and went out to impact the overlapping space outside.

Su Yang was helpless. He didn't observe it this time. He simply returned to the vicinity of this space and began to observe the situation in this space carefully to see if there was anything inside that suddenly disappeared.

The string of beads was transformed by the mountains in the center of this space. Is the mass outside the beads also transformed by something in this space?

Su Yang carefully observed every inch of this space. For so many years, he had understood the extreme of this space, and he knew everything in this space.

He could clearly tell what was more and what was missing, even the smallest thing.

However, Su Yang was disappointed in the end. There was nothing missing, and there was not much in it, except for the mountains.

Su Yang was a little confused, could it be said that that group of things was not hidden in this space?

However, if it is not hidden in this space, where is this mass hidden?

He has rummaged through this black fog, and there is no such thing!

At this moment, the jade pendant came back from the outside, and it still had to continue to absorb the guardian power of this space.

Su Yang didn't observe this space anymore this time, he flew back to the position of the jade pendant.

Yu Pei absorbed the power of protection and went out, but Su Yang simply waited here, waiting for Yu Pei to return next time.

This time, he took the position ahead of time, just to figure out what the mass outside the beads was.

Not long after, Yu Pei came back again, and it happened to be where Su Yang was.

What surprised Su Yang was that this group of things didn't seem to be aggressive.

Su Yang is so close to it, it hasn't leaked the slightest strength, let alone caused the slightest impact on Su Yang.

This also made Su Yang breathe a sigh of relief. You must know that he was actually very worried when he came this time.

Observing from a close distance, Su Yang still couldn't figure out what it was.

To be honest, it looks like there is a force condensing something.

These things exude bursts of golden light, and there are some feelings of blood, very weird.

Su Yang was well-informed, but he had never seen anything like this.

Not long after, Yu Pei absorbed the power and went out again, but Su Yang still did not observe the situation of the mass.

According to previous experience calculations, the jade pendant will probably have to absorb the power of guarding five times to break the seal of overlapping space.

In other words, Su Yang still has five opportunities to observe. Otherwise, he can only wait for the next time to see the situation again, which will take decades.

Su Yang thought silently in his heart, five chances, he planned, if he really still can't see what this mass of thing is, he would personally come in contact with it, and really feel what it is.

Of course, doing this is even more dangerous than what he is doing now.

He stood by and watched, and the mass did not attack him.

However, if he really touched this group of things, wouldn't this group of things attack him?

Onlookers and direct contact are completely different things.

But now Su Yang has no choice.

He knows very well that it is impossible to observe any results with such observations. He can only get in touch to figure out the true situation of this group of things. Otherwise, he would never be able to figure out the situation of this group of things.

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