The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2986: soul Eater? demon? Faceless?

After sealing all these five people, Su Yang sent the magic circle into the world tree.

The World Tree is a part of Su Yang's soul, and Su Yang can clearly know what happened inside.

Sealing these five people in the world tree can prevent them from contacting outside lives. Secondly, it is also convenient for Su Yang to stare at them in case any accident happens.

After handling the affairs of these five people, Su Yang had time to ask the Emperor what happened.

The previous situation, the Emperor has already said.

After the King of Humans found the fifth strongest possessed, they were completely trapped here.

They have never been able to catch up with that person.

However, the Emperor suspected that these white light and shadow matters had an inseparable relationship with that person.

Because they came all the way, chasing this person.

And where this person passes all the way, where there is basically life, there will be this kind of white light and shadow possession of the strongest.

Therefore, the Emperor suspected that this person was very likely to be one of the seven heavenly deities.

It was he who cast these white lights and shadows on these planets and let these white lights and shadows possess the strongest ones.

Hearing this, Su Yang couldn't help but move.

If the Seven Great Heavenly Sovereigns really come out to do this in person, then they may not only do this kind of thing in this place, maybe they will do this kind of thing in many other similar places.

Their purpose is to deal with the human race, so they definitely will not only put these white lights and shadows in this place, they will definitely put these white lights and shadows in other places as well.

In other words, the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns will definitely throw these white lights and shadows around the Human Race's stronghold, and then form a circle around the Human Race.

Once the encirclement of the Seven Heavenly Venerates takes shape, the human race is in danger.

The most powerful people who have lost their minds gathered and besieged the human race. Does the human race have any resistance?

Just like the emperor and the others, now a dozen people besieged these five possessed supreme ones, and almost suffered a big loss.

If the Seven Heavenly Venerates can cultivate more such strongest people, wouldn't the human race be over?

Thinking of this, Su Yang was shocked.

"No, we have to go back as soon as possible!" Su Yang said solemnly.

The Emperor was surprised: "Leader Su, that person is still in front, and he will definitely continue to cast these white lights and shadows."

"Should we not stop him, lest he continue to harm the lives of other worlds like this?"

Su Yang shook his head: "It's too late."

"The speed at which we are blocking them will definitely not be able to keep up with the speed of his delivery."

"He casts these white lights and shadows and can do it easily. However, it is difficult for us to stop these possessed strongest people."

"It's not practical for us to chase him."

"However, once they are allowed to cultivate too many such strongest people, then our human race will really be in trouble!"

Hearing this, the face of the emperor also changed, and he also thought of this.

The Emperor immediately nodded: "Leader Su, you are right, we must go back as soon as possible!"

The puzzler looked into the distance: "Then... what about the other lives?"

The deceiver himself is one of those resurrected beings, and countless lives on his planet have been resurrected.

If such light and shadow are cast on his world, how many people can survive in his world?

In his heart, he naturally worries about the resurrected lives in the great world!

The Emperor shook his head: "It's not a question of whether we want to save them or not. The point is, we simply don't have the ability to save them!"

"As the leader of Su League said, the speed at which we can stop them is definitely not as fast as the speed at which they cast white shadows."

"It is impossible for us to stop them, but they can cultivate more such strongest people, and let the human race completely fall into passiveness."

"Therefore, we must think of other ways instead of passively chasing and blocking them and doing meaningless things!"

The bewildered sighed and looked at the distance blankly: "In this way, I don't know how many innocent lives are going to die in the hands of these white shadows!"

The Emperor also sighed, he naturally understood the mood of the puzzler. However, it is not a question of whether they want to do it or not, but a question of whether they can do it.

If they really have the ability to do it, then they will definitely try to save it.

But the question is, they simply don't have the strength to do this, how can they be saved?

Finally, under Su Yang's leadership, everyone rushed back to the human base first.

Keep chasing forward, except to bring back a few more powerful people who are possessed by the white shadow, nothing else makes any sense.

However, if they don't rush back to the human base as soon as possible. Once the plan of the Seven Heavenly Venerables is successful, the strongest people possessed by the white shadows surround them, and they want to do something, but it is completely too late.

Through the chaos, everyone quickly rushed back to the human base.

The Terran stronghold is now under tight defense. Su Yang and the others rushed back. Everyone was very happy and came to ask about the situation outside.

Su Yang told everyone about the external situation, and everyone's complexion changed.

"Soul Eater?" Wan Du suddenly said: "The kind of dark shadow you mentioned, our world, seems to have had it."

"What?" Su Yang's expression changed sharply. This situation was more complicated than he expected.

Wan Du nodded: "It should be the same thing as the Soul Eater you talked about, and the Devil that the Confused One said."

"In our world, this kind of thing is called the faceless. Because there is no entity at all, I don't know what it looks like, so I have this name!"

After Wan Du finished speaking, several people next to him also spoke up one after another, indicating that their world also has a similar existence.

Su Yang took a breath. He originally thought that these worlds had nothing in common. The only thing in common is the aura of heaven and earth, nothing more.

But he didn't expect that in these worlds, there is still such a common place, that is the Soul Eater!

And this Soul Eater must have been handed over to the Guardian God by the Seven Heavens.

In other words, this time, it was also thoroughly confirmed that the Seven Heavenly Venerables indeed existed before their world tree was born.

Moreover, the existence of the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns is too long. They have gone through many civilizations of the World Tree, which are countless years.

The Seven Heavenly Sovereigns, among the world trees, cast shadows resembling Soul Eaters.

It's just that the strength of this black shadow is not strong, and there is no white shadow that can fight the strongest. Therefore, these shadows were still controllable and did not cause much damage.

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