The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2985: White light and shadow

Seeing this, Su Yang and Qi'er were relieved.

Obviously, the emperor has not been possessed by the black shadow, this is the best news.

"Father!" Qi'er screamed, and flew over quickly to help the emperor and them fight the five people.

The puzzler also hurried over and teamed up with the emperor to fight against these five people.

Su Yang didn't rush over, he was more observing the five people.

These five people are obviously the strongest, and they are all very powerful.

After being possessed by the shadows, they lost their minds and were fighting against people like wild animals.

Although the emperor and the others are very powerful, they are also in an awkward situation.

First of all, they cannot kill these five people.

This point, they had suffered a lot before, once they killed these five people, or even severely injured these five people, the shadows would quickly attach to the other person, turning the other person into this situation.

Therefore, they can only try to save the lives of these five people, lest others suffer such a situation.

However, these five people are completely desperate. They attacked like wild beasts, but they couldn't fight back, they could only passively resist the attacks of these people.

And more than that. If it is just defense, it is not difficult for a dozen people to resist the attack of these five people.

The crux of the problem is that they have to stop these five people and prevent them from running. This situation is embarrassing.

Even if they have more than a dozen people, but they have to stop the other party in this way, they can't make a big blow to the other party, leaving them completely in a situation where they must confront the other party head-on, but they can only passively resist.

In this way, no matter how strong these dozen people are, they will inevitably suffer.

Therefore, the current situation of the Emperor and the others is actually very embarrassing.

These five people cannot be allowed to run, nor can they be hit hard. They can only be passively beaten. To be honest, if this fight goes on, the Emperor and others will suffer a loss sooner or later.

Fortunately, Su Yang and the others arrived in time. Otherwise, how long the Emperor and the others can hold on, it is hard to say.

Qi'er and Huozhe joined the battle group, making the battlefield situation a little better.

Human Sovereign and the others have relieved a lot of pressure. Seeing Qi'er coming over, Human Sovereign was quite pleasantly surprised: "Qi'er, Leader Su, why are you here?"

Qi'er told the Emperor about their arrival.

The Emperor Human was also shocked after hearing this: "You said that those overlapping spaces originally sealed these things?"

"I mean, we have come across many overlapping spaces like that along the way."

"It's just that we are relatively lucky, we have been chasing these things, and have not entered the overlapping space."

"Otherwise, it is estimated that we will be stuck in the overlapping space and cannot get out!"

Qi'er nodded, honestly, if Su Yang hadn't led the way, they wouldn't be able to get out of that overlapping space. Overlapping space is really very dangerous.

"Sir, have you seen how these people become like this?" Su Yang asked.

The emperor nodded: "I saw it with my own eyes. This situation is somewhat similar to those soul-eaters trained by the guardian **** before."

Su Yang and Qi'er looked at each other, and they nodded at the same time.

Sure enough, even the emperor thought so.

Su Yang and the others were just guessing before, and Human Sovereign said so personally, then it was completely certain.

"When Dao Zun encountered an accident before, I had been chasing after him."

"I stopped Dao Zun at the time, but saw someone flying here."

"I suspected there was a clue in this person, so I chased it all the way down."

"However, I didn't catch up with this person, but accidentally found a person who resembled Dao Zun, who also became irrational."

"We still contained this person, but as we looked down, we came across a second, third, and fourth."

"When I was on the fifth one, I saw it with my own eyes."

"There was a white light and shadow that entered the body of a strong man, and as a result, the strong man lost his mind."

"Like the soul-eaters released by the guardian **** before, I feel that this kind of white shadow can swallow people's souls and make people completely lose their minds and be used by them!"

The Emperor said.

Su Yang couldn't help but stunned: "White light and shadow?"

"Isn't it black?"

The Emperor shook his head: "It's white, not black."

"Otherwise, I really want to think that these lights and shadows are even more powerful soul eaters."

"Because the colors are different, so, I suspect, it may not be the same thing!"

Su Yang and Qierhuazhe looked at each other. The soul eaters and demons they were talking about were all black.

Could it be that these two are not the same thing?

Or is it the same thing, but in different colors? With the improvement of strength, the color has changed?

Su Yang had doubts in his heart, this situation really exceeded his expectations.

"Leader Su, let's stop these five people first!" Human Emperor said: "These five people have completely lost their minds."

"I saw with my own eyes that one of the strongest people slaughtered all the life on his planet."

"He should be the first strongest person on their planet to regain strength, and the other strongest persons on that planet were all killed by him before they could regain strength."

"Don't let these five people go. Otherwise, any one who escapes will be devastated to those places where there is life!"

Su Yang nodded slowly. He also knew how dangerous this kind of person was, so he would definitely not let these five people escape.

"Seal them up first!"

Su Yang let out a low cry, followed by flying over, and immediately fought with these five people.

With Su Yang, the pressure on these people is greatly reduced.

Su Yang was able to stop all these five people alone.

The Emperor took the other people and set up a powerful magic circle nearby, sealing these five people one by one.

Just like the previous situation with Dao Zun, the five of them were separated and sealed to prevent the five of them from struggling together.

Finally, after a lot of effort, everyone sealed all these five people.

These five people screamed and struggled inside the seal, yelling angrily, but could not rush out of it.

This circle was set up by the emperor himself, and more than a dozen strongest men joined forces to strengthen the circle. It is Su Yang's strength, it is estimated that it will take a lot of work to break through this circle, let alone these five people!

The strength of these five people is somewhat different from that of Human Sovereign, so how can they escape from this circle?

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