The Super Soldier King in the City

Chapter 2987: They are training Sombra

There is no doubt that these black shadows are all the handwriting of the Seven Heavenly Lords!

The only thing Su Yang can't understand is, what exactly are the seven heavenly beings going to do?

What was their plan to put these shadows in the previous World Tree?

In the previous World Tree, the Seven Heavenly Lords didn't have much interference.

They didn't create the heavenly stele, they didn't cultivate the guardian god, and they didn't do anything. Why do they want to cast those shadows?

What is their purpose?

His heart was full of doubts, but Su Yang knew very well that only the Seven Heavenly Lords could solve these doubts.

Wan Du took a deep breath and said solemnly: "Leader Su, the Faceless Man is very scary."

"In our world, only the strong at the tertiary level or above can eliminate the Faceless."

"Therefore, in our world, wherever the Faceless One goes, he will inevitably be overwhelmed."

"Even, some planets that do not have an earth-level cultivator are seated. Once the Faceless arrives at that place, it will cause the planet's life to become charcoal, and all life will be destroyed!"

"Fortunately, we discovered it in time, united all the strongest in our world tree, led countless heaven-level and earth-level cultivators, swept all the big world, to eliminate all faceless ones."

"Even so, there are still a few fish that have slipped through the net, which has caused many planets to be charred."

"It took us a long time to almost wipe out the Faceless."

"Otherwise, once the Faceless One becomes stronger, how many lives will survive in our world in the end is unknown!"

The people nearby also nodded one after another. In their world, a similar situation happened. Everyone hated this kind of shadow.

Su Yang's heart moved, he looked at Wandu: "You just said that in your world, when you reach the earth-level realm, you can eliminate the Faceless?"

Wan Du nodded: "Yes!"

Su Yang looked at several other people again: "Where are you in the world?"

These people answered one after another, but the answers were different.

In some worlds, an earth-level realm is needed, and in some worlds, a heaven-level realm is needed. In some worlds, the Holy Emperor Realm can eliminate the Faceless!

Even these people themselves are very puzzled, why are the strengths of the shadows in different world trees different?

Wan Du whispered: "Could it be that the shadows we are talking about are not the same thing?"

Everyone was so confused, and they were all wondering about this.

At this time, Su Yang spoke: "Not necessarily."

"I think the shadows we are talking about are the same thing."

"It's just that they have different strengths at different times."

Everyone looked at each other in amazement.

"Different periods, different strengths?"

"How could this be?"

The puzzler is wondering.

Su Yang glanced at him and said softly, "Let's think about it from another angle. These dark shadows are cultivated by the Seven Heavenly Venerables."

"It's just that the strength of these shadows is very weak, and they need to be cultivated slowly to become stronger gradually."

"In different world trees, these shadows have different strengths."

"In other words, the strength of these shadows is actually gradually becoming stronger, gradually becoming stronger through the cultivation of many world tree civilizations."

"In each civilization of the World Tree, the Seven Heavenly Sovereigns are actually taming these shadows and cultivating their strength."

"Their strength grows from generation to generation, so they will appear, with different strengths in different periods."

Everyone suddenly realized, Wan Du said: "In that case, I can understand it."

"It's no wonder that these shadows have different strengths in different world trees. This is the case!"

Others nodded one after another, and the emperor smiled and said, "If you say that, then we can just tell which world tree has an earlier civilization, and which world tree has a later civilization!"

Everyone laughed, that's true, through this, we can really tell how soon they appeared.

Su Yang didn't speak, he was still thinking about it more.

Wan Du looked at Su Yang and whispered: "Leader Su, if you really do what you said, are these white shadows the final result of the cultivation of the Seven Heavenly Venerable?"

"Actually, the Seven Heavenly Venerates cultivated these dark shadows to deal with the strongest humans."

"These white shadows are their final results. They have improved their strength from generation to generation, and finally reached the realm of being able to deal with the strongest!"

Everyone was shocked. If this were the case, then the Seven Heavenly Venerables would be really terrifying.

Su Yang shook his head: "I don't think so."

"If this is the case, how can the overlapping space be explained?"

"There is no doubt that the overlapping space should be used to seal these white shadows."

"The strength of the person who creates the overlapping space is estimated to be no worse than that of the Seven Great Heavens. I estimate that this is the existence that the Seven Great Heavens have always been afraid of."

"In other words, Bai Ying was actually sealed by this person."

"And the black shadows of the Seven Heavenly Venerates, I suspect, they were created based on the white shadows."

"It's just that the strength of this black shadow is far from that of the white shadow."

"The Seven Heavenly Venerables are constantly tempering these dark shadows in different world tree civilizations, transforming these dark shadows, and enhancing the strength of the dark shadows. They want to make these dark shadows reach the level of white shadows."

"However, in the end they still couldn't reach this level. The black shadow, never reached the height of the white shadow.

"The Seven Heavenly Venerables really have no way. They opened the seal of the overlapping space, released those white shadows, and used those white shadows to deal with us!"

Everyone looked at each other, and what Su Yang said was indeed possible.

Wandu Road: "Leader Su, if you follow what you said, I think something is wrong."

"Since the Seven Heavenly Venerates can open the seal of the overlapping space and release the white shadows inside. Then, why do the Seven Heavenly Venerates waste their energy to cultivate these dark shadows?"

"The Seven Heavenly Venerables don't know how many World Tree civilizations they have experienced, how many years they have been cultivating these shadows, but in the end they were a failure."

"It's better to just open the seal of overlapping space, there is no need to waste so much time!"

Su Yang said softly: "So, this is the problem."

"The existence that created the overlapping space can only seal these white shadows, but cannot eliminate them, which shows that the white shadows are powerful."

"I suspect that the origin of Bai Ying is definitely not simple, and it may be related to the origin of the Seven Heavenly Venerables."

"If we can figure out Baiying's situation, maybe we will be able to understand the Seven Heavenly Venerables!"

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