The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 122 The new situation in Hindustan

Since the replacement of the Grand Vizier, there were no other major military affairs requiring attention in the winter of 1507. Ibrahim's daily work was to hold imperial meetings on a regular basis and inspect the garrison accompanied by the Grand Emir and the Military Vizier. Various military ministries in the capital and inspection related material reserves.

The spymaster will also send regular and irregular reports, including new situations in the Indian Ocean and recent international news summaries. Due to the heating up of Iran-Europe trade, the King of Kings even eats melons from Western Europe, mainly About the war in Italy.

Since there was no land war for the time being, the idle Ismail was temporarily appointed by Ibrahim as the deputy to the Grand Emir to assist in handling military affairs. After taking office, he was most concerned about the cavalry troops, not only taking care of everything stationed in Gyeonggi. The horse army also took over the power to supervise the tribal armaments in various places, tried his best to squeeze out the water in the military register, and even went to the palace military academy part-time to inspect the riding and archery skills of the students who were only a few years younger than him.

Excluding the Red-Headed Tribe, which owns a large area of ​​real estate as a fief, the specific financial and military strength of many newly attached tribes is still a question mark. Even if their leaders have no intention of lying, they can only tell how many young men are able to participate in the war.

Just when Ibrahim was immersed in his work, the guard in charge suddenly reported: Your Majesty, His Highness Mirza Ismail wishes to see you.

Huh? Please come in Mirza quickly. Hearing that it was Ismail who was coming, he put the official document aside and raised his head to order the guard.

Ismail walked into the study and bowed slightly to him, then placed the documents he brought on the table: Brother, I am here to report to you on the order of the great emir.

Usually this kind of report comes in person from the superior, and a temporarily appointed subordinate is assigned to take charge. Is there any urgent matter to be dealt with? The King of Kings did not think any more, then picked up the document, glanced at it, and asked: Is this... a battle report? What happened at the border?

Mirza explained: This is what General Gulbuddin sent from Lahore. My brother has already read it. It is not that we were invaded. It was Gulam from the East who attacked and reported victory. He robbed a large number of people and property from Hindustan and then returned to the army. And yet.

After resolving the misunderstanding, Ibrahim looked through the report. This was not a complete battle report, but an article introducing the latest developments in Hindustan, of which the use of troops against India only occupied part of the article.

Various official documents sent from the Indus River region mentioned some of the new changes on the border. But after all, the main job of administrative bureaucrats is to deal with affairs within their jurisdiction. For what happens outside the country, they can only rely on communiqués issued by the palace or It was traders and travelers who spread knowledge, but neither the accuracy nor the detail of the information was as good as that of spies and officers operating deep into enemy territory.

This report will allow him to understand the relevant information in detail and accurately.

Since the evacuation from Delhi at the end of last year's combat season, the Ganges River Basin has been full of vitality and everything is happening. The Maharaja of Gwalior, who occupied Delhi and Agra, was still at war with the Lodi dynasty, and his strength gradually expanded. He not only dispelled the ambitions of some pretenders, but also tried to establish a dominant position among the Rajput tribes. .

The Lodi dynasty, which was divided between Lucknow and Jaunpur, was attacked from two sides, and the troops they managed to scrape together were exhausted. It is said that Sikandar Khan was also hit by a stray arrow in the battle, and he has not fully recovered yet. The serious injury caused turmoil in the morale of the army, and his future Uncertain.

Under such chaotic circumstances, more forces wanted to fish in troubled waters. The Sultan of Bengal tried to expand westward and raided the Sharqi dynasty, which intended to backstab the Lodi dynasty. Gulbuddin and Mirwais took advantage of the main force of the Gwalior army to confront the Lodi dynasty and the defenders were empty, and divided their forces into two groups to launch a border war against the Rajputs.

Two groups of troops led by the two men marched eastward along the road. A large army composed of Afghan, Baloch tribal armed forces and Eastern Ghulam swept the rural areas from Sirhind to Panipat. And forced the small town to surrender voluntarily.

Hearing that the rear was being plundered, the Maharaja of Gwalior hurriedly sent his eldest son to lead an army to return reinforcements with the intention of recovering Sirhind and other cities. However, he was defeated by an ambush and raid by the Afghans. The Gwalior army was almost wiped out and the commander was killed.

After this battle, the two Eastern Legions that met together packed up all the looted property, livestock and people and brought them back to Lahore. These spoils naturally became the wealth of Iran. At the same time, continued raids and plunder by tribal armed forces will continuously provide labor for the mines in the Hindu Kush mountains.

After the battle report was the next plan of the two. They wanted to send envoys to threaten and win over the Rajput clans in the border areas as restraints. Such an opening would facilitate future understanding and intervention of the situation in Rajputana.

And their plan to launch an attack on Kashmir seemed to Ibrahim to be just looking for trouble and initiating border provocations. The Kashmir he knew was not a strategic or sacred place that must be taken. In addition, the terrain along the way It was rugged and difficult to navigate, and he really couldn't see any significant benefit in conquering this place.

Just idle and idle, Ibrahim still approved the plan. He also gave the final instructions: Any mountain passes and fortresses that can threaten the plains must be destroyed or controlled.

Ibrahim handed the document back to Ismail, and then listened to his report on the current situation of the army and some suggestions on cavalry construction. Among them, what made him feel that it was a waste of money was to build more camel cannons. The camel cannons currently equipped are according to the The size of the standing army came from the size of the standing army, and Mirza felt that Qizilbash, as one of the main bodies of the army, also needed to be equipped with a large number of such field artifacts.

I will ask the firearms workshop to make more small cannons, and ask the military vizier to raise military camels. After this matter, you can ask him and the Grand Emir on your own to inquire about the progress. Find Shuyuan I think the finances can afford it Ibrahim, who was affordable and worthy, was persuaded to agree to the proposal.

Yes, Your Majesty. Ismail hurriedly excused himself to Ibrahim after finishing the rest of the report.

The King of Kings lowered his head and saw that in stark contrast to Mirza's busyness, there were not many official documents left for him to review today. He looked out the window again and saw that it was still early, so he cheered up and put the remaining workload into practice. Clear All.

Ibrahim, who escaped from government affairs, went straight to the harem. Although government affairs, military affairs and religious affairs are all important, there are currently more important tasks than these.

For him, the issue of heir is important but not urgent. After all, there is still a brother who can inherit. But outsiders don't think so. At present, no one dares to clamor for Ismail to be the crown prince. Dare to say so, a slanderer. Shanghe's label of instigating brotherly discord was overturned.

At the same time, Ibrahim's behavior of only marrying one wife in a polygamous social environment and not favoring female slaves - only using them as vases and sexual venting tools rather than reproductive tools - is very rare, but no one knows it. Just tell him what the world thinks.

What made him feel outrageous was that he accidentally learned from the slave that some folk literati compared him and Mira to Parvez and Shireen, but he had not peeked at her bathing before the marriage. There were also outrageous rumors such as Shahbanu using black magic to charm the King of Kings, which made him very helpless.

However, the motivation for him to create more people this winter did not come from outside discussions, but from Mira's own strong will. No matter what her intentions were, she was much more anxious than Ibrahim.

Before entering the palace, he rubbed his waist through his fur robe, planning to call the imperial doctor to give him some herbs or something to help him. Alas, the slave girl and the beautiful boy had too much fun.

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