The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 121 Agreement with Astrakhan Khan

After the day's activities, Ibrahim received the envoy alone in the hut. His relationship with Venice and Kazakhstan was the same old story, with nothing new.

Therefore, the Tatar envoy from Astrakhan became Ibrahim's main communication partner. The envoy first mentioned that Qasim Khan had doubts about the missionaries who came to Astrakhan. Religious relations in the city suddenly became tense.

Ibrahim naturally became the object of Qasim Khan's suspicion. The messenger poured out his bitterness in front of him, saying that these heresies had plunged the Khanate into turmoil, and asked the King of Kings to recall the missionaries.

The King of Kings argued righteously: I don't know how your Khan listened to the rumors. I have not sent any missionaries to Astrakhan, but I will ask for the safety of my subjects. I don't want Someone died in your country because of the instigation of a certain ulema.

Seeing that the atmosphere was not right, the Tatar envoy was afraid of arousing Ibrahim's anger, so he quickly defended and reassured: Your Majesty, the foreign minister has no intention of threatening your country. This is just a humble request made by our country.

I have no intention of blaming the Khan of your country, I am just expressing our attitude. Ibrahim waved his hand to signal the envoy to end this unpleasant topic, and the next step was the trade treaty and the Caspian Sea delimitation agreement that both sides liked to hear.

Astrakhan promised to grant trade concessions to Safavid merchants in exchange for Iran taking over the security affairs of the Caspian Sea and providing military assistance to Qasim Khan. The Astrakhan Tatars wanted to use their strength to force back the Nomads who came to blackmail them. Cover people.

Ibrahim was happy to form a river fleet capable of maneuvering in the Caspian Sea and the Volga River. He took over all the responsibility for clearing the Caspian Sea bandits and asked Astrakhan to allow the fleet to dock and replenish on the north coast. .

As for the distribution of fishery resources in the Caspian Sea, there is no conflict between the two parties. Currently, most fishermen along the coast are only able to fish near the shore and cannot fish in the waters on the other side.

To the dismay of the Tatar envoy, Ibrahim did not intend to help Astrakhan Khan repel the Nogai for the time being, but only promised: Our country can provide you with price concessions, so that your warriors can spend the same price. Equip yourself with better weapons and armor for the price.”

At this point, all the contents of the agreement between Ibrahim and Qasim Khan have been discussed. He is not in a hurry for success and does not put forward any more conditions that he has already thought of. The King of Kings is waiting for a more favorable opportunity to make internal arrangements. influence in the Caucasus.


After completing his annual or biennial hunt, Ibrahim returned to the Grand Palace in the new capital and continued to devote himself to government affairs. The first thing he dealt with was the replacement of the Grand Vizier.

Muhammad Zakaria, who knew that he was not popular with the monarch and his colleagues, could not survive until the King of Kings personally issued an edict to dismiss him. He voluntarily submitted his resignation due to illness a week before the hunt, and Ibrahim agreed to him. He returned to his hometown of Tabriz to retire, and before leaving, he was rewarded with a complete set of attire for the highest-ranking civil servant and a large sum of money.

This change made his son Jalaldine Mohammed, who was still serving in Tabriz, and other civil servants from Azerbaijani bureaucratic families very uneasy. Unable to figure out what was going on, they could only continue to hold on to their official positions with trepidation.

After some recommendation, screening and consideration, he did not select a replacement from the viziers of Diwan, but will preside over the renovation and construction of Isfahan and the construction of Gyeonggi meritorious service - that is, the development of the Zain Darud River Basin, political achievements Ahmed Kuzani Isfahani, an outstanding senior official in Isfahan Province, was directly promoted to the central government and directly took over the vacant position of grand vizier.

The other viziers of Diwan were looking at this new man from a local Isfahan family with suspicion, and were closely observing the actions of the new leader.

Also undergoing personnel changes was the Financial Vizier, who ranked second in the Diwan, after the Grand Vizier. The Armenian was sent to run the bank and serve as the concurrent director of the mints, which were considered more suitable for him.

The new one is Mahmoud Jan Drami Qazwini from Qazvin. He once served the Aries Dynasty during the Yalqubai period and was responsible for the taxation of Qazvin and Fars. Later he was promoted to work in the financial department of the palace. During the split after Yelqub's death, he was entrusted by Rostam and Arvand to manage the palace finances. After the latter was strangled to death by a bowstring, he was absorbed by the expanding Safavid court.

After being incorporated into the Safavidivan's treasury, he was quickly promoted by Tovmas based on his past accumulated experience and resume, and became one of the Armenian's most important deputies, but his status was inferior to that of a follower of the order. and took refuge with his colleagues who were earlier than him.

Fortunately, his work was recognized by his superiors. When Tofmas was transferred, the successor he recommended was Mahmoud Young, not other subordinates. Ibrahim decided to use the Drami of Qazvin after consulting the resume of Wakil (the royal representative) who was responsible for supervising, evaluating and recording officials.

As soon as Ibrahim returned to the palace, he received the two viziers who had just taken up their duties. They wore the newly given official uniforms, saluted respectfully and signed up for their numbers, trying hard to give a good first impression to the monarch who would meet frequently in the future. impression.

He looked at the two people standing respectfully in front of him and planned to discuss a few issues casually: How do you think the Astrakhan Tatars, Kazakhs and Franks should be dealt with? This is not a formal meeting. Find Shuyuanwww Don’t worry.”

Ahmed Khuzani was the first to answer: Your Majesty, I think that these three are just scabies. Only the Ottomans who dominate the land of Roma in the west are a serious problem. In my humble opinion, At present, our country does not need to devote too much energy to the Tatars and Franks, and it is best to carefully maintain relations with Osman Padishbayezid.”

Then he further replied: Your Majesty, now we need to maintain peace with the Tatars and Kazakhs, but the most important thing is to prevent them from colluding with Roma. I think that instead of threatening, it is better to use actual benefits or to use both kindness and power. The South Although the Franks have the intention to harass the Holy Land, they are vulnerable and there is no need to worry about it. We can just maintain the status quo. The above is just my humble opinion. I hope your Majesty will forgive me for any omissions.

Ibrahim nodded and then motioned for Mahmoud Young to speak.

What the fiscal vizier talked about was the area under his jurisdiction: Maintaining trade is of great benefit to the prosperity of our country. If we go to war with the Astrakhan Tatars and Kazakhs who have no conflict of interest, we will cut off the trade routes. As for the rampant behavior, The Franks must be resolutely eliminated, and no one can threaten the trade routes. This can also make good relations with the Egyptian Sudan...

He then asked the two of them for their other views on the current policies and current situation. Those who had done their homework probably knew that the former Grand Vizier was snubbed by the King of Kings because he openly disobeyed his superiors many times and caused displeasure. It is a situation where almost no one can retain him even if he resigns voluntarily.

Even if they really disagreed with Ibrahim in their hearts, the two of them did not dare to express it to others on this important occasion for their career, and they did not even dare to mention the details of minor repairs. The obedience of the two viziers prevented him from seeing anything wrong, and the viziers got through temporarily.

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