The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 123 The anti-Portuguese coalition forces fighting each other

While Ibrahim was still working in the Grand Palace, reading books, spending time with his wife and daughter, and creating heirs, the Safavid fleet stationed in Goa had been preparing for war throughout the winter, with troops stationed in Hormuz and Goa. The launch of new warships and the sufficient budget make recruiting sailors smooth sailing. The newly recruited Karak and Karavel can set off to join the main force in the spring.

The spies sent to India used the winter months to collect information about Portuguese India and sent it back regularly through established channels, so that Ahsan would not be like a headless fly in preparing for the war against Portugal.

According to the intelligence returned by the peepers, the Portuguese did not make any adjustments after the fleet arrived in Goa, and the scout ships sent out also confirmed this intelligence. The strength and mission of the Portuguese patrol fleet that appeared on the Malabar coast were both Nothing has changed. It continues to maintain sea control over the Malabar coast in the name of combating smuggling and protecting shipping. It also deliberately avoids the waters around Goa and does not conflict with the patrolling Safavid warships.

Out of caution, Ahsan did not order the interception of this fleet of Portuguese warships. According to the spies' reports, the Portuguese fleet had more ships than these, but the spies could not detect the whereabouts of other Portuguese warships. This report made him have to be vigilant. .

In addition to these Frankish pirates, there are also local pirates who choose to rely on the Franks and work for them. Now it has been discovered that there is a pirate whose leader is named Demoji, and he does not act with his Frankish master. Perhaps this can be the first target to attack. .”

Ahsan agreed very much with the suggestion put forward by his staff and nodded: This is a good idea. Killing this hound can warn all the locals who still want to cooperate with the Franks. Without the help of hounds, falcons and attendants, How can a hunter conquer this strange forest while being hostile to all wild beasts?”

Then he ordered: Send spies quickly to investigate all the pirates who cooperated with the Franks, their forces and ports, and report to me if the investigation is clear.

Yes, Your Excellency Commander-in-Chief.

Ehsan then picked up another document on the desk. This was a letter from Calicut, which had been sent to Goa a few days ago and read by him. Zamorin's proposal was very tempting. Refresher on the situation on the Malabar coast, he knew that Calicut was the first regime to come into contact with and become hostile to Portugal, and has persisted in its resistance to this day.

But he still had doubts. As far as he knew, Calicut had already suffered heavy losses in the fight with Portugal, which made the Commander-in-Chief wonder that if an alliance was formed, it would probably only become a unilateral effort by Safavid. Likart could hardly be of help.

After re-reading the letter, Ahsan finally asked the clerk to write a reply: To the respected and brave Zamorin of Calicut, I sincerely admire your country's persistent struggle over the years against the Frankish pirates who destroyed the peace of the sea. Everyone along the coast should be grateful for your efforts. Therefore, I am flattered by your proposal, and I also know that the removal of these insects is something that all victims should unite to carry out...

The content of the reply was filled with verbal praise for Zamorin, and there was no mention of the obligation of an alliance with Calicut. Finally, in order to appease Zamorin, Ahsan also prepared a batch of gifts and letters. Send them together.

In his opinion, the Mamluk fleet currently resting in Diu is the truly valuable alliance partner, but at the same time it is also a threat and obstacle in the future, which is explained in the instructions given to him by the King of Kings.

From the moment he became the supreme commander of the Navy, he had a clear understanding of the King of Kings’ ambition to control the sea through face-to-face and letter exchanges with Ibrahim, whether it was the layout of the shipbuilding industry or the expansion of overseas territories. At present, they are only the executors of strategy.

Since the Egyptian fleet is listed as a potential enemy by the King of Kings, it is necessary to be more cautious when dealing with it. However, before defeating the Portuguese, it is still necessary to unite sincerely and refuse to fight among themselves.

With this mentality, Ahsan opened communication with the other party before the end of winter. Hussein Kurdi welcomed his greetings and goodwill: I am very happy for your arrival. Jihad needs more Volunteers who are willing to devote themselves to join, and you are willing to use the strength given by Allah to fight for Allah, there is no more legitimate thing in the world. Allah is above, may He bless all Ghazis who fight for their faith...

The polite greetings and commercial exchanges continued for several rounds, and the two parties soon reached an agreement - to jointly devote all their efforts to eliminate the Portuguese presence in India and prevent it from interfering with normal trade and disrupting normal shipping.


In Gujarat, look for Shuyuan Diu Port. Since the Mamluk fleet arrived in India last year and anchored here, Governor Ayaz of Diu has welcomed their arrival. He has heard about the rampant Portuguese for a long time. Their destruction of shipping has affected the trade between Gujarat and Egypt. —The bazaars of Cairo and Iskandaria complained of the rising price of cotton, while the merchants of Diu complained that cotton and cotton cloth could not be transported safely to the other side of the sea.

Ayaz is very aware of the dissatisfaction of merchants. Taxation from exported cotton is an important income for him. The inability of merchants to export cotton is also a dilemma for him as a governor.

The successive intervention of the Safavids and the Mamluks made him realize that there was a lot of certainty in the jihad against Portugal. Hussein was treated very hospitably, and Ayaz also took the initiative to introduce Diu's water power to him at the port - Four Ten First ships without any firearms but in good condition and fully manned.

Hussein, who was short of manpower, did not dislike these small galleys and Indian sailors. He directly asked Ayaz for the two sides to fight together in the name of jihad. He could only agree because he could not find a reason to refuse.

At the same time, Hussein also joined Hussein's command in a dhow full of more than 300 people. It was a staunchly anti-Portuguese wealthy businessman from Calicut who armed and personally led it to Diu at his own expense to respond to the jihad called by the Mamluks.

The Ajams, who should not be underestimated, have joined the jihad, and the death of the Frank pirates is one day closer. The correspondence with Ahsan greatly increased Hussein's confidence, and also added that Iran has already contacted the guardians of the Holy Land. The message of alliance spread widely, attracting more Muslim merchants to provide support for the Mamluk fleet.

Hussein, who had gained a lot of support, immediately planned to take action. With spies and Muslim businessmen providing intelligence, he might soon be able to seize the opportunity to attack the Portuguese...

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