The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 43 Field battle or siege

In the turquoise mine outside Mashhad, Ibrahim, who came to inspect his new property, unexpectedly received an urgent report from the scouts. The scout who had gone through so much trouble to find the King of Kings did not dare to complain at all. He quickly knelt down and saluted, and then talked about what he saw.

After two weeks of trekking, Hussin Baihara's army arrived south of Mashhad this morning and set up camp on a flat ground that the cavalry could reach in less than a day.

This... After hearing the news, Ibrahim was in no mood to do anything else. He immediately rode back to the castle and summoned the generals to discuss how to deal with the enemy.

In the hall, Ibrahim and the Khans remained silent while looking at the map of Mashhad hanging on the wall. They had just sent several small teams of scouts to the south to inquire about the military situation.

The door was opened, and the person who appeared in front of everyone was not the scout, but the quartermaster. He had just finished counting the inventory of the baggage train.

Since taking control of Mashhad's treasury, the military reserves of the baggage corps have become abundant again. In addition, all metal processing craftsmen in the city who are capable of manufacturing and maintaining armor and weapons have been forcibly recruited into the baggage corps to serve the red heads. There is no problem with their equipment and they can fully cope with the coming battle.

After reporting on the logistics status of the army, the quartermaster returned to his position and prepared to participate in the next operational meeting.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, the scouts finally returned and reported the enemy troops they had detected to the nobles present.

Judging from the number of military flags and the size of the camp, Hussin Baihara led a slightly larger army than Ibrahim, including both infantry and cavalry.

Moreover, Hussin Baihara had a strong sense of prevention and deployed a large number of cavalry patrols outside the camp to drive away the scouts sent by Ibrahim. It was difficult for the scouts to obtain more valuable intelligence, and it took a lot of effort to get rid of the pursuit of the Guregani cavalry.

Before being forced to leave, they also observed the situation outside the camp - although the Guregani army had been here less than a day, fences had already been erected around the camp.

Hearing this, Ibrahim was also upset.

The senior officers present all knew that Hussin Baihara came here just to regain the city of Mashhad. If he wanted to be safer, Ibrahim could have withdrawn his army into the city wall and waited for him to lead his army and crash into the city wall to death.

But this would mean giving up the vast area outside the city, and it would not be easy for the countryside that had been ravaged by military disasters many times to recover. At the same time, this also cedes the initiative to Hussin Baihara and exposes the shortcomings of the red heads to the enemy. There are only a few cities with complete outer walls in the whole of Iran. Ibrahim’s father, ancestors and tribesmen It is strange that the Khan Kings can train red heads who are good at attacking and defending cities.

Moreover, the attitude of the residents in the city was unclear. They were forced to bow their heads under the sword of the red head. Ibrahim could only see their forced bowed heads, but he could not see the expressions on their faces or the true thoughts in their hearts. .

Hussin Baihara's martial arts was not comparable to Timur's, but his rule also brought rare peace and stability to the people of this land. A safe business environment and a prosperous culture are evidence of this. In this way, it would be difficult for Ibrahim to win over the people by overthrowing the tyranny.

Just as Ibrahim was about to speak, an emir came out and asked to speak and make suggestions. Although he was a little unhappy, he still allowed the officer to speak.

Your Majesty, it's better to go out to fight in the city and defeat Hussin Baihara directly while he still has a weak foothold!

Then Romru Khan and Talish Khan followed up and expressed their agreement: Although Hussin Baihara has been in Herat for many years, his military management ability is not as good as that of his ancestor Timur. In addition, Taiping For a long time, his army fought with our army on the plains outside the city. Even if he has a numerical advantage, and our army is good at field fighting, who can say the outcome?

With the two Khans taking the lead, senior military officers continued to encourage Ibrahim to go out to fight in the city.

Ibrahim had intended this, and the defeat of Hussin Baihara could be used as a stepping stone for him to consolidate his rule in Khorasan and even all of Iran.

Okay, then gather your troops and horses, and we will hunt with him in this valley tomorrow.



About seventy kilometers south of Mashhad, outside a small settlement called Fariman is the camp of the Guregani Army.

In the large tent in the center of the camp, dozens of officers gathered together with Hussin Baihara as the center to discuss the next battle plan.

The red heads were able to capture the city of Mashhad within two weeks, which surprised everyone. A large city with complete fortifications was breached in this way, and Hussin Baihara did not know what to say.

Their original idea was to form a flanking situation with the defenders in Mashhad City against the red-headed troops besieging the city. Hussin Baihara even imagined that they did not need to fight, as long as they could use this disadvantage to force the invaders back.

Back then, Busayin fought against Uzun Hassan and tried to regain the lost territory, but was finally defeated by the Turkmen cavalry. Find Shuyuan www.zhaoshuyuan. com died in the prison of Aries Dynasty. But he only possesses Herat and does not have the ability to unite all the ancestral foundations. His strength is not as good as Busain.

In addition, he is almost sixty and suffers from paralysis that makes mobility difficult. All his ambitions have been worn away by time and illness. Not to mention regaining the inheritance of our ancestors, as long as we can hold on to what we fought for when we were young.

Most of the officers below did not want to fight a tough battle. As soon as they learned that Mashhad had fallen, they shouted that they would hold Abul Hassan accountable. Even if someone mentioned that he had been ordered to bring local troops to reinforce elsewhere, it was still strange. Why didn't he leave elite soldiers to defend the city?

In the end, it was the emir who calmed down their criticism. After all, it was he who gave the order, and Mirza was still his biological son.

In the end, everyone faced reality and sat together to discuss how to regain Mashhad.

First, Badi Zaman, who went out to investigate Mashhad, reported to his father: Your Majesty, not long ago, I personally led my personal guards to investigate the city defense. The enemy was very vigilant. Everywhere on the city walls and towers was covered with dust. There are people, there are groups of archers at regular intervals, and there is also a small group of guards patrolling between the two towers. However, when I observed the wall, I found that one section was very different from the other sections. I also found it in a suspected siege camp. We reached the tunnel entrance, but it was blocked.

The military engineer present keenly grasped the last sentence: In other words, one section of the city wall was repaired in a hurry, and by destroying the foundation.

This section of the temporarily repaired city wall is not strong and the foundation is unstable. Key areas can be selected for breakthrough.

Then everyone continued to discuss along this plan and continuously improved the siege plan.

But the first thing they have to do is to move the camp north. There is no siege camp that can be dozens of kilometers away from the target.

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