The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 42 Battle outside Astarabad

A few days after the exploratory army attack, both of them were nervous, but except for the scouts who monitored the enemy's movements on a daily basis, no red head approached the camp.

The Guregani army wasted no time, and Abul Hassan's troops packed their luggage and followed them with the battalion personnel restricted in order to ensure the marching speed.

All the carts were left to Mohammad Mussin. He could not persuade Abul Hassan who insisted on leaving, so he took the opportunity to ask him to leave part of the baggage that could be used to strengthen the camp when he left.

He did not intend to leave Astarabad. The battle a few days ago gave him a general understanding of the situation of the enemy in front of him. After some thinking, he judged that he was capable of defeating this enemy.

As long as they can severely damage the enemy in a field battle, the Guregani army can calmly besiege the castle without worrying about other situations.

Abul Hassan's departure gave him the opportunity to show his weakness to the enemy and lure the red head out of the city to fight again, and then all the results would be his own.

Muhammad Musin, who was caught in his imagination, walked out of the big tent, observed the terrain of the camp, and thought about how to use fences, trenches and tents to restrict the movement of the cavalry, and then use infantry to harvest the lives of these riders.

Dear Mirza! Your Highness.

He turned around and saw an officer covered in blood and injuries walking into the tent with the help of guards.

Mirza recognized this officer - he was a close companion he sent out to harass - and frowned: What's going on?

Muhammad Musin wanted to lure the enemy deeper, so he naturally could not sit still and wait for death. He organized his own cavalry to disperse to the areas around Astarabad to plunder and loot baggage, also in order to undermine the morale and rule of the Safavid army.

But this is a difficult situation. The large number of tribal people who have moved here are natural militiamen. These young people accepted Gao Labeli's temporary mobilization and were ready with weapons to defend their property.

The stubborn resistance of the tribe's young men caused the Guleggani cavalry, which was dispersed into small groups, to suffer. After Gaolaberi learned the news that the enemy's small force was burning the village, he sent the castle garrison to form a hunting force and join the militia to encircle and suppress the villagers. rider.

Even so, the Guregani cavalry still achieved some results. They disrupted the normal production in the surrounding countryside, and the livestock and people plundered before the castle garrison could react were a considerable loss. It can be considered that the set goal has been basically achieved.

After understanding the details of the raids over the past few days, he patted the officers on the shoulders: I will not forget the sacrifices you have made. You go back to recover first.

After speaking, he also ordered the quartermaster to distribute rewards to the companions. In order to ensure the loyalty of these soldiers, the military leaders can give everything they have.

When he planned to make a big one, these losses became less painful.


Abul Hassan did not waste any time. He even arrived a few hours ahead of the scheduled time. The troops from Mashhad left the camp under the cover of night and hurried back home.

The sound of the marching troops and the light of the torches attracted the red-headed scouts originally deployed around the camp like incandescent lamps attracting moths.

They kept trying to find out the size of this army, but the Guregani cavalry scattered around the team was obviously not something that the scouts could ignore and defeat.

The scouts who returned in anger returned to the castle without even observing the strange things in the camp, reporting to the Sultan the status of the enemy's withdrawal.

They all mentioned that the marching team was large and well-protected, but when Gaolaberi wanted to ask for more specific information, the scouts could only use vague terms to cover up their disadvantages.

When he asked about the situation in the enemy camp, the scouts could only respond with more vague and inconsistent information.

Haha, you are a loser who doesn't know anything about anything! Gaolaberi angrily scolded the scouts, and then ordered: You guys, go break into the enemy camp before it's fully dark.

The scouts had no choice but to go to the enemy camp.

Military flag, where is the flag?

They were surprised to find that there were only a few sparse flags in the camp and countless empty tents scattered on the vast flat ground. Only the camp personnel could prove that there were still people living here.

The scouts soon returned to the castle, and the absence of anyone in the camp made Gaolaberi suspicious.

But why stick to this suspicious camp? The cavalry could completely bypass it and head straight for the enemy's march. No matter what trap the enemy set in the camp, it had nothing to do with him.

Herald, order all ministries to assemble and follow me to pursue the fleeing enemy!


Muhammad Mohsin, who heard the sound of horse hooves, walked out of the tent and was stunned by the sight in front of him. He never imagined that the red heads would directly bypass him and attack Abul Hassan's team.

He looked at the red head who was gradually going away, and he didn't know what to do.

Following his line of sight, the red heads caught up with Abul Hassan's tribe when the sun was high in the sky. The sudden attack quickly defeated the Guregani cavalry and broke through the outermost defense line.

The infantry and Mirza's personal soldiers inside were tightly grouped. The red heads surrounded them and continuously attacked them with arrows shot from all directions and repeated attacks.

The outermost Guregani infantry held shields to protect their comrades behind them. They were also the fastest to die. When the military formation is shot through a gap by the red heads, it is a fighter plane that attacks and disintegrates the military formation.

Abul Hassan and his personal soldiers tried their best to maintain order, and more and more troops escaped from his control. Fortunately, the previously defeated cavalry regrouped in the distance and returned to the rescue site in time.

Seeing this situation, Gaolaberi was planning to leave the field in person with his own soldiers, but the messenger came over to report the emergency: General, look for Shuyuan The enemies in the camp have made some changes, and the brothers who are currently under surveillance are left behind. We are at war with the enemy.

The attack was unfavorable and the rear was on fire. The combination of the two unfavorable conditions made him consider whether to retreat. After thinking about it again and again, he decided to bite the bullet and eat the enemy in person before going to take care of the remaining enemies in the camp.

Go back and tell them to hold on. I will be back in a while. He said while checking the condition of his armor. The war situation has developed to this point. Giving up is no longer an option. Huda protects us. Victory belongs to us.

After saying that, he appeared on the front line with his own soldiers. The reassembled Guregani cavalry was defeated again, and Abul Hassan once again fell into a situation of being isolated, helpless and passively beaten.

The soldiers held shields to block arrows from all directions for their masters. Even so, many people still fell, and fewer and fewer infantrymen could hold on on the outside.

Under the urging of Golaberry, the red-headed offensive regardless of casualties finally overwhelmed the team. Both the soldiers and the entourage abandoned the cart and the beasts of burden and dispersed. Abul Hassan was shot off his horse by an arrow. Later, he was trampled to death by iron hooves.

After dealing with this situation, he would take his personal soldiers to settle matters with Muhammad Musin in the camp.


After a hard fight, Muhammad Musin still killed more than a hundred red heads monitoring the camp. Without further ado, he must quickly lead his troops to rescue Abul Hassan and give those Turkmens who rashly attack, a double-sided attack.

Just as he was beautifully deducing the next battle situation, the scout reported to him: Your Highness, the enemy is attacking in our direction.

He never imagined that Abul Hassan wouldn't be able to hold out for even half a day, so he could only curse and order the troops from the front to the rear to return to the camp and hold on.

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