The Sun and the Lion

Chapter 44 The Battle of Sambast

As the sun rose on a new day, the rest time of Gulegheni soldiers was over. Under the supervision of their officers, they began to help pack their luggage and prepare to move the camp north.

When the entire camp was operating in an orderly manner, a hurried scout rushed in and ran towards the big tent. The out-of-place scout attracted everyone's attention, and soldiers and officers were speculating about what new military information had emerged.

Your Majesty, the enemy troops have left the city and are heading towards our camp! The scout who entered the tent hurriedly stated the emergency situation when he saw the emir, without even having time to salute.

Where are they? Hussin Baihara asked.

There is a village called Sambaste to the north, not far from the camp. It doesn't even take half a day to ride a horse. It sets off during morning prayers. When you get there, you have to wait for a while before you can pray at noon. The scout tried his best. .

This emergency situation caused Hussin Baihara to hurriedly stop the current work of the troops and summoned senior military officers to discuss the next countermeasures.

Mirza, Bey, and Burke each had different opinions. A group of senior officers headed by Badi Zaman believed that they should take the initiative to give Ibrahim, who did not know the heights of the world, an unforgettable memory. Only a few people believed that the enemy should remain motionless and insisted on holding on to the camp, waiting for Ibrahim to bump into him with his red head.

No rider will speed up and rush forward after seeing the horse being rejected, no. The emir mobilized the army here just to regain Mashhad. If we sit here and wait, our army will waste money and food, and the situation in the river will be the same Things are changing rapidly. It is better to take this opportunity to eliminate the enemy without the protection of the city wall and end this war as soon as possible.

At the same time, Badi Zaman also emphasized that his side has a numerical advantage and sufficient supplies, and there will not be a situation like when Busain's army collapsed due to insufficient supplies and lost ground and was eventually captured.

In the end, this persuasive plan impressed Hussin Baihara. He immediately agreed and asked the officers to go back and prepare their troops to attack in an hour.


The terrain between Mashhad and Fariman is neither rugged nor very flat. The red heads found a small flat area outside the village to camp and rest, waiting for Ibrahim's order. The King of Kings himself inspected the military camp accompanied by senior officers under the scorching sun.

Fortunately, everyone was used to the plateau climate. The red heads were doing their own thing as usual. When they saw Ibrahim coming, they stepped forward to pay tribute, and then returned to their posts to continue working.

He planned to stay with the troops until the afternoon. If the scouts reported after noon prayer that the enemy was still in Fariman's camp, he would break camp and continue southward.

When Badi Zaman came with his soldiers to survey the city wall, he had his last communication with Ibrahim. Ibrahim hoped that he could persuade Hussin Baihara to fight with him in the meeting. . He formally promised to allow him to continue to occupy Afghanistan with Herat as the center after the completion of the matter, but he must convert and regard him as the suzerain. Badi Zaman agreed.

While waiting, Ibrahim drank several glasses of wine and felt a little drunk before asking the guard to change it to sherbet. Senior military officers also accompanied the King of Kings to pass the time with drinks and desserts.

The intrusion of the scout interrupted Ibrahim, who was rehearsing the battle situation in his mind: Your Majesty, the enemy is coming. They have arrived at the village only a few kilometers away from the camp.

Quickly inform the entire army of this news. Get out of camp and assemble.

Ibrahim stood up from the carpet, put on his armor, and when he walked out of the tent, he looked up and saw that it was noon.

With trumpets and drums blaring and flags waving, the 35,000 horsemen brought out by Ibrahim were all ready within half an hour and walked out of the camp to form an array.

The King of Kings rode his horse to the front of the military formation and said loudly to the red heads: My believers, Huda's warriors, today is a test for us, a test of our faith. The distance between Huda's enemies is We are not far away, and they still dare to come. Today is destined to be a bloody day. After the sun sets, we will only be standing on the battlefield, cutting off the enemy's heads, and then dragging our arms sore from overuse back. Camp! Now is the noon prayer. Pray to Huda, and Huda will answer us. Today, we are all Holy Warriors Ali!

After saying that, Ibrahim got off his horse, knelt on his blanket, faced the direction of Mecca and led the whole army to finish the prayer.

On the slope not far away, a black line is looming. The flag in it is Timur's three red circles in an inverted triangle shape on a black background. This flag is known to everyone in Inner Asia. , but it is no longer the cripple himself who leads the troops under this flag.

They're coming!

Under the urging of bugles and drums, the red heads quickly prepared for battle, and Ibrahim returned to the rear of the military formation to join his own bodyguards.

According to the plan and practice, Ibrahim divided the army into four parts. The left and right wings each had 10,000 cavalry, commanded by Romru Khan and Talish Khan respectively. The remaining 15,000 cavalry were divided into the center. Army and rearguard, the center was controlled by Ibrahim himself, and the rearguard consisted of bowmen and Georgians, standing by under the command of Hashayar.

Facing the red head who was waiting for him, Hussin Baihara first looked at Badi Zaman dissatisfied. He did not intend to back down, but ordered his troops to form a fighting formation.

Guregani's army was also divided into four parts: the center army, the two wings, and the rear guard. Officers and soldiers stayed at their posts in an orderly manner and in accordance with orders.

The two sides began to confront each other.

Ibrahim ordered the left wing to attack, and the red heads galloped forward, quickly approaching to less than a hundred meters away from the enemy. Then they used their strong arms to draw out the arrows, tighten the bow strings, and release their fingers after taking a slight aim. The rounded bow arms made a sound when they rebounded, and the power accumulated in the bow arms was quickly transferred to the arrows, and then It cut through the air like lightning and flew towards the Guligani soldiers.

Most of the Guregani cavalry deployed on the right wing came from Afghan tribes. Most of them did not have the financial resources to buy strong armor. When a round of arrows came down, many cavalrymen were shot and turned upside down. These cavalrymen quickly took out their bows and arrows and stepped forward to meet the enemy. The red-headed cavalry quickly formed a circular cavalry formation to ensure continuous firepower and reduce casualties. At the same time, they slowly retreated under the command of Talish Khan, attracting Gullie. The Gany cavalry advanced.

The arrows fired by the two sides came back and forth, causing each other to suffer casualties. However, the red heads were better equipped. The protection brought by good armor reduced the impact of the arrows, allowing them to survive the high-intensity shooting. Morale, maintaining formation.

The two bags of arrows of the horse archers were quickly exhausted, and their physical strength was also consumed a lot. Under the organization of the officers, they retreated in an orderly manner. Seeing that the enemy had stopped attacking, the Gulegheni cavalry thought they could take a breath and regroup from the defeat just now. But Talish Khan soon shattered their illusions.

The Guregani cavalry, who were at a disadvantage in the exchange of fire, suffered heavy casualties, resulting in a dilapidated military formation and unstable morale. At the same time, the cavalry had lost touch with the main force in order to pursue the retreating red heads, and Talish Khan was waiting for this opportunity.

The horn commanding the cavalry to charge sounded. The red heads who had been preparing for a long time behind the cavalry array held lances and rode their horses towards the enemy at the fastest speed. Within a few seconds, many of the red heads who rushed into the army were killed. Gulegheni's cavalry was knocked off their horses, and the military formation on the right was in danger and on the verge of disintegration.

Hussin Baihara, who was in charge of the central army, realized something was wrong and immediately dispatched the Chinese cavalry to support the right wing. These cavalrymen attacked the red head from the side, forcing the red head to go on the defensive. This prevented the right wing from completely collapsing.

At the other end of the battlefield, Talish Khan's herald hurried to the central army and briefly reported the battle situation to Ibrahim.

Pass my order to attack on the right wing and contain the enemy. I will personally lead the Chinese army to reinforce the left wing and cut off an arm of the enemy.

Romuru Khan, who received the mission, quickly led the cavalry on the right to attack. The red heads exchanged fire with the Guregani cavalry on the left, but Romuru Khan did not waste time on shooting, but ordered All the cavalry were in close contact with the enemy.

The Guregani cavalry deployed on the left wing was in slightly better condition. In addition to the cavalry recruited from various tribes, there were also soldiers brought out by the Mirzas. These hard-wearing and sharp cavalry could compete with the red-headed soldiers in close combat. fighting opponent.

The ill-timed lance was discarded after stabbing the enemy's body. The bones and scimitars combined with the fast horses continued to harvest the lives of the soldiers, and many war horses did not survive. However, many of the red heads who had been thrown off their horses stood up again, picked up their lances and stabbed the Guligani cavalry galloping on their horses, or the Guligani cavalry was stabbed under the horse. , or the red head will be trampled by horse hooves. It's like challenging solo mount-and-blade players, but the price they pay is not time and repeated operations, but lives.

Then the red heads who were fighting on foot spontaneously gathered together, used lances to resist the horses, and then used bows and arrows to kill the enemy cavalry. When they saw a group of hedgehogs, the Guregani cavalry also consciously avoided them.

Seeing that his side was at a disadvantage, Badi Zaman, who participated in the left-wing battle, believed that the time had come to defect. He shouted to the surrounding riders: Now our army has lost the protection of Huda, and as punishment for being at a disadvantage, we will soon Accept the fate of defeat. Ibrahim of Safavid is the one chosen by God. There is no way we can defeat him. In this case, for the sake of our own destiny, why not choose to join?

After saying that, he led his own soldiers and began to attack his comrades a minute ago, exacerbating the chaos on the left wing.

Your Majesty, Mirza rebelled. He openly demanded the surrender of our army on the left wing and attacked any of our troops wantonly.

Hussin Baihara turned his head, the shock and anger on his face overflowed, splashing onto the herald who came to report, making him tremble.

Which Mirza? Badi Zaman or who?

It is your eldest son.

Hussin Baihara shook his head angrily. He did not expect that his eldest son, who had reconciled with him, would actually have connections with foreign countries, rebel again, and do such despicable and disgusting things. He suddenly felt dizzy, but he still held on. Down, reinforcements were drawn from the rearguard.

Badi Zaman's rebellion did not go well. The Gulegheni cavalry had no intention of surrender. Most of them were defeated and temporarily left the battlefield instead of surrendering or even defecting. When Hussin Baihara visited various battalions before, he also specially publicized the numerous atrocities committed by the red heads against prisoners of war to the officers and soldiers to strengthen their will to fight.

Moreover, he did not have battlefield communication means to communicate with Ibrahim. The red heads did not know that he had switched sides, but they just attacked anyone without a red hat indiscriminately in the melee. His personal guards even suffered from being attacked by the red heads. And more than half were lost.

In the end, his mount was killed by the red-headed infantry warrior. The soldiers stepped forward to protect him and died in the fierce battle. Buddy Zaman was also dragged into the formation and hacked to death with random swords.

However, Hussin Baihara had no way of knowing the good news for the time being, and his attention was now focused on the Chinese army.

The two wings that received reinforcements fought a stalemate with the red heads. Ibrahim did not intend to compete with Hussin Baihara for blood bars. Under his order, the red heads got rid of the meat grinding between them and the Gulegheni cavalry. Return to starting position. The crippled Guleggani cavalry did not dare and were unable to pursue.

Along with the rhythm of the military drums, all the cavalry were divided into two columns according to the order, forming two huge wedge formations to attack the two wings of the Guregani Army. The bow holders and Georgian cavalry who originally served as rearguards now served as spearheads. , they formed the tip of the large wedge-shaped formation and were responsible for tearing apart the formation of the Guregani army.

These two huge wedge-shaped formations slowly increased their speed and approached the two wings of the Quleghani army. Hussin Baihara noticed the movements of the Safavid army. He was shocked by Ibrahim's boldness and arrogance. In order to make up for the losses, he reinforced all the cavalry from the rear guard and center to the two wings, leaving only the infantry and janitors standing under the banner.

Facing the menacing Safavid army, the Guregani cavalry once again mustered up their courage and stepped forward to meet the enemy. Before engaging the enemy, the red heads fired a wave of arrows, hoping to injure a few Guregani cavalry and disrupt their military formation.

The Guregani cavalry on both wings were overwhelmed, and their array completely disintegrated in the confrontation. The Pashtuns, Moguls and Turkmen fled in all directions and left the battlefield. Only a few chose to escape back to the emir's flag. under.

Hussin Baihara's two wings were cut off, and Ibrahim naturally focused on the central army of Quleghgani. The infantry of the Chinese army used crossbows to provide support to the friendly forces during the battle between the cavalry of both sides. Find Shuyuan www. caused a lot of trouble for the red heads.

The central army, which was almost entirely composed of infantry, looked pitifully fragile. Surrounding the outside were infantry armed with large shields and short spears, but their number and depth were not enough to withstand the full impact of the red heads. Although the Chinese army was deployed on a high ground.

Just when everyone thought that the military formation would be broken through without any doubt, many red heads were thrown off their horses when they were still some distance away from the infantry. The cavalrymen who were injured by the caltrops seriously hindered the comrades who were still charging. For a moment, the Safavid army's military formation fell into chaos. The impact that was originally strong and powerful enough to crush everything was like being stabbed. The air inside the balloon is normal.

Taking advantage of the enemy cavalry falling into chaos as planned, the infantry did not stand still, but rushed forward quickly, attacking the red heads with short spears and scimitars, while the archers hiding in the rear also used all their strength to fight as hard as possible. Fire arrows from multiple places to kill red heads.

There was no retreat. At Ibrahim's insistence, the Safavid army persisted in attacking and faced off against the Guregani infantry in the sudden headwind. The bow-wielders with good equipment and quality took on the task. At the core of the attack, the red heads simply dismounted and fought on foot, holding a shield in one hand and a scimitar or a bone in the other to attack fiercely, killing the Guregani infantrymen and retreating steadily.

But behind these infantrymen was a defense line composed of horses, fences and carts. Hussin Baihara used all his hands to strengthen this defense line, and the red heads could not break through in a short time.

The remaining Guregani army relied on this line of defense to hold on until the fleeing Gureganni cavalry regrouped and returned to the battlefield. After fighting for a long time, the soldiers were exhausted, so Ibrahim had to order the red heads to take back the bodies of their comrades and retreat, waiting to fight again tomorrow. Hussin Baihara breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the enemy retreating, and he and the nobles rejoiced that they had survived the disaster.

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