The Strongest Soldier in the City

Chapter 7188: very simple

The opposite of Chen Liuhe, the old man in the semi-god realm is murderous: "We will forever strangle you before the cradle of complete formation!"

" old fools don't have much ability."

Chen Liuhe laughed, his laughter was eerie and gave people a creepy feeling.

Immediately afterwards, Chen Liuhe said jokingly: "How can you be sure that I have not understood the power of the field?"

"Is this the kind of power you are talking about?" As Chen Liuhe's words fell, a **** light burst into the sky, filling the entire night in an instant, making the area change. Got scarlet.

An aura full of killing, violence, and incomparable weirdness ravaged the entire space.

Let this area become like a Shura field.

"The power of the domain?!" In an instant, everyone exclaimed, so horrified that their livers and gallbladders split apart!

Of course, in addition to Anbei Xieying and Xinghai, there was also the man in black robe who had long learned about Chen Liuhe's power from Shengguang.

"How is it possible? I'm sure you haven't entered the demigod realm, and you don't have the qi of a demigod, but how can you comprehend the power of the realm?" An old man in the demigod realm was trembling in his voice, and he was instantly soaked in cold sweat. The robe on his body got wet.

"It's useless, it doesn't mean it's not there. I just want to try to see if I can kill you without releasing the domain."

Chen Liuhe's voice was soft and hoarse, as if it contained a kind of magic power, just like coming from Jiuyou: "Now it seems that it is still a little bit behind."

"Of course, this is under the condition that I don't want to injure the enemy by a thousand and myself by losing eight hundred..." Chen Liuhe was like a demon god, standing proudly under the blood, his aura rising crazily, and his murderous intent also rising. It's geometrically intense, like there's no upper limit.

The arrogance of Chen Liuhe's words was simply boundless, but at this moment, no one would ridicule Chen Liuhe for his arrogance.

Because the battle just now is enough to prove everything. Chen Liuhe has this arrogant capital, and his strength is shocking to the world!

Without using the domain, the ability to compete with two extremely strong men in the demigod realm cannot be said to have the upper hand, but at least they have stabilized the situation and have contact with the two powerful men.

This fighting power and courage alone would shock the whole world if word spread!

"Now, the game is about to end..." Chen Liuhe in the field is like a god. He stands proudly, with a violent and murderous aura that stirs the world and twists it. Countless small sword lights dance and wreak havoc in the field. , as if to cut this space into pieces.

Chen Liuhe's domain is unique, full of weirdness and cruelty, like a Shura field coming to the world.

"End? I admit that you are very strong, but don't get too complacent too early. No matter how strong you are, you can't be invincible in the world." One of the demigods roared, as if he was venting his anger before a death threat.

He was using this method to embolden himself, in an attempt to dispel the fear and panic in his heart.

Chen Liuhe just shook his head contemptuously. He raised his arms slightly, and the sword light in the sky suddenly became more active and crazy.

"Kill!" A word was spoken softly, the sound was not loud, but it felt like the door to **** was opening, and the murderous intent filled the sky, covering the entire world in an instant.

This battle was already destined to end the moment Chen Liuhe released his domain!

His strength will only be more terrifying than imagined!

Under Chen Liuhe's brutal and tyrannical offensive, although the two demigod-level experts showed their desperate abilities, they still couldn't last long in Chen Liuhe's strange realm!

In less than five minutes of normal fighting, the two demi-god realm experts were reduced to rubble by Chen Liuhe.

Killing two strong men in the demigod realm was as easy as slaughtering a dog, and it did not put a big burden on Chen Liuhe. The trace of blood hanging from the corner of his mouth seemed dazzling, but in fact it was only an insignificant minor injury!

On the rooftop, although there was a strong wind howling, one could clearly feel a deathly silence.

Ampei Xieying and Xinghai were shocked, unable to recover from the shocking and domineering battle just now!

Chen Liuhe was stronger than they imagined. Their recognition was refreshed time and time again by this hateful guy Chen Liuhe.

This guy seems to have been hiding his true strength, even if he reveals it again and again, it makes people feel that that is all his strength.

But in the end, they will be horrified to find that what they thought last time was already the last time...

The man in black robe and the last strong man in the semi-god realm of the ancient Shengu family also stopped fighting. They were also in shock with fear and fear.

With his own strength, he could easily kill two strong men in the demigod realm. This was so heart-breaking and chilling to the bone!

What kind of combat power value is this? Even people at the top level of the pyramid like them can't understand it, and they can't use words to describe the shock in their hearts.

"You..." The powerful demigod from the ancient Shengu family was so frightened that he couldn't even utter a complete sentence.

Before coming, they thought that their attention to Chen Liuhe had reached its peak. To be on the safe side, they dispatched three strong men in the demigod realm and one who was about to enter the demigod realm.

This kind of lineup, placed anywhere in the world, is almost impossible to make any mistakes!

They thought that they had taken all the variables into account, so when a powerful demigod from the Lucifer family appeared out of the sky, they did not panic, everything was under control!

However, the reality gave them a slap in the face that was so strong that it made them feel extremely stupid.

Tonight's experience was simply scarier than the scariest horror movie in the world.

"What are you? It's just two of your companions who died. Are you that scared? After all, you are a strong man, but your mental quality is so poor?" Chen Liuhe licked the blood at the corner of his mouth and said with a smile on his face.

"Chen Liuhe, how did you do it? This is an ability that only true gods have..." The voice of the old man in the semi-god realm was trembling, and his old face was as pale as snow.

"Um..." Chen Liuhe said calmly: "Does your so-called true **** only have this little ability? That would be disappointing."

"Chen Liuhe, you villain, you are the biggest liar in the world." The old man in the demigod realm hurriedly backed away, trying to put as much distance between himself and Chen Liuhe. In his eyes, Chen Liuhe was like a devil.

"Is it important? It's not important anymore." He said.

Chen Liuhe glanced at the black-robed man from the Lucifer family and spoke slowly...

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